As a follow up to the Professor's port here are a few quick links explaining what's a stake. Make no mistake they are very much pushing for an autocratic theocracy. It can happen herewww.thenation.comThe Theocratic Blueprint for Trump’s Next TermHow the Christian nationalist vanguard would pursue unprecedented power over all branches of government.www.rollingstone.comMichael Flynn and the Christian Right's Plan to Turn America Into a TheocracyThe far right is ready for a Christian theocracy. As Alex Jones put it, “We’re gonna win in the end because…God WINS!”www.npr.orgA Political Warning Shot: 'American Theocracy'Nixon adviser Kevin Phillips' book The Emerging Republican Majority was hailed as a visionary work of political analysis. But in American Theocracy, he argues that the Republican Party — and the country — is headed for disaster.