Growing up every year in our neighborhood some family had a litter of puppies to give away. Neutering is very much still a new universal policy, and one that is probably only common in parts of the country
It's strange how differently we react to things like that, dogs fucking for instance—something that used to happen more frequently before leash laws and widespread neutering. As a grandfather who spends a lot of time with his twin grandkids, I'm a little more careful about what I say or how I react because I don't want to trespass on their parents' prerogatives.
@sugarlessroark I remember seeing dogs fucking as a child. Also, our dog licking his dick and poking out of his sheath. Personally I was fascinated. Different strokes
@Tobias That red thing that came out of his dick! It looked like it hurt. Hanging out with a lesbian friend who I knew had a rollicking sex life, I was surprised when she corrected her dog who was licking herself. Different strokes, I guess.
I saw oral being performed by primates before. Bonobos I believe. It was hilarious because a nearby mother nervously began hurrying her children from the area seemingly petrified, for some reason, that her children might understand the pleasures of oral stimulation. Just the sight of her reactionary coddling it gave me an uncomfortable vibe.
Growing up every year in our neighborhood some family had a litter of puppies to give away. Neutering is very much still a new universal policy, and one that is probably only common in parts of the country
It's strange how differently we react to things like that, dogs fucking for instance—something that used to happen more frequently before leash laws and widespread neutering. As a grandfather who spends a lot of time with his twin grandkids, I'm a little more careful about what I say or how I react because I don't want to trespass on their parents' prerogatives.
I saw oral being performed by primates before. Bonobos I believe. It was hilarious because a nearby mother nervously began hurrying her children from the area seemingly petrified, for some reason, that her children might understand the pleasures of oral stimulation. Just the sight of her reactionary coddling it gave me an uncomfortable vibe.
Hilarious! Seems like something out of an R-Rated comedy, like Hangover or American Pie.
How old were those kids? I feel naïve, I didn’t think they’d get what was happening as quick as they did.