Beginning on the mother-daughter trip to Miami, Misty began working on using her friends, family, and parent’s friends as models for her expanding glamour and erotica portfolio. In that there is nowhere in the text of the novel to share with my readers her work and the context in which she shot the photos, I thought I’d make this side story to let you see her work.
Rather than a narrative, I will present Misty’s photos and then a short description of the circumstances and will group the photos based on affiliation, for instance, the first set will be of the original ten Euro Club girls.
This post will be of Misty’s friends, and a second post (when I get it done) will be of her family, her parents' friends, and erotica.
Euro Club, (first generation)
Caitlin: Caitlin's photo was shot on the road that ran in front of Misty's house. Misty wanted the photo to show Caitlin’s strength of knowing who she was without apology. Growing up as the daughter of an unapologetic sex worker coupled with her “second family” who treated nudity and sex as normal; Caitlin declared herself a nudist at seventeen and never looked back.
Connie: Misty did Connie's nude shoot right at her family’s farmhouse. The location is special to Misty since she had so many wonderful memories at the Broderick farm growing up.
Out of the frame, Connie's mother and sister watched the whole time. Though Lauren begged for Misty to shoot her nude too, her pleas did no good... though Misty did relent some, and with Mrs. Broderick’s permission she shot Lauren with her sister, though none of Laurens’ “bits” were visible.
Haley: Haley's glamour picture was done at her family’s horse farm the same day Misty shot her mother and sister as well. As my readers may recall, this photo shoot was described in Chapter 53.
Hope: Misty decided to do Hope's photo right in her home’s game room. To be cheeky she posed her friend right in front of the family portrait.
Iris: Misty wanted Iris’s photo to reflect on her complete comfort with her own body. So, on a pretty early spring day, she posed Iris in the backyard. Sure, she got a little cold, but art sometimes has a price.
Jeanette: This photoshoot was one of the very first Misty did with her new home studio in Chapter 54. Jeanette proved to be very patient as Misty learned how to use her new lights.
JoAnne: JoAnne was the very first of her friends to pose nude for her back at the end of the summer. Misty decided she wanted to do something different for her third nude photoshoot with JoAnne, so she decided to use the decorations from her parent's Arabian Nights party with her home studio. She then asked Kurt (her boyfriend) and John Paul (Hope’s boyfriend) to play acolytes. Misty only pretended to be surprised when the glamour shoot turned into a sex shoot.
Kelli: While they made some phone pics of the lingerie Mrs. C. had bought for Misty’s sexual debut over a year ago, Misty asked Kelli to let her shoot her in the living room with proper lighting in her outfit.
Misty: Caitlin helped with this self-portrait with her beloved Mini on the same pretty day that Misty shot the photos of Caitlin on the road in front of her house.
Rebecca: Misty did several glamour and nude shoots of Rebecca over the fall and winter. This particular day, she also shot nudes of Rebecca’s mother using the same backdrop and props. Though initially, Ashley said that she wasn’t ready to do a nude mother/daughter portrait yet, by the time Misty had finished her set, she was ready to pose with Rebecca.
Euro Club, (first generation)
Since none of the second group of club girls had turned 18 that school year, all the glamor photos had to either have the model in some sort of attire or to be “apparent nudes” in which the model was unclothed but their nipples and vulva were hidden. While staying inside the strict letter of the law as she understood it, Misty took her cue from Heather’s high school photos and pushed those boundaries as far as she thought she could get away with. Hence photos in sheer & peek-a-boo outfits were on the table as were shots that caught some areola or pubic hair.
Amelia: This photo of Amelia was taken in Misty’s studio the night of the Valentine’s party, while Misty and the other girls who did not go to Jefferson Davis High, waited for the school dance to end. The swimsuit was one of the Campbell’s loaners.
Bailey: When Misty had gone with Mrs. Hildebrandt to shoot her at the mansion where she met “Mr. Big” every Sunday morning, she needed a photo assistant. Bailey was the obvious choice since Mr. Big’s identity was quite the secret. Mrs. Hildebrandt didn’t need much convincing to let Bailey put on some of her lingerie to pose using the same sets Misty used with her mother. Misty did her first mother/daughter lingerie shoot that day. Tthough she shot what Bailey and her mother wanted and gave them the files, Misty didn’t keep any photos she thought crossed the line.
Celia: Celia’s passion is for her violin and Misty wanted to capture that. The shoot was truly special. Misty had never listened to a world-class violinist before and it was mesmerizing… and that she was nude simply added to the effect. The real challenge was to get the lighting right even as Celia moved around. For her part, Celia seemed to just lose herself into her music and paid no attention to Misty at all. Eventually Misty stopped even trying to avoid capturing her girl parts since, in her mind, these were art photos, not glamour.
Gabby: Gabby also got several shoots simply because she was at the house every Thursday. She asked to pose in the outfit she’d worn during the Valentine's Day party. Having worn it all night, it was the first time she’d ever gone so exposed. In the end, Mrs. C. gave her the top which became her go-to outfit while at the Campbell home.
Hannah: Misty did her best to reflect her models’ personalities. In this case, she knew what to do for the bookish (but free-spirited) Hannah. Hannah loved Misty’s photo concept, and she’d been the one to suggest deliberately showing a little pubic hair to push the boundaries. Misty intentionally created the silhouette of her breasts on the backdrop for the same reason.
Hillary: Hillary was one of the few club girls to bring her own lingerie with her. She’d loved how JoAnne had shown off her pubes in her club bikini at the end of the summer, so she wanted a photo doing something similar.
Lindsey: She’d complained vociferously that Misty wouldn’t let her show her boobs on camera. She pointed out that she’s done nude selfies and let guys take naked pictures of her for several years. Misty would not budge. However, for her studio photo shoot, Misty did shoot Lindsey in this mesh swimsuit that she’d found online.
Maria Jane: Given her difficult history, Misty was careful to make sure Maria Jane did not feel exploited during her shoot. It was Caitlin who’d suggested shooting her in a classic 50’s Playboy-style pose sitting on the pool table. While she was totally comfortable being naked, she had a hard time relaxing for the camera.
Megan: Megan brought her own lingerie to the shoot. Misty was happy she had just the right backdrop to go with it.
Sarah: While Misty had done quite a few shoots with Sarah, including at the topless and nude beaches, she liked this one for the club album. The image was of simple casual nudity… just like Sarah lived.
Tori: To Misty, Tori was just too cute to dress up in lingerie. Putting her in this top that Misty sometimes wore at night proved perfect. Again Misty created the silhouette of her bust to add a visual element to the picture.
Ex officio club members
Everliegh: Even though Everleigh was not a club member, she blended in perfectly. Just hanging out naked in the Campbell’s home seemed to be so comfortable her that Misty suggested she lay on the pool table for a photo. Which she did gladly.
Mimi: Though Mimi posed nude for Misty several times over the winter and spring, this photo of her in the outfit she wore for the Valentine’s party was Misty’s favorite. She’d come so far since the end-of-school party the prior year and lifting up her skirt in the game room full of people said it all.
Naomi: Misty struggled with getting an image that she thought captured Naomi’s personality. She tried several different lingerie and dressing her up in her mother’s body jewelry. In the end she decided on a simple, classic nude which was more of art-nude than glamour. Naomi agreed that was her, plain, simple, and sexually precocious...which was exhibited the day of the End-of-School party when she had sex (with her second boy ever) in Mr. C.’s home office with the door wide open… while Mrs. C. and Everleigh chatted.
What a lovely bevy of beauties presented through Misty’s eye for the erotic, blending each character with an element of her personality. The accompanying texts detailing the background of every shoot help the viewer appreciate all the characters.
Imagining the female characters nude and in context must have been a creative challenge. You have presented them with their families clothed, and now in the buff. Seeing the young ladies through Misty’s eyes and camera, you as the author must have seen many young ladies visiting your children at home in various ways in the nude.
All the images are tasteful, and not in the least exploitive. This is not an easy accomplishment. Erotic images can very easily turn into something…