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In Search of the Final Freedom: Chapter 31

Writer's picture: Professor PolyamoryProfessor Polyamory

Updated: Nov 26, 2023

In Search of the Final Freedom an Erotic Socio-Political Novel:


The Revolutionary Idea of Sexual Freedom

Chapter 31:


In Misty’s estimation, the Euro-Club party had been a smashing success. While for her parents the party had been all work, for Misty it had been the event of her life.

The best count was that they had one-hundred-twenty-two visitors over the course of the day (excluding the ten club girls and three adults). That was a few more than the RSVP's. She noticed that a number of people brought dates that were not in the prior list which accounted for the discrepancy. She had not heard of a single incidence of highly improper behavior (based on the Campbell’s definition) and the teens seemed to have completely complied with the no alcohol and drugs rule. Misty supposed that was mostly due to the fact the Euro-Club were seen as both the creators and enforcers of those rules.

By the time they had made the party’s opening announcements Misty had seen something she had not when they were counting RSVP’s. Those at the party were not a cross-section of Jefferson Davis High, rather attendees were from a number of specific social groups. She reasoned perhaps that fact, more than anything else, accounted for the adherence to the announced rules. Though she was please that she’d gotten a decent showing of people-of-color (by rural Georgia standards), she was very gratified that all the rising seniors from the publications staff had come, every one of them, even Consuela who Misty had never seen to socialize with anyone but fellow Hispanics. Happily, she seemed to mix right in. Her killer figure in her swim suit didn’t hurt in that.

Misty was not surprised that none of the aggressive Bible thumpers were there, but what she had not expected was that it was as if the entire ‘cool crowd’ had decided to boycott her party. After thinking about it, it seemed obvious that was exactly what had happened. As she looked it over, close to half of the white rising seniors were there, as were a good number of her class’s Latinas. She was not sure why the Latinos didn’t show in greater numbers. It was only when she’d noticed the lack of Hispanic guys did she realize that overall, the guys were significantly outnumbered. Perhaps that should not have been a surprise. She’d already noticed at school the club got leers from guys and cheers from girls. She laughed to herself “Those guys who came are the winners for that.”

What was clear, this was a very, very self-selected group. It was as if this party had been held specifically for those who were creatives, nerds and ‘unimportant’ students; the ones that didn’t have a school-based identity that gave them status or protection from bullies. Perhaps she should not have been surprised at all. Those who had come were the core of her supporters at Jefferson Davis High.

The other thing she rapidly realized was the entire event, everything, seemed to swirl around her (at least that was how she felt). If she had not been building for this day for a month, it would have been simply overwhelming. It was not that Misty had been a loner by any stretch, but she’d had her friends, mostly from the St. Thomas Youth Group and the publications staff; but beyond that nobody paid her much attention (until recently). At the party, all the changes in her social status came to a crescendo. She felt like she didn’t have a moment to herself. Worst (or best) of all, the other club girls stepped in to do all the things she would (should) have done as party host so she could spend the entire day socializing and, like her mother also was doing during the party, act the role of sexual sage.

It seemed wrong that everyone seemed to think she knew everything about sex and sexual relationships. After all, she knew full well that both Haley and Jeanette knew far more about actually having sex than she did; but that didn’t seem to matter. She was the queen bee of the party and after the first hour she stopped trying to be anything else.

Also like her mother inside the house, it was almost exclusively girls who became her retinue. As far as she could tell, the only boys who gathered around her were boyfriends of the girls who wanted to talk to her. It would not be until she and her mom talked the next day that they realized that they had attracted two distinctly different groups of girls. While the sexually active girls gathered around Mrs. C. in the living room; those with no or limited sexual experience came to Misty who had ensconced herself at the table near the slide to be as far from the loud music as she could. Like a queen holding court, she sat in one of the upholstered armchairs while her admirers came and went all day having moved a number of the new stacking chairs to her location.

While her mother knew a good many of those at the party by face, Misty knew the vast majority by name and most could be called casual friends. She’d known half of them since she was in 1st or 2nd grade. Some were smarter than her, some more popular, some more athletic, and some had been good friends since they were small. Yet, it was clear nearly all of them no longer saw Misty as a peer exactly. She had become the inspiration and role model they all looked to for guidance. Hour after hour, she sat listening, encouraging, advising and answering questions.

She found herself answering a whole host of questions that she could hardly believe these girls didn’t know. She tried not to act as if she was incredulous about their ignorance regarding their own bodies and sexuality. An odd question came up early in the day. Charlotte Mason asked “How young would be too young to have sex? And then she followed up quickly with when did you lose your virginity?”

Misty thought it odd because she knew that Charlotte was her own age. Then she realized the question must not be was it too young for her to start having sex now, but rather she was wondering if she had started too early.

With that in mind she addressed the question in a different manner. Misty repeated her mother’s mantra about the word ‘virgin’ or the phrase ‘losing my virginity.’ When she told those dozen or so people gathered around, “You don’t lose anything when you put a guy’s penis in your vagina. You don’t become less or somehow less valuable. Don’t ever let anyone tell you any different.” Her words had a passion that surprised even her.

One of the eight girls who were gathered around her asked “Then what do you call it when you first have sex?”

“Before I answer, let me ask you something. What do you think counts as sex?”

Misty’s question seemed to puzzle the girls and the three boys who sat behind the inner circle. One of the guys timidly offered “Screwing.”

Misty had to swivel to her right to look at him and say “Really? So two girls can’t have sex?” He looked flustered so she bailed him out. “That actually was what people believed up until about a hundred years ago. They simply believed that a dick was required to count as sex. But is it?”

The circle of teens momentarily looked confused then Holly Hyeres said “No. We can have sex without a dick. Only the worst sort of misogynist would say two women can’t have sex together.”

To that there was universal agreement (among the females). Misty followed up with “You are right, but the question then becomes when does messing around between girls become sex?’ She let that sit for a moment before she began “It is no secret that Caitlin Richards and I are lovers. And, those of you who knew us back in elementary school might know that she actually lived here for a year. She and I have been sleeping in my bed together since we were six. My guess is that almost all girls have spent many nights in bed with other girls over the years. Right?”

There were nods all around. “And, most of us have at one time or another snuggled and kissed other girls at sleepovers. Right?”

Again nods. Misty thought they were beginning to see where she was going. “In my case, Caitlin and I first kissed, cuddled, and slept naked together when we were nine. By the time we started puberty we’d already learned that intertwining our legs and rubbing our bottom on the other one’s thigh felt great. We’d also tried fingering and licking the other’s pussies, but we didn’t see the point of that…. yet. But was that sex? I don’t think it was.”

Misty stopped to gauge the reaction of her listeners. It took a moment before heads began to nod in understanding. Then Misty went on. “In my mind, the first time I had sex was a magical night when something clicked. It was when we were in 8th grade. One night Caitlin and I were in the game room over there. At the time we had a couch, not the home theater seating we have now. It was late, and she and I were watching porn on my tablet while we snuggled naked under a blanket. At my house, us being naked like that was never a big deal. Over the years in the summers, we’d gone naked a lot… right in front of both of our mothers. That night we didn’t do anything we hadn’t done lots of times; but, somehow something changed. We went from messing around and just getting off to making love. Yes, we had used our hands to give ourselves and the other orgasms for a couple of years before that, but to us that was not sex: it was just us girls messing around. That night, she felt something new as well. I can’t tell you exactly what happened but that was when I first really understood what sex was all about. We didn’t go down on each other that night, and due to her step-father forbidding her to come over for over two years; we didn’t have oral sex until about six months ago. But to answer your question, to me, that night was when I had sex for the first time. It wasn’t what we did, but why.”

“So, Charlotte, how young is too young for girls to have sex with each other? I can’t give you an answer because the line between what is messing around and what is sex is blurry at best. More importantly, our generation needs to rethink how we talk and even think about how we use our bodies for love, fun, and pleasure. It’s not a matter of mechanics as to what body part touches or enters another; but, it’s about intent and the experience for you. Last year after I had watched my mom fuck that college guy on the nude beach in Miami, she tried to explain that concept to me; but it took me a long time to understand what she meant.”

Even as the words came out, she realized how much of them were a repetition of what her parents said; yet, they were her beliefs, not just their words. She was not sure if it was good or bad she so firmly believed what they had taught her.

One thing she and her mother both addressed were questions about birth control. Though she had to run through the whole range of birth control options, that seemed not to be what they were asking. What they really wanted to know was how to access those things without their parents knowing. Fortunately, the Euro-Club had talked about this very thing many times and she had some very specific answers for those at her table.

Also as her mother had done inside, she answered questions about some of the rumors that swirled about her family. As her mother had, she confirmed what she could. “Yes, I’ve seen my parents having sex. They don’t shut the door when they make love and they never have, but it’s no big deal.” She deflected some questions that she thought it best not to answer fully. For instance, she did not tell her avid listeners that she’d been in the room taking photos of her parent’s threesome that very week. She confirmed her parents had an “open marriage” but was surprised that she had to explain what it meant. Among her listeners, those who lived with both their mother and father were dumbfounded by the idea; but those with single parents seemed to understand readily. Though she did not inquire about it, she suspected that many of those who lived with unmarried parents knew them to be sexually active and/or non-monogamous.

Several times girls asked Misty about the photos pinned to the bulletin board. Stacy from her publications class asked why she’d put photos of her sex partners up in the game room rather than in her bedroom.

“That’s actually a good question” Misty answered. “The truth is I put the first photo, the one of me and Kelli in our matching lingerie up on a whim. I printed the photo to show my mom how we looked for the big night. You see Cody took that photo about a half-an-hour before my sexual debut.” She got some quizzical looks. “I mean, the first time I had sex with a guy. My mom had told me if I waited till I was sixteen to have sex, she’d buy me everything I wanted to make the night special. So since I was sharing the night with Kelli, she bought us matching outfits.”

Stacy knew Kelli very well since she too was part of the publications staff. “So your first time was with Kelli and her boyfriend?”

After confirming that was the case, Misty explained why she believed a girl’s first time is way better with a trusted friend, than a guy she’s fallen for. Once her listeners got over the novelty of the idea, they seemed to buy in to it. Then she explained how the other photos just naturally followed.

One of the times she addressed the bulletin board she was asked who had taken the photos. Misty answered “Three of them were taken by my brother. It's not like he hasn’t seen me naked all my life. And the one of me and Rebecca & Samuel was taken by my mom. She’d come home with food right after we’d finished up and since she was up in my room telling me she had dinner, I asked her to shoot the photo.”

Around 1:30, she and the other club members went into the house and changed into their smaller, and sometimes see-through, string-thong bikinis. They certainly got attention as they walked through the game room and then out to the pool; but it was when they, as a group, took a dip into the water and came out with nearly transparent swimwear, they were mobbed by gawkers and people taking cell phone photos. Not that Misty or anyone else was surprised. After all, they knew that coming out of the water, nothing was hidden from view for the first few minutes or so. For a good fifteen minutes she and the others were obliged to pose for photos. It seems just about everyone wanted a photo standing with one or more of the club. Misty knew that this was exactly the response they had expected.

Though all the club girls flirted like crazy, Misty was surprised that Connie and Jeanette were the most flagrant about it. While they were all gathered in the downstair bathroom changing into the string bikinis, first Connie, then Jeanette adjusted the bottoms so that the fabric went down into the cleft of their labia majora. In Connie’s case that left her inner lips quite exposed.

Over the day she saw both of them making out with multiple guys. Later she found out over the course of the party that, between the two of them, they had fully sucked off five different guys (and made sure those watching knew they swallowed every drop). That was in addition to doing their two boyfriends. However, it was their effort to get the party started properly that brought the most notoriety. Before noon, on the landing at the top of the stairs, the two of them gave the cute (but geekish) Berkshire twins blowjobs right in front of about a dozen people; including their own boyfriends. Right off they both took off their tops.

Their reasoning with regard to the house rules was that anywhere upstairs was as good as being in one of the bedrooms. When they talked about it later, both Misty and her mom agreed. Once the twins had shot their loads, the two girls took their boyfriends into Lamar’s room for a foursome, but not before letting the spectators know they were free to watch. Though in her later telling, Jeannette insisted that it was not “real” sex, but simply a demonstration of what could be done at the party. Though she was clear the fucking and sucking was real, none of the four actually climaxed and the foursome had gone on less than ten or fifteen minutes. In fact, both girls were sure they’d been upstairs less than half an hour in total. Yet in that time, both girls had four different dicks in their mouths and two dicks in their pussies… all with a gaggle of spectators. In time, it was their behavior, more than anything else, that provided the basis for the legends that grew up about that party. And since the two girl’s boyfriends were right there the whole time, it brought understanding that while all the club members (except Misty and Caitlin) had boyfriends, they all had open relationships.

A little while after the fervor over their new swimsuits had died down, Misty saw how Jeannette had to go inside to get a condom before heading out to Lamar’s treehouse. She realized the condom bowl that her mother had made up to put outside had not been actually brought out. Heading into the living room, she found her mother had her own crowd sitting around listening. After picking up the plastic bowl, she headed back out with the bowl in hand. It seems her mother wanted a break and followed her out the door. “Well Mom, I don’t think things could be going any better” she said.

“Yes, I think you are right” she replied, then seeing Cooper she added, “Though I think your father is having the hardest time of it.”

Misty couldn’t help but agree given the sweat on his face as he worked the grill.

Not long after returning to the pool, her mother called her over and asked her to help in getting the girls who were now just wearing thong panties by the pool to change into the loaner swimsuits. Misty saw the good sense in that. Not only did she ask the girls to come in the house to change, she made a point to get the club members to ask anyone who had taken photos of the girls using their thong panties as swimwear to delete them.

After helping those who wanted to use the loaner swimsuits, Misty decided to hide out in the kitchen for a few minutes. It was then past 2:00 and she’d been busy since early morning. She took a Diet Dr. Pepper from the refrigerator and had a seat at one of the stools at the kitchen’s island. She’d only taken a few sips when a soft voice asked “Do you mind if I join you?”

She turned to find Natalie Foster at the kitchen door. Though she didn’t really mean it she said “Sure, I’d love you to.” Natalie was a cute-as-a-button rising sophomore who had come as Cassidy Nusbaum’s date. She’d seen them sitting together for months at Sunday night youth group, but she’d not known if they were a couple or just church buddies. Though Cassidy was in the same grade as the Euro-Club girls, he wasn’t in any of Misty’s social circles. The fact he’d skipped 7th grade had left him socially cut off from his peers and the church Youth Group had been his refuge. Beyond that, she really didn’t know anything else about the girl.

Once Natalie had taken a seat next to her, Misty said “I hope the party is going well for you.”

With a sweet Pollyanna smile, Natalie said “It has been amazing. Like nothing I’ve ever been to before. Thank you for putting it on…and letting me come.”

“You are quite welcome. I’m happy you came. So, I guess you and Cassidy are a couple, not just friends?”

Natalie made a cute laugh “Well, since I just told everyone in your living room we’ve been having sex for over a month, I guess we are a couple.”

Misty just nodded and took a sip.

Natalie went on “I guess we really started thinking of ourselves as a couple when he started driving me to and from Sunday night Youth Group back in March. I know that is the way my parents see it. I guess they are right since the second week we started making out in his car afterwards. Though my father doesn’t know it, my mother had our doctor start me on the pill pretty soon after that. We’ve never talked about it, but I’m sure she knows I’m having sex now. If Dad knew, he’d likely kill Cassidy.”

Misty put in “I know every family is different about things like that. I couldn’t help but notice your bikini. It’s very pretty and you look good in it, but I was a bit surprised to see anyone but the club in something that revealing. I know you got a lot of looks out by the pool. Good looks for sure. This is not the kind of crowd that would be offended.”

“My parents aren’t like red-necks or super conservative, but they aren’t like your parents either. I’ll admit when I bought it on our family trip to the Dominican Republic over Christmas break, I never thought I’d be able to wear it anywhere back home but to lay out in my backyard. I wore it almost every day on that trip, but I just assumed it would just be like a souvenir until next year when we go back to the D.R. again.”

Misty asked, “So your father was OK with you wearing it out at that resort?”

“I actually don’t think my dad even noticed it. But when my little sister wanted one too, my mom said she was too young for that kind of swimsuit. But Mom helped me pick out this one at the resort’s shop. She said I had developed enough to start wearing a woman’s bikini and she bought herself one almost just like it. You see, we have been going to the same resort for years and each year we buy new swimwear. When I was younger, Mom wore thongs like the one you have on when we went on those trips. Up until a couple of years ago, when we were at the resort, she even sunned topless. She didn’t walk around like you did at the nude beach though. She’d take off her top to sun her back then after a while she’d roll over to sun her front without putting it back on. When she would get up, she’d put her top back on. I think they thought I was too young to notice. She stopped doing that when I grew boobs. Maybe she thought I’d want to do it too.”

Misty found all that very enlightening. “Well I’m glad you came and I’m glad you showed the others that you don’t have to be a club member to own a Brazilian bikini.” She was sure Natalie wanted to say something but was not sure how to begin. So she fished. “I hope my mother’s talk and the photos around the house weren’t too much for you.”

“No, it's all been great. My dad has taken nude photos of my mom too. They don’t print them out and certainly don’t put them on the wall like your parents do. They don’t even know I’ve seen them. And to be honest, the pics of your mom are way better than those of mine. Not that my mom is not pretty, because she is. This past Christmas when we walked down the beach together, we got a lot of attention from guys of all ages. There is no question they thought we were both hot. The difference is your parents just put it all right out in the open.”

Misty agreed with that assessment but did not interrupt Natalie. She wanted to see where she was going.

“I think my mother would even agree that high school sex is not a bad thing. Last year her best friend from when she went to Baldwin Central High stayed with us when she was visiting from somewhere up north. One night, after my dad was asleep, they were in the living room talking about old times and drinking wine. I didn’t set out to eavesdrop, but when I heard them talking about the guys they’d done it with back in the day, I couldn’t resist. They drank and laughed telling stories of parties they’d gone to and guys they’d fucked. My mom actually used the words fuck and cock. I’d never heard her talk like that. I think my mom was sort of slutty when she was my age. Not that that makes me think less of her, but it explains why she was so quick to get me on birth control. I don’t think she would disagree with your mom when a little while ago she said that sex with friends is often better than with boyfriends or girlfriends; but my dad would be irate if he knew she’d told us that and all the other stuff she said in the living room.”

Misty asked, “So, you were in my mom’s little group in the living room for a good while?”

“Oh yea. Me and Cassidy both. That is kinda what I wanted to talk with you about. Did I hear her right when she said that she made your guest room up into a place for people who don’t have a safe place to have sex to use?”

Misty nodded, “Yes. Exactly so. My friends have been coming over to have sex with their guys since the fall.”

“So if Cassidy and I came over some time, we could just go up and …you know do it? I honestly think if I asked my mom if I could have sex with Cassidy in my room, she would say I could as long as my dad never finds out. But I’m afraid to ask.”

“Well, you can have sex here whenever you want.” Misty thought for a second then asked, “When do you turn sixteen?”

“December. Why?”

“I wouldn’t tell her that you are Lamar’s age. You don’t want to put her on the spot since you are not yet sixteen. She would still let you do it here, but she doesn’t want to go on the record saying a fifteen-year-old can have sex at our house.”

That seemed to confuse Natalie, so Misty explained why. Once she seemed to understand she slowly asked “Well, that comes to what I really wanted to ask. Well, what Cassidy and I wanted to ask.” She paused then went on “Your mother said that we shouldn’t be ashamed of sex and that if we were interested in having sex for fun with a friend we should just ask.”

Misty nodded. “Yes, that is right.”

“Well…ummm…know we are not like besties for anything, but I would like to think you are our friend…and…well…” her speech sped up rapidly “We would like to know if you would enjoy having a threesome with us. I know that JoAnne would be all too happy to have a threesome or even do a foursome with her boyfriend and us, but we… well I…think it would be better to do it with you first because if we decided an open relationship isn’t for us, it would make things weird in our little Cosplay community. If we decide we like doing it with our friends too, I’m sure we will ask Joanne to join us, but not the first time. So, would you like to have sex with me and Cassidy.”

Misty had to force herself not to laugh. Natalie was so earnest it was comic. Yet, she knew for the girl this was a huge step, so she had to be careful what she said. “I’m very flattered. I think you are adorable and Cassidy is just so cute in his super smart genius kind of way.”

Natalie smiled “Yes, he is.”

“I’d love to but…”

Natalie cut her off “I’m sorry. I understand. I shouldn’t have asked.”

Misty shot back “No I don’t think you do understand. What I was going to say is that today, I am playing the role of host and I can’t just leave the party for an hour or more. And to do it right, we would need that long.”

“Oh,” Natalie said. “We hadn’t thought of that.”

Misty, looking for a way to make the situation better, suggested. “I tell you what.” She looked over to the kitchen clock and said “At 3:00 I will go upstairs to make a bedroom check. If you and Cassidy want a quick taste of what a threesome is like, just be in one of the bedrooms. If I just happen to walk in on you two getting it on, and you invite me to join in for a few minutes; I will.”

Natalie’s eyes lit up. “Really? You will?”

“Yes. If I just happen to find you in the middle of having sex and you ask me to join in, I will…for just a few minutes. I don’t want this to seem planned because others who have hinted, they would like me to join them today might get their feelings hurt. And I really will have to only stay for fifteen or twenty minutes.”

“Yea. We can do that” Natalie said. “It will be just one of those unplanned things that just happen.”

Misty nodded then asked, “Have you ever been with a girl before?”

“No. I’ve thought about it and JoAnne has let me know if I wanted to try it out she’d be glad to do it with me. But I’ve never done it.”

“Have you kissed a girl?” Misty asked.

Natalie shook her head.

“Would you like me to kiss you before I go?”

Natalie nodded wide-eyed but did not say anything.

Misty leaned over and put her lips to Natalie’s. She gave several soft kisses before she put an arm around her and guided her to stand. Once on their feet, Misty wrapped both arms around her and pulled her body tight. As she gripped Natalie’s bare ass with one hand she slithered her tongue into Natalie’s mouth. The girl responded with more heated desire than Misty had expected. Within a minute, not only had Natalie grabbed her bare ass cheeks with one hand, the other had slipped under Misty’s top, pushed it up, and cupped her breast.

Even as she sucked on Natalie’s tongue, she wondered where this explosion of pent-up sexual desire had come from. She’d only talked to Natalie a handful of times at Youth Group, yet it was abundantly clear the hungry sexual energy she felt had not come from nowhere. Could it be that the circulation of her nude photos and her unapologetic response to them had led younger girls in the Youth Group to fixate on her as a sexual siren? She didn’t know. But Misty did know if she let things go on further, in another minute their swimsuits would be on the floor, and in five minutes she would break the house rules about nudity and sex downstairs. She ended the kiss.

Natalie looked at her with eyes of pure desire. Misty smiled and said “Wow. You really do want to do this don’t you?”

Natalie nodded again.

“If we don’t stop now, soon I will have you sitting on the island and my face would be between your thighs gobbling you up.”

Natalie cooed, “I’d like that”

Misty kissed her again softly, “So would I but we can’t. Not here. So, just be upstairs at 3:00.” With that she kissed Natalie softly and left the kitchen. As she headed out, she thought about how surprising that little incident had been. To herself, she said, “I guess my life is now full of such surprises.”

Outside she found six girls waiting patiently for her return. At just before 3:00 she told the group she needed to go in to do a bedroom check and let them know she’d be back in half-an-hour or so. After picking up a couple of boxes of condoms, she headed upstairs.

When she went into her brother’s room, she was rather surprised to find Consuela sprawled out on the bed, naked, with Carrie Bruckheimer’s face in her crotch. Both were from the publication’s staff; but she had not even guessed they had that kind of interest in each other. Then she corrected herself, perhaps they are just friends and they too believed that sex among friends is a normal and constructive habit.

Misty’s mother had told her to leave twenty-four condoms in each bowl, the one in Lamar’s room had only three left. As she counted out nineteen new condom packets, she could not help but look over to momentarily watch her two classmates.

Consuela’s hips were slowly thrusting up and her hands were cupping her very nice round breasts. From inside the room, Misty now saw that as Carrie licked her, she had a couple fingers all the way inside Consuela as well.

When the bowl was filled Misty turned to see Consuela was looking right at her while continuing to tweak her own nipples. Misty smiled and her friend smiled back then let out a deep moan. Misty gave a small wave and headed out. Only then did she realize that another couple (Amy Williams and David Dowd) was at the doorway watching. The clearly posted rules made it plain that in the Campbell home, watching was not an invasion of privacy. She knew Amy was Rebecca’s second-cousin or something like that and was in the drama club, but didn’t know more than that.

At the door but still in Lamar’s bedroom, she casually stopped to chat with the couple right outside the door. Just above a whisper, she asked “So Amy, I hope you are having a good time?”

Misty had expected a non-committal reply but Amy said. “This is so great. A party full of my kind of people, just being themselves. A couple of hours ago we came up here and watched Connie and Jeanette giving the Berkshire twins blowjobs out on the landing. Then they had a foursome with their boyfriends in your brother’s room and they told us that we could come right in the room and watch. Neither of us had ever seen other people do it in real life before.”

Misty had not yet heard this story, but was not surprised. “Yea, watching sex videos is nothing like watching your friends do it.”

Both Amy and David nodded. Amy then said. “We’ve been talking about it for the last few hours, and now we are going to do it too. When Consuela and Carrie are done, we are going to have sex with the door wide open so anyone who wants to watch, can.”

All Misty could think to say was “Great. I’m sure you will have fun” before heading up the hall to her own room where the first thing she saw were Natalie’s and Cassidy’s swimsuits on the floor just inside the door. “They sure were in a hurry” Misty thought to herself. Right behind the swimsuits, two girls Misty didn’t know by name stood watching quietly what was going on inside the room.

In her bed she found Natalie straddling her boyfriend, quite literally bouncing up and down… laughing. Misty crossed her room and slipped down into the chair beside her desk. Natalie looked right at her and kept up the bouncing and laughing. Misty could see that Cassidy’s penis was going into her, yet this was clearly just playing around. As she watched, she mused that Natalie had fully embraced the idea that sex need not be serious, but can just be plain fun. She and her mom had discussed this issue a number of times and how so few people really understood that concept. Natalie obviously did. She stopped bouncing and shifted to working her hips and said “This is the first time we’ve done it in a real bed. It is so much better than in Cassidy’s little car or out in the woods.”

That bit of information was new to Misty and explained why Natalie had been bouncing on the bed and why she seemed so excited about it.

“So Misty, can you join us?”

Misty stood up saying “Yes I can” and began to remove her bikini. Once undressed, she went over to her dresser and took her phone from the drawer she’d put it in before changing into her original bikini. After all, she had nowhere to carry it. Once she set the timer to twenty minutes she said “But I must, MUST, leave when the timer goes off, no matter how much I want to stay.”

It was only as she stepped back to the bed she realized Cassidy was staring at her so hard that his eyes were bugging out. Misty suspected that before this party he’d never seen a female live in the nude…besides Natalie that is. Given how it sounded like most of their sex had been in his car, he likely had not even seen much of even his girlfriend completely naked.

She crawled up on the bed behind Natalie and began to nibble her neck and shoulders while running her hands up the younger girl’s torso and breasts. She whispered “Did you like our kiss downstairs?”

Natalie breathed “Oh yes.”

Misty scooted closer so her body pressed fully on Natalie’s back as she cupped both of the small breasts in her hands. “I did too.”

She could feel Natalie’s body quivering with excitement. She was sure she could bring her off easily like this, but she already was counting the time in her head. “I’m sorry, but I will have to rush things. I want to give you a number of new experiences before my time runs out.” With that, she worked her hands down the sides of Natalie’s body, onto her hips. Slowing, she slid them around to the front of her thighs, just far enough for her thumbs to brush the blond pubic hair.

Natalie gasped as Misty’s two index fingers slid down into the valley between her thigh and mons, then up the side. Though Natalie had a patch of blond pubes, her vulva was shaved smooth without even a trace of stubble. By this time Misty’s kisses were in the middle of Natalie’s back. Much sooner than she would have ordinarily done so, both hands closed on the nexus of vulva and penis. Her right middle finger explored the very small clitoral ridge and the left hand nestled into Cassidy’s pubic hair.

A breathy “oooh” came from Natalie’s lips.

Again, much too fast, Misty slid from behind the girl, to her side then facing her with her hands cupping her quite firm buttocks. Before their lips came together, Misty looked over her shoulder and said “Cassidy, this is where you start to touch me.” She would not have done so had it been one of the Euro-Boy-Toys, but she was sure he would not have dared do so without her instruction. Misty’s and Natalie’s tongues once again danced as she sat on Cassidy’s stomach. She felt his hands gently touch her.

Misty was trying to keep track of time. She broke the kiss and turned to tell Cassidy to take off his glasses. She gave him just a moment before scooting backward till she was on her knees over his face. With a wink to Natalie, she bent her knees till she felt her lips touch his mouth and said “Time for Cassidy to get a taste of Misty.”

Natalie laughed and said, “I’ve never done that to him before.”

Misty rolled her hips to rub her labia on Cassidy’s face. “I guess today is the time for new things.” She looked down and said, “Now Cassidy, I want you to put your tongue as far up into me as you can.” She waited but he didn’t move. “Come on, we don’t have much time.” She waited again. This time she could feel him hunting with his tongue. She looked back at Natalie who clearly saw the humor in what was going on. He finally found the way in and she said “Good. Now first work it back to the rear wall of my vagina, then up to the front.” She waited then instructed, “Do it slowly. Deliberately, but slowly.” … ”Yes that is it" …. “Good, now keep going to the front up and out. Run the tip of your tongue along my clitoral ridge. Still go slow, but press firmly. I want to feel it.” … “Good, now go from the back of my vagina to the top of my clitoral ridge slow and steady until I tell you to do something different.”

Looking back to Natalie who was grinning ear to ear, Misty said “Guys don’t naturally know what to do. You have to tell them step by step.”

With Cassidy working on his assigned task, Misty leaned over so as to kiss Natalie again, but she was beaten to it. The long-haired blond leaned forward and took Misty’s right breast in both hands before putting her lips to the nipple and starting to suckle.

“You, on the other hand, don’t need any instruction,” Misty said.

When Natalie shifted to the left breast, she looked up and said “I’ve been dying to do this since we kissed downstairs.” She suckled the nipple for a while before moving up to kiss Misty on the lips; but not before saying “You have the most beautiful breasts in the world. I could spend hours between them and not have enough.”

What could Misty say or do but kiss her back? When they came up for air she whispered “If you want to see me suck and fuck your boyfriend, we’d better do it now.”

Without a word, Natalie rolled off onto the matrass. It was only then that Misty saw something she’d missed. He wasn’t wearing a condom; however, it only took a split second to recall how she was on the pill and they’d never done it with anyone else. She would explain the idea of double protection…later.

As she took the shaft in her mouth, she considered how this was the first time she’d tasted a penis from a girl (sans condom). The idea was very sexy, but she was disappointed that she could not separate Natalie’s tastes from those of Cassidy’s. Perhaps, she wondered, if she’d gone down on Natalie first would that have helped her know what to look for. Or perhaps the pre-cum that was on the shaft and oozed from the urethra masked Natalie’s taste. Either way, she’d tell her mother about this “first.”

As she was pondering the taste, something else occurred to her. The skin on the erection seemed different, somehow loose. She lifted her head to take a look at Cassidy’s penis and realized he was not circumcised. She’d never even seen one like that in real life, let alone sucked one. Now she really wished she had more time (again), but she knew she did not. After a second time down on him, this time exploring the different feeling penis systematically; she rolled off of him to stand on the floor. She looked at Cassidy and said “She wants to see us screw before I have to go, but you will need to get one of the condoms from the bowl and put it on before you put it in me.” He seemed too bewildered to move. She looked down at her phone and saw they had less than five minutes left. “Come on, we are almost out of time.”

When he finally roused from his confusion, Misty slipped into the bed and wrapped herself around Natalie and began kissing her hard and deep. Only when she felt Cassidy get on the bed did she pull her hips away and lift her left thigh. “Straddle my right leg.”

He did so.

Misty knew she’d need to give step-by-step instructions, and doing so had the added benefit of keeping Natalie apprised of what was going on. “Now, use two fingers to open up my little lips.” Once he’d done so, she said use the other hand to guide the tip of your penis between them and it will easily go in.” She felt him go all the way in right off. “Now, first use your body weight to push it in as firmly as you can.” She felt him go in a bit deeper. “Now slowly but firmly, just like you did in eating me, stroke back and forth pressing down hard each time.”

He began to do as told. One thing in his favor, he took directions very well.

Misty turned her face back to Natalie’s. “Your boyfriend's dick feels really nice in me. Thanks for inviting me to join.”

Natalie smiled and said “This is so hot” before starting to kiss Misty again.

Misty had deliberately positioned her body so that once Cassidy began to stroke, she could reach down with her left hand to begin caressing Natalie’s vulva. She knew she could get them both to cum like this. The only question was did she have time. She was gratified that nearly as soon as her middle finger pressed on Natalie’s clit, her hips jumped. At the same time it was clear that Cassidy simply would not be able to stand this for more than a few minutes without cumming. But did she have those few minutes?

As it turned out she didn’t. Inside of ninety seconds, Cassidy was already beyond stopping and Misty knew his orgasm was on its way. She broke the kiss to say “Yea, fuck me till you cum.” That wasn’t her normal language, but she was in a hurry and she knew that would bring it on. And it did. She drove her tongue back into Natalie’s mouth as her boyfriend climaxed with a good deal of grunting and groaning.

Misty was just thinking hearing Cassidy cumming hard would be enough to get Natalie off, when the phone alarm sounded. Despite the promise to go right when it notified her time was up, she told Cassidy “Shut off my phone, she’s almost there.”

Even as he fumbled with the phone, Natalie’s climax began.

Unbeknownst to them at the time, Mrs. Ericson-Webber had made her way between the people who had been voyeuring at the door since. She’d stayed and openly watched from the time Cassidy slid his dick into Misty right through his climax and Natalie’s.

Over the twenty minutes since she’d removed her bikini, Misty had been aware that several more people had peered into the room to watch the threesome; but she really did not know how many different people had seen them and had no idea Rebeca’s mother had been one of them. Misty reluctantly left the bed and began to get dressed. Natalie and Cassidy just lay on their backs breathing hard, evidently trying to process all that had just happened. Misty seeing Rebecca’s mother was in the room with them, asked her to help tie on her bikini bottoms. She’d been rather surprised to find Mrs. Ericson-Webber watching her have sex from inside the room… just a few feet from the bed. She’d surely seen everything up close and personal. However, she gave no outward sign that she’d been the least bit surprised. Misty thanked Mrs. Ericson and then told Natalie, “I’m sorry about the rush, but I think you now have an idea of how a threesome goes. Had we the time, all that would have been much better experienced in an hour or two.”

“Could we?” Natalie asked. “Could we do it again when we have more time?”

When she was “dressed” and the phone put back in the desk drawer, Misty said. “I’ll tell you what. You two talk about it, and if you want to, we can do it again. Actually, my parents will be out of town tomorrow evening and my brother will be going to Atlanta with Byron Simms so I have the house to myself. Before you leave today, let me know if you two could come over about six and…well you could stay all night if you can work it out.” They clearly were excited by the offer…well Natalie was excited; Cassidy still looked dazed.”

Before leaving she turned and said “That was fun. Thanks for asking me to join. But, I think people are waiting to use this bed, so perhaps you two should de-brief somewhere else.”

The remainder of the party for Misty was more or less a repeat of the first half. She was pleased to find Tommie waiting for her when she made it back to her table. This would be the third time during the party he’d come to visit, though he’d not made even a hint that he liked her minimal swimwear. That had been disappointing.

At the table was also Joanne and some of her art club buddies. Once she had a seat, it seemed the conversation was about nude/erotic art because word had finally gotten around what the jungle scene painting in the living room really was. Vivian Summerset was sitting next to Joanne and had a sketch book out, though that was not too surprising since Vivian was rarely without it. They were all looking at a sketch. Upon closer inspection, it was Jeanette and Connie, both fully nude. As she joined in the conversation it seemed that the two had posed for Vivian and two other members of the art club in the storage room earlier in the day. Not that doing so was against the house rules, but it was not part of the expected activities of the day. It seems her party had inspired the art club members who were at the party to start an off-campus group that focused on nudes and erotic art. Misty was happy to find she’d inspired people who were outside of her close group of friends.

For the last two hours of the party, Misty spent most of her time sitting at her table, with alternate periods of answering more questions and posing with people for phone pics. Before leaving Natalie had come by to let her know she and Cassidy would be over at six the next day. She said “When I was getting ready for the party, my mother asked if you and your mom were the ones with the nude beach pics on the web that everyone was talking about. When I said you were, she told me she thought it was great that someone has the courage to take on the narrow-minded bigots, but it would be better if I didn’t share that information with my father. So, I’m pretty sure I will be able to spend the night, but I doubt Cassidy will be able to. Would that be OK?”

Misty assured her that it would be.

Natalie leaned in to whisper in Misty’s ear “I really liked what we did in your room, but you didn’t do what you said you wanted to do?”

“What was that?” Misty asked.

“Put your face between my thighs.”

“I promise I’ll do that tomorrow till you beg me to stop.” On the spur of the moment, Misty turned to put her lips to Natalie’s. With only the slightest hesitation she slipped her tongue between the younger girl’s lips. There were audible gasps from the girls standing nearby. The kiss lasted at least two full minutes. And this time when she put her hands on Natalie’s ass, she slipped her fingers under the diminutive back panel. Misty’s fingers didn’t actually go under more than two inches of fabric, but it was the point of it. She knew that would get people talking especially as word percolates out that she’d had sex with Natalie and Cassidy earlier.

After Mrs. Ericson came by to let Misty know that it was close to time to send everyone but the club girls and their boyfriends home. As planned, after the other guests had been shooed out, Mrs. Ericson-Webber, the club girls, and their boyfriends remained for the “after-party” that would last until midnight. The remaining snack & dessert food and drinks were moved to the back of the game room wet-bar. All the discarded cups, plates, and such were bagged up, the furniture put back in place and things were generally cleaned. With the help of all those hands, in short order both the pool area and house were cleaned up as if the party had not happened. Bonnie thanked the club and their guys all for the help.

It was Bonnie’s plan that the after-party would set some presidents for a summer of Misty’s friends use of the house and pool. As such the guest room was unlocked and the photo books returned to their places in the living room. In the planning stages of the party, Bonnie had indirectly promised to give the club and their boyfriends some “unchaperoned time” at the pool. She’d all but said directly that after the official party was over, the girls could go topless with her implicit (but not explicit) blessing during that time. She’d also let them know that if that worked out, she would make a habit of giving the club an hour or two of similar time whenever the club had a hang-out night at their home. The fact Cooper had then expanded that to include sex out at the pool if they would refrain during the party had altered that plan; but there was nothing to do about that now other than repudiate her husband’s offer. Which she was not going to do. Instead, as they cleaned up, she let Misty know that her father’s offer was valid, though to the rest of the teens, she was deliberately non-committal. Therefore, in talking to the girls, she had confirmed her promise that the adults would not play chaperon, while not specifying what that meant.

Once the work was done, Bonnie suggested to Ashley they should take a swim themselves and relax by the pool. After thanking the teens and reminding them that they had to turn down the music outside, together the two moms jumped into the cool water. Of course, she knew full well the unlined fabric of both her suit and Ashley’s would become sheer when wet; but, it was their turn to relax and if the boys wanted to look, well…

Once they moved to take a seat on the second step, Ashley took a good look at Bonnie’s wet, and now quite see-through swimsuit. She shook her head and said, "I thought I'd been the daring one. I didn't know you were going to upstage me with your suit."

Bonnie laughed "Me upstage you? All day I’ve been wondering which was going to fall out first, the boy's eyes from their heads or your boobs from your top. Your suit has been mostly see-through all day with those flowers only making the boys look harder to see your nipples around them.”

They both laughed and Ashely said, “Glad to hear it.”

Bonnie went on “The truth is, I’ve never worn this suit before and I didn’t realize it would go completely sheer like this.” Given the fact the suit was bronze colored, the, now see-through, stripes were almost invisible. Rather than second guessing her own attire, she pointed out “And your bikini is just as see through as mine.”

Ashley laughed, "Let’s be honest, both of us had the kid’s attention all day. I think Rebecca was the only one not amused by what I’m wearing, even though she helped pick it out. I think she thought I was trying to get the boys to pay more attention to me than to her."

"And were you?"

"Hell yes, I was."

Both women laughed.

It did not take the club girl’s boyfriends long to realize the swimsuits now were even more sheer than the Euro-Club suits. Both mom’s nipples were quite visible as they stretched out on the pool steps. Several of them made a point to say what a pair of MILFS Mrs. C. and Mrs. Ericson were.

They sat for a good while in six inches or so of water on the next to top step. After sitting quietly for some time, Bonnie told Ashely "I think that went well. I really appreciate your help. I couldn't have done it without you. I guess I did not really grasp we would have that many people."

Ashley agreed. "I'm glad I came."

Bonnie looked over to the other mom, "The truth is you really do look great in that swimsuit. You’d be a hit on any beach.” Then she asked, "So did you walk in on Rebecca and Samuel while they played in my bedroom?"

"Yes and no. I didn't completely walk into the room, but I saw more than I really wanted to before I realized who the couple in your room was."

Bonnie laughed, "Well, then you need to be happy it was me who walked in on them in Misty's bedroom. I have to say that your daughter has trained that boy right."

Ashley waved her hands, "No, I don't want to hear anymore" then broke into laughter. Then she added “OK, I guess I need to confess. When I walked in on Misty in her bed with that other couple, I didn’t walk right out. It brought back so many memories from my teenage years I just watched them go at it for several minutes. And worse yet, there were kids at the door watching me watch them, so everyone knows.”

Bonnie laughed “Well, I’ll confess I did more than just watch Rebecca and Samuel for a few minutes. I actually chatted with them while I could directly see him working that big dick of his in and out of her.”

“Really? You talked to them while they did it?”

Bonnie nodded. “Yep, just like it was the most natural thing in the world.”

Ashely asked, “How did Rebecca respond to that?”

“She said that Misty likes to watch them do it too. Then before I left, she told me it was a turn-on for me to be right in the room while Samuel was doing her. She even invited me to come catch them again when they went to finish up in my bed.”

Ashely just shook her head.

Bonnie began to stand and said "Well, I guess we need to go in. I promised the girls I'd not chaperone them after the party was over. And it seems my husband in a moment of brainlessness, told Haley that after the party she and the others could have all the sex they wanted out here.”

“No! He didn’t.”

“Yes he did. He’d not really meant it the way it came out; but I’m sure they expect to be able to get naked and…well act like we all did on Sunday.”

They both had to laugh at the reality of what Bonnie had just that moment realized. “So, you see now why it is time to take it inside."

After leaving the water, Bonnie could not help goading Ashley to walk right over to the group of teens who were gathered at the big wooden table. The boys made no attempt not to stare at her framed but fully visible vulva and breasts. Bonnie pretended not to notice the boy’s eyes and said "We are going on in now. So, if you guys somehow misplace your swimsuits, we won't be able to get on your case. But seriously, remember no phone pics from here on out."

One of the girls asked, "How about a pic of you and Mrs. Ericson?"

Bonnie looked to Ashley. The other mother nodded. Bonnie then agreed. The girls unanimously insisted the mothers dip down into the water to get their suits wet again before the photos. With a shrug the two moms did as asked; then posed together for several minutes while every single girl and boyfriend took a photo. "I know you girls want to, so come on, let's get one of all of us together before you put away the phones."

Haley said everyone needed to get wet again first. Bonnie almost nixed the idea, but recalled that the girls had been wearing those suits for hours, and likely every single teenager had photos of the girls as they exited the water. So, she just said. “You have one minute to do what you want.” Then she reconsidered “If we are going to do this, we will do it right. Misty, can you run in and get the good camera.”

Soon Misty was back, entrusting the camera to Cody who had used it before, she said, “Come on girls. Now or never" Bonnie said before she and Ashley took a place on the top step surrounded by the Euro-Club. With that, the ten Euro-Club girls and the two "chaperones" posed together for a few rather racy photos. Before she went in, she said "Remember I'd better not catch you going naked in front of the boys." She knew even if the other girls didn't know what she meant, Misty would.

Inside the house, Cooper was already collapsed on the bed. It had been a much longer day for him outside than it had been for Bonnie sitting in the air conditioning. Without even thinking he just peeled off his sweat-soaked swimming trunks and tee-shirt and flopped on the bed. Although Haley had been the only one he had seen actually having sex outside; he had watched the condom bowl Misty had put on the serving table empty out. Others he saw go into the house and the rest packed up and left right after taking condom packets. Additionally, he had seen a good dozen hand jobs under towels, a few followed by the giggling couples going into the house for a short while before emerging again to smiles and giggles of their friends.

Walking into the bedroom Bonnie and Ashley found Cooper naked on the bed, his stiff tool standing up proudly. Bonnie looked over to Ashley and indicated she wanted to know if it was OK to have sex with Cooper. Ashely motioned for Bonnie to go for it. So, both women stripped off their wet suits and Bonnie replaced Cooper's hand with her all-too-ready love canal. Bonnie was actually surprised that Ashley did not seem the least bit inhibited and greedily watched them make love. Bonnie reached over, took her Magic Wand from the end table, and tossed it to Ashely. She took it up and in a short ten minutes they were on their backs panting as the semen oozed out of Bonnie.

Once she'd caught her breath Bonnie said "And Chad is OK with you being in bed with us like this?"

"We actually talked about it several times over the past few days. He and I both fully expected something similar. He said I'm free to watch and even mess around with you guys; but he draws a clear line at penetration. I can't fuck Cooper or give him a blow job, but beyond that, it’s up to me."

Bonnie rolled over to the attractive woman beside her and put her lips right to Ashley's. "And so if I kiss you it's OK?"

Ashley said "Um huh"

Bonnie kissed her lightly several times and Ashly gently caressed Bonnie’s breasts. Though tempted to take it further, Bonnie was just too tired. So, to be sure not to seem to be just teasing her Bonnie said “I really would like to attack you, but I just don’t have the energy.”

Ashely made a slight laugh, “I was actually wondering if I could summon the strength to have another orgasm. So perhaps we should wait.”

Rolling to their backs and looking up into the mirror at their nude forms, Ashely said “Its been years since I’ve been in a bed with a mirror overhead like that.”

Bonnie said “Oh?”

In a mock huffy voice Ashley said “For your information, I’ll have you know I have stayed in several couples’ resorts that had mirrors over the bed. I’ve seen far more of the world than you realize. Just this past winter I bought the swimsuit I’ve been wearing at Cancun. Chad loves to see me out on the beach in it.”

Bonnie thought ‘Trophy wife.’

A few minutes later Ashely asked, "Bonnie, could you come over to our place tonight or Monday night for a threesome with me and Chad? I know what he said, but it might be better to tell him what we just did while you and I do him together."

Bonnie understood what she was saying and was happy to help ease the transition to a new marriage paradigm for them. And besides, she knew full well she'd love the chance to have some quality time with Ashley later today. "Do you think he's up to having both of us at once?"

Ashley laughed "That old goat? Didn't you see how he had a hard-on before we went outside on Sunday?"

Bonnie laughed as well, "Oh I saw it. I thought it was going to rip right through his shorts. And I also noticed after we were all naked that it came and went all day."

"That's Chad. When he saw you standing at the end of the walkway with your body on display like that, he almost creamed right in his pants. He can hardly look at a pretty woman without getting wood. And like you said, it comes and goes. That is why he didn't want to have sex in front of you guys, he didn't know he could keep it up. With his little blue pill, it comes and stays. I really think he would have been fine without it, but he has this real fear of seeming less than super virile. He had a great day Sunday. On the way home I blew him right in the car. Then later that night we did it for the longest time. In fact, we've had really great sex every night since. That is why we talked about what might happen when I came over today."

Bonnie related how her sex life with Cooper was so much better since she first took a lover. "Glad my little party last Sunday was so successful. But it's not just you guys. Just knowing I've had sex with someone else gets Cooper going every time."

Ashley said "Chad is different. I know he sees me as his prize possession. But...she paused "I've never told anyone this before, well I’ve told Ronda but no one else. In those years I was not married, I had a Sugar Daddy, well a Sugar Couple. I won’t name them, but they are prominent people over in Baldwin County. I met them through my commercial real-estate work. I’d actually started sleeping with them before Rebecca’s dad ditched me; but he didn’t know that. After he left, I was in financial straits. I made decent money, but when he walked, I could not maintain the lifestyle that I’d grown used to. The couple offered to put me on ‘retainer’ to help their development company with real-estate deals. In reality, they were paying me a stipend to be arm candy when they went on out-of-town trips and as a playmate whenever they wanted hot sex. I was not quite like a mistress, but close. I was with them for seven years and went on some great trips. As time went on, I found myself wanting sex more than I had since I was a teenager. They actually introduced me to Chad.”

Bonnie asked “So what happened with the couple?”

Ashely gave a snort. “He effectively bought me from them. Well, that’s not right really. He has been friends with them for years, and he’d been widowed. They seemed to think I would be good for him and he was a good permanent match for me. For a while I was sleeping with the couple some and with Chad too. The truth is I think they were ready for a younger woman, being a mistress has an expiration date, and Chad offered to marry me. I care for Chad, but in effect, I have the same arrangement I have with him. I get to live a good life. In exchange, he gets to show me off to his friends and I promise to only fuck him, and to fuck him a lot. I think I get the better end of this deal. He is really kind and is actually reasonably good in bed, and though I didn’t when I married him, I love him now. I really do."

All Bonnie could think to say was "We tell everyone to do what works for them. And if it works for you, I'll be the first to say you are doing the right thing. And sure, let's not wait. We can ambush him tonight."

They all lay looking up into the mirror for several minutes. Bonnie mused out loud, “If all the goings on at the party made us that hot, what do you think is happening outside with the kids who are still here?”

It took Cooper quite a while to answer, but finally he said “You know we could go in the kitchen and take a look.”

Bonnie asked Ashley, "Should we? If we do, there is a really good chance you will see your daughter naked and possibly even having sex. Are you up to that?"

"Yea, it's not like I didn’t actually see her on him…even if I turned away as soon as I realized it was her, I saw it all. One thing I noticed right off, before I realized it was my Rebecca; she really does have a nice ass. And you were not exaggerating how big he is. I can’t believe she seemed so comfortable with it. I actually saw the sex act, albeit briefly.” She thought for a moment and added. “They were right here in this bed. Now isn't that odd. Rebecca and I were in the same bed today. I wasn’t having sex, exactly but ….well…"

Bonnie chuckled, "Yea, that is the kind of thing I've had to get used to as well."

It took several more minutes before they gathered the strength to go into the kitchen. It didn’t even occur to them to put on any clothes. The large bay window by the table had the three sets of blinds fully open. The sun was now low in the sky and the entire pool area was in shade. With the kitchen lights off Bonnie knew that if they were on the far side of the table, those out by the pool would not see them. Just like Lamar and Byron had done, they crept over to look out over the table.

Though they expected to see some sex play going on, still they found the sight jarring. The big window gave a complete view of the pool area. That was no accident, because upon buying the house from his mother, Cooper had the small window that was there, replaced with the much larger, bay window through which they were now looking. At the time, the real intent was that the adults could supervise the kids out at the pool while staying inside. Certainly, they had never foreseen what they saw their daughter and her friends doing now.

The young, fully unclothed bodies of the boy’s glowed red, reflecting they had not had the kind of all-day sun the girls had become accustomed to in the weeks prior to the party. Like the boys, the girls were completely nude. Bonnie whispered, “They must have ditched the bathing suits right after we went in, look how relaxed even the guys look.”

Bonnie had seen the girls in various stages of undress many times, but for Cooper, this was a first: ten attractive sixteen and seventeen-year-old girls, all nude. If he had not cum twenty minutes earlier, he knew he would have a full erection no matter how he tried not to sexualize his daughter’s friends.

All the kids were gathered to the left side of the window, standing or sitting around the water slide ladder which sat near the front fence. It was clear that something was going on by the ladder but none of them could see because from where they stood behind the table, the slide completely blocked any view of what was going on. Bonnie moved around the table near to the left side of the window, but still could not see what was going on. So all three ended up crowded around the window above the sink.

From their new position they could see what the kids were watching, though they had a hard time believing their eyes. Samuel stood on the second step up the slide. Iris stood in front of him, the head of his oversized erection in her mouth.

Ashley whispered, "Damn he's even bigger than I realized."

Rebecca stood close by to the right as her friend worked to take his enormous penis in her mouth, while Iris’s boyfriend Michael stood by watching with rapt attention. Bonnie, mimicking Ashley’s whisper commented, "Like I said, your daughter's boyfriend is impressively endowed. When I saw her taking him in, I'll admit that I was a little jealous of Rebecca seeing him work it in her like I did."

After not more than a minute Iris turned to the others and made a bow. Even from inside the house, the three parents could hear congratulations and applause. She turned to her boyfriend and he kissed her deeply pressing her large soft breasts flat against him.

“Cooper,” Bonnie whispered, “quietly open up the window a little so we can hear better.”

Ever so slowly he opened the latch and then opened the glass panel on its hinge.

Rebecca’s voice came through clearly “Four and a half. Not even close.”

Iris looked back over her shoulder, “Yea, but you go down on that monster every day.”

Rebecca shot back “I’m not counting me, Kelli took down a full inch more than you.”

Bonnie whispered. “They’re having a deep throat contest using Samuel. I'm sure that is what they are doing. I told Misty about Sherry's impressive performance on Sunday and they are seeing who can take the most of Samuel’s dick. Sure, he’s no longer than Butch, but he is way thicker.”

“Yea, I think you are right," Ashley said.

Cooper added, "And no, Bonnie you can’t go join.”

Bonnie whispered to Ashley “Misty told me that Jeannette and Haley were the first of the girls to start having sex. I think Jeanette was Misty’s first sexual partner. She told me that over two years ago they had full sex at a sleepover. I’m not sure who all was there, but Misty said they did sixty-nine in full view of the others. So for these girls, sex has never been something only done in private. I had no idea about any of that until she told me when we were in Miami. I can’t believe how naïve I was.”

Ashley whispered "I really don't know who was Rebecca's first, or when. But I'm sure it wasn't Samuel and it was not just this last year. I'm pretty sure she's been having sex with boys since she was in 8th grade. At least that is how long she's been on the pill."

After the three parents watched Jeanette take about half of Samuel’s erection into her mouth, Bonnie, Ashely and Cooper watched as Haley took her turn and began to take the big tool in her mouth. She tried several ways to get past the head, then turned to say “Sorry Samuel, it’s just too big for my small mouth.” Several groans from the group followed then she said “but I know my box is plenty big.”

Several voices said “no, no, we’re doing blow jobs” but others said “Yea, do it”

At five foot ten, Haley was as tall as Samuel and probably stronger. She lifted him off the ladder and dropped him to the ground. The “no” voices got louder, but she said “Two minutes, I just want to show I’m up to it.”

Samuel looked over to Rebecca, she nodded and said “OK, but I seriously doubt she can take it all in.”

With Samuel leaning back on the ladder, Haley turned around, reached for the oversized organ and leaned back guiding it into her.

Bonnie shifted further to the right of the window to get a better view. When Ashely did the same, she also stepped back so that she pressed her back onto Cooper. Initially, Cooper thought it had been an accident. After all they were both naked; but when he began to back up, Ashely reached her left hand back to indicate she did not want him to do so. If that didn’t clarify her intent, she used her right hand to guide him to cup her breast. It took only moments for his slightly-hard penis to reach full staff again. When it did, Ashely worked her rear-end until the shaft was firmly between her cheeks. Though surprised, Cooper did not complain.

Bonnie had caught what Ashely was doing and smiled.

They turned their attention back to the teenagers and watched Haley take over half of the thick shaft into her before she stopped. Rocking forward onto her toes, there was quite a gap between their bodies joined by his penis, then moving back again her ass nearly touched his pelvis before stopping again. On the third try the entire thing disappeared into her body and she sat back on his pelvis and stomach. Amid the cheers, Cooper could hear Haley’s voice say “Oh, yea, now this is a guy I could keep around.” After leaning back and grinding for just a few moments, she stepped forward and the erect penis snapped skyward.

Cooper and Bonnie looked at one another. “That was something to see” she whispered “I know the kids have been doing it for a long time, but it’s something quite different to watch them in the act.”

“You aren’t kidding. Am I a pervert if I say that was seriously hot?" Ashley said. "I mean I remember having Haley over to my place when they were still into Barney.”

Cooper, thumbing Ashley’s nipple and slowly grinding his penis on her said “Hot, yea, I’ll admit I’m turned on.”

Bonnie turned to look back at her husband and with a smile said “Yea, I can see.” When she looked back out the window her eyes widened. Samuel was again on the ladder, but now it was their daughter who had his penis in her hand. They could not make out what she said, but she leaned down and took the wrist thick penis in as far as she could. Their little girl had her mouth spread as wide as it would go as she held the thick organ in both hands. Twisting her body, she pumped with hands and mouth in unison taking it in deeper as she worked.

Bonnie smiled as she watched with some degree of pride that her daughter showed real skill in this womanly art. She decided that later she would congratulate her little girl on the good job.

Cooper was not so uncritical. Two feelings welled up in equal amounts. One was revulsion, a desire to scream and make them stop. The other was pride that his daughter was such a free spirit that she could so clearly enjoy doing this in front of her friends. Samuel’s voice could be heard pleading through the window “Misty, stop or I’ll cum”.

When she didn’t stop the others complained loudly “Stop, you’ll ruin the game.” Several more said, “Stop Now, Misty!”

Stopping the action, she came up for a breath. She repositioned herself and pulled his erection down further. She took one hand from his dick and reached around to his ass. With the other she guided the shaft into her open mouth. Once it was in a good bit, she let go and put her other hand on his ass as well. Then she pulled him toward her. Both mom and dad winced as she pulled over half of the meat into her mouth before spitting it out in a coughing fit. Now it was Bonnie’s turn to want to stop the game. She was about to say something when Misty took a deep breath and went back down, down till even more of the penis disappeared between her lips. Cooper and Bonnie both held their breath. She held on for a few seconds then, she released the penis, stood up and took a bow. Her friends cheered and clapped. She took another bow before Rebecca took the ruler and proclaimed “Six and a quarter” which brought more applause.

Hope followed Misty and managed a respectable five inches. JoAnne couldn’t match that but Connie with her wide mouth took in as much as anyone but Misty had on the first effort, much to the visible shock of all. Though, from the distance that Cooper and Bonnie were watching it was hard to tell, but it appeared that she effortlessly downed more penis than most guys sport, and then some. Bonnie had always thought Connie was so very polite and cute in a very ‘girl next door’ kind of way. She’d been quite hesitant at nudity even among the girls. She was not one that Bonnie thought was particularly sexually demonstrative or experienced.

“But where did she learn to do that?” Bonnie said out loud without meaning to.

“Yea, she’s like some porn star. I couldn't begin to do that” Ashley replied. They watched Connie take in long strokes each time taking all but the last couple of inches of flesh. The strokes were so long that she had to move, not just her head, but her whole body back and forth. She did this long enough for Samuel to again say “OK, enough or I’m gonna cum.”

Someone said to quit but Rebecca let them know that everyone else had taken their turn. She was the last. When she pulled the last exposed flesh down her throat, out of sight, the group silenced. She came up for air then down all the way again. She held her lips pressed firmly on his pelvis.

The third time down all the way Samuel groaned “Too late, I’m cumming”. Again it was difficult to see the details but Jeannette kept her lips in his pubic hair. Evidently, he had a powerful orgasm while his penis was well down her throat. His shoulders slumped after several loud groans. When he was finished, she came up for air, before going down again half way.

“She wants the last bit, doesn’t she?” Ashley whispered.

”Pretty impressive display, I hadn’t heard that she could do that” Bonnie answered.

“Whoa, Whoa” came the sound of Samuel’s voice followed by laughter and then a cacophony of voices came pouring over the water into the window as the game suddenly broke up. Bonnie turned to grabbed both her husband and Ashely by the arm. “Come on, they’ll see us here” She dragged them away from the window as the kids spread out from the far end of the pool.

Outside, neither Misty nor any of the others had seen the three adults in the kitchen window.

When her mother and Mrs. Ericson had gone inside nearly an hour earlier, Misty was not sure how to proceed. To her, and to the club girls, the expectations of the evening had changed, and not just because of what her father had told her to tell Haley about allowing sex. Even before the party started, every one of the club girls had heard all about Sunday’s pool party where Misty’s, Haley’s, and Rebecca’s mothers had gone nude in front of the husbands. Mr. & Mrs. C had a threesome right in front of everyone. The fact Rebecca’s mother had not actually gone fully nude was irrelevant. What mattered to the Euro-Club was that there had been public sex by the swimming pool. To Misty, Rebecca, and Haley, it seemed their mothers had changed the rules for the Campbell pool parties.

Beyond that, when comparing what they’d all seen, it appeared that between eight and ten couples (beyond the club members) had screwed during the party; and every one of those couples had done it with doors wide open. Not only had dozens of people watched others fuck, so had the chaperones. Even if Mr. C. hadn’t directly said they could have sex out by the pool, circumstances had changed.

As the Euro-Club had envisioned it before hand, during the after-party, they would go topless at the pool, then when they got inside couples would go up to the guest room for sex as they felt like it. Though the club members had deliberately cultivated the belief that they had orgies and all fucked each other’s boyfriends; that was far more a matter of principle than actual behavior. While club members had often talked at length about skinny dipping parties and open sex with all the guys; in reality, they’d never done any such thing. Misty had indeed had threesomes with four of the eight club boyfriends and put up photos in the game room to prove it, but no one else had done anything similar. It was also true that Haley and Connie had foursomes with their boyfriends and through the fall and winter, Haley & Iris had sort of a shared “fuck buddies” arrangement with the two guys who were now their boyfriends, and; even so, the idea of freely sharing among the group was aspirational, not fact.

Nearly as soon as the two mothers were out of sight, everyone looked to Misty. Only when she removed her bikini did the others. No one even hesitated. Their first experience of co-ed group nudity sent sexual energy skyward. Misty had no doubt that this was already beyond the wildest dreams of the eight guys. By the time they were in the water to give them cover, most of the guys had erections. Laughing, touching, and squealing began immediately.

After the initial excitement had worn down, Misty could sense that the others were waiting to be told what would be OK, and what would not. Misty had an idea; rather she appropriated something her mother had told her about the nude swim day with the church people. She talked first to Rebecca then to Samuel about her idea.

As Misty had hoped, the blow job game broke the ice for sure. As the club watched one member after another suck on Samuel’s penis, the activity took on an air of festivity, rather than that of transgression or simple teen lust. There was no question in Misty’s mind every one of the club members saw this game as just the start of what would happen before they all went home.

In the house, the three adults went back to the living room. They sat for a moment before Bonnie said “Well, we chose to look, so we got what we deserved.”

The others agreed and they began to talk about the implications of what they’d just witnessed for a little while. They could hear the noise and it was clear the kids were having a good time.

It was Bonnie who broke down first. Her excuse was she wanted a soda, but she never made it to the refrigerator. She wasn’t planning to (at least that was what she told herself), but she crept into the shadows behind the table to look out the big bay window. The naked teens were spread out across the pool and deck. Iris was on her back on one of the old wooden chaise lounges. As Bonnie had learned over a decade ago, the narrow shape and lack of arms made it perfect for her to ride her husband because she could put her feet on the ground while she did so; however, it was quite narrow and it was easy to fall off. Iris was on her back, with her hips and knees up as Michael, on his knees, worked his penis in her. Bonnie wished she could let him know it would be easier if he straddled the lounge with his feet on the ground. But of course, she did not.

She waved Ashley over. She continued to whisper because the window over the sink was still open. “Well, I think this might turn into the first big pool orgy. And it’s the kids, not the adults who are having it. I never imagined that.”

Something on the far right of her view caught her eye. Shifting her position until she could see the new swinging love seat that Cooper had bought the other day, she saw Caitlin and Misty kissing deeply and passionately. Caitlin had a hand caressing Misty’s breast, while Misty’s free hand was not visible as it was in the shadow between Caitlin’s thighs.

It seemed funny to Bonnie, for all the sexual openness in the home this was the first time she had seen Misty making out with someone…and the fact they were both nude made it all the more arresting. She stood there watching, unable to move. Even from the distance, the intensity of their kissing was evident. Their bodies glistened with sweat in the dying sun. Their hands explored the expanses of one another’s bare skin. In turn they put their lips to the others erect nipples and their hands massaged the shadowy area between one another’s thighs. Bonnie let out a gasp as Misty’s back arched in pleasure as Caitlin caressed her vulva while suckling her breast.

It was a truly beautiful sight on so many levels. Suddenly she realized how much she was enjoying watching and that disturbed her. Deliberately releasing her tunnel vision, she looked over to Iris on the chaise. Her legs now gripped Michael’s torso, holding his penis in her as he fucked hard. Neither Iris nor Michael were small people and the old wooden lounge chair was flexing as he worked. Bonnie was concerned it might break. After all those two loungers were the only two pieces left that were there when she’d first moved to Sparta.

Suddenly something in her mind came to focus. She wondered if she had brought the condoms in from the pool area after the party. Yes, she had. Turning so fast she almost knocked Ashley down, only the fact Cooper was holding her tight kept her from doing so. Bonnie purposefully strode out of the room.

From their angle, Cooper and Ashely could not see Misty and Caitlin as they were making love on the swing. She had once again backed up against him. This time though, she reached back to grip his erection as they watched Iris and Michael. She did not have to guide his hands to her breasts this time.

Cooper found the other kid’s responses to the very public sexual display interesting. Ashely must have noticed the same thing. She commented to Cooper that it was amusing to watch the boys at first pretend not to notice the two couples having sex; but when the girls began to watch in earnest, they stopped their innocent act and simply gawked.

Cooper had not thought anything about his wife’s departure. His focus was on Ashely. To his utter shock and dismay, the next thing he saw was his wife, completely naked, walking across the pool deck carrying the bowl of condoms. This caused quite a commotion among the teens.

Outside Bonnie fought down a laugh when two of the boys, upon seeing her, scrambled to get into the water to hide their nudity. Misty and Caitlin were way too into each other to notice her arrival. On the chaise lounge Michael was on his knees. He seemed to be giving it his all to Iris as she was clamped tight on his waist with her legs.

He must have sensed something was going on because he suddenly looked back over his shoulder. He saw Mrs. C. and a look of terror came to his face. He appeared to panic and tried to jump off of Iris; however, Iris was not about to let go of him and his jump simply pulled them both over the side of the lounge chair onto the ground with a thud.

Bonnie saw them fall and ran to make sure they were all right. Moments later, she found herself surrounded by the teens helping Iris up. On the ground, Michael looked up at the naked Mrs. C. kneeling down to look him over. His surprised look, then his eagerness to look over her nudity in full, told her he must be fine. She stood and laughed saying “Well, I came out to make sure you had condoms. I guess I need not have.” She held out a hand to help up Michael, who still held a full erection… a condom covered erection.

Inside, Cooper and Ashely heard the laughter filter in but they were too far from the open window to make out the words. She, still moving her hips as she pressed against him, turned her head and said “Well I guess he’s OK.” Then she guided one of his hands to her crotch. He responded by tracing the folds of her vulva while nuzzling her hair.

They watched Bonnie point to the bowl and then casually talk to the young people for several minutes without any apparent regard for her nudity. Ashely turned to put her lips to his. “If I hadn’t promised Chad, you’d be plowing me right now.”

Cooper could only say “Yes I would.”

Outside Bonnie, in a calculated breezy voice, said “Sorry for disrupting your fun, but like I said. I was bringing out the condom bowl. It seems we’d accidentally brought it in with the food and things.” She understood the meaning of their looks, so she added “But, how about we just forget I ever came out here?”

One of the boys, Devin, said: “Sorry Mrs. C., I’ll never ever forget seeing you like this.”

That got more laughs.

Hope said, “Yea, you will be whacking off to this for a year.”

That got laughs and a retort “Of course I will. And you probably will too.”

More laughs. Bonnie could not help but be amused, and flattered. She did not, however, make any move to go back inside.

Kelli asked “So, are you going to stay out here with us? I heard you liked watching Rebecca and Samuel having sex earlier, and I’m sure we can arrange for you to see more of that if you stay.”

Bonnie was not a bit surprised everyone present knew about her flagrantly watching the young couple having sex during the party. There was no use in pretending she had not liked watching; so she just laughed and made a pantomime saying “Me? How dare you say that. I saw no such thing, just like you don’t see me here. I was never in the room with them and I certainly did not come out here with you naked like this. I’d be shocked if I saw such a thing as teenagers having sex at my house.”

There was laughter, but she knew they understood what she was saying.

Jeannette asked, “But why are you naked?”

Before she could answer, Kelli said to the group “She, Mr. C., and Rebecca’s mom were inside having sex.” Then she looked right at Bonnie with a smile and said “Right?”

Bonnie repeated her innocent act and said “Such accusations!” She knew it was time for her to go in now.

Rebecca followed up “Were you? Were you having sex with my mom?”

With a smile, she said, “I don’t kiss and tell.” She knew that would get them talking. “You guys have a good time. Since it will be getting cool soon, I’ll unlock the upstairs guest room if any of you might want to use it.” She started toward the house then turned and added, “But my bedroom will be occupied.”

Jeanette asked, “Will the door be open like the house rules say?”

Breezily she said “Of course. But all you will see is us napping…. probably.” And she did not turn back again even though there were more comments.

From where they stood in the dining room, Cooper and Ashely had watched the whole interaction; but since they were now away from the open window, they caught little of what was said. Seconds later they heard the back door open and close. Cooper turned to go to the family room followed by Ashley.

“What was that about!?” he queried.

“Didn’t you hear? I realized they didn’t have condoms. It was obvious that Michael was going to cum soon, so I took the bowl to them.”

“But you are naked!”

“Sorry, I wasn’t thinking about that. I guess I should have put something on.”

“Probably so.”

“But it was an emergency. But still, it was kinda dumb. Sorry.”

Cooper calmed down “Ah, it will be all right. Your arrival out there will be one of the highlights of the day for them."

Ashley agreed then asked "What did they say to you out there?”

“Oh, they wanted me to stay out with them.” She said with a mischievous grin “and I almost did. I thanked them for the invitation but told them that we'd be going out soon to get the pizza."

With that, the trio went to the shower to wash off the sweat of the day before dressing to go. They all piled into the shower, which became quite the “hands-on” affair. They spent a great deal of time “washing” everyone’s erogenous zones. While Cooper’s penis never went into Ashely’s mouth or vagina, that was only a minor limitation. There was much laughing and a bit of moaning before the water went cold.

Cooper flopped on the bed while the women started on their hair. He closed his eyes and stroked his erection slowly as he listened to the women chat. He began to drift off.

Without warning, Ashely jumped on top of him. Initially, he thought she had given up her resistance and was going to fuck him after all; however, rather than putting his dick inside of her, she pushed her vulva down on the shaft and began to work her clit up and down on it. She smiled down at him as her large breasts swayed. It was very, very sexy.

Bonnie walked over to the closet to look for an outfit to wear. She watched Ashely riding Cooper. She thought to herself that she did indeed like to see her husband with a pretty woman, and Ashely was very pretty. She crossed the room to go into their walk-in closet to get just the right outfit.

On the bed, Cooper could see that Ashely was quite intent on getting off. She leaned forward to offer her breast to him. He sat up slightly to receive her gift. How could he not enjoy this? He kissed the flesh, then pressed his lips to suck her erect right nipple.

In a soft breathy voice, she said “Chad is not the first man to own my pussy; but it’s been since I was in junior high since I’ve done without a new cock as long as I have this time. Even when I was the mistress of the couple I told you about, they sometimes invited friends to join us… and a few times I cheated on them.” She kept working her clit on his hard shaft. “But, I haven’t forgotten how to get what I want without breaking the rules.” She’d been on him less than five minutes, but she was already getting close, and he could tell it. For that matter, so was he.

Bonnie had picked out her outfit, but just leaned against the closet door frame and watched. She too had thought Ashely had broken her promise, but from this vantage point, she could clearly see what was actually happening. She could also see, both Ashley and her husband were close to climaxing.

She came out of the closet and took a seat on the corner of the bed. Not only did she want to see their climax, she wanted Ashely to know she was supportive of what she was doing. She did not have to wait long. Ashely climaxed with a string of expletives. Before she was done quivering, Cooper’s orgasm came as well.

Evidently, Ashely was not concerned about getting his semen all over her since once they both were spent, she lay down flat on Cooper. They kissed softly for some time, no doubt smearing the goo between their two torsos. As they did so, Bonnie stood up to put on the casual outfit she’d picked out, but a noise drew her attention to the door to the living room.

Out at the pool, after Mrs. C’s unexpected appearance, a couple of the club members thought Mrs. C.’s appearance in the nude had been some kind of plan. Others were sure that she really had been having sex with Rebecca’s mom and just hadn’t thought about clothes. Misty knew it was not in the plan, but it was entirely possible they’d been having a threesome inside.

As they talked, a deluge of mosquitos swarmed in as if on some kind of planned mission. The wet weather had made the bugs particularly bad this season which was why the plan had been for the after-party to be held primarily in the game room.

Misty directed her friends to the sliding glass door. With the first part of the after-party (skinny dipping) complete, the second was just starting. From about 7:30 PM till midnight, it was just low-keyed hanging out. Though they did not know it yet, the after-party set the template for the club whenever they gathered at the Campbells for the next year.

Once inside, she grabbed the stack of club tee-shirts and began to hand them out. By pulling her shirt on along with her string thong bikini bottoms; she set the example of what to wear inside. She also announced, “When we all get on our shirts and the guys get their shorts back on, you can use your phone cameras again.” Then she added “And if there is any messing around in here…not that there will be….do not get that in your selfies, even if it is just in the background.”

Mostly the girls wore their shirts and bikini bottoms, but at least one time or another some of the girls removed the shirts or bottoms or both. JoAnne was the only one who brushed aside the example Misty had set: she skipped the bottoms entirely and tied her shirt at the waist so as to leave her purple heart shaped pubic hair fully visible all night. She was adamant that was her bottoms. When Mrs. C. saw JoAnn’s “outfit” on her way out to get the pizza, she’d complimented her on the look. She took that as an endorsement of her claim that her colored & styled pubic hair was as good as clothing. For the rest of the summer, her neatly trimmed purple heart was normally all she wore between her waist and shoes at the Campbell’s home (much to the enjoyment of Lamar and his friends). JoAnne’s “look” became one of those quirks of the Euro-Club that helped spread their reputation.

Once the teenagers settled into the game room, Misty went to let her parents know they were ready for the promised pizza. She’d asked Rebecca and Samuel to come with her so as to help her warm up the left-over hamburgers and hot dogs to tie everyone over until the pizza arrived.

She wasn’t sure what she expected to find when she looked into the bedroom, but what she saw was not at all on that list. Mrs. Ericson was on top of her dad fucking his brains out. They all stopped cold when they saw. The four of them bunched up just outside of the door frame. Misty’s first reaction was to shoo them all away; but she did not want to appear to be ashamed. Beyond that, she’d been told that Mrs. Ericson had (among other couples) looked in on her threesome. Misty had not seen Rebecca’s mother, but there had been a group in the hallway watching her with Natalie and Cassidy go at it. More than one person had told her how Mrs. Ericson just slid by them and stood in the room until the phone alarm had sounded. She had also been seen standing at the doorway watching Rebecca fuck Samuel. So, she reasoned she had no cause to asked the others not to watch. Afterall, the door was wide open and upon second look, Rebeca’s mom wasn’t actually fucking her dad. His penis was under her vulva, not in it. She was not sure the others realized what they were seeing.

What Misty and her friends could not miss though, was that Mrs. Erickson was about to cum…and inside of a minute she did so shouting “FUCK, OH FUCK YEA!” several times. No sooner had she started to calm down than her dad apparently came as well, though with considerably less commotion.

Misty had just decided she and her friends should head on to the kitchen without making their presence known when her mom just appeared at the door. She seemed as surprised to see them as they were to see her.

“Oh! Hi there” Bonnie told the three teens. She could tell she’d startled them. Unsure how to respond, she just held her outfit and said “Ashely, your father and I will be heading out in just a minute. We are off to the House of Pizza. I hope it is OK if we have our dinner there before bringing home food for the club.”

Misty had recovered from her surprise, “Oh, yea. We were just on our way to warm up the left-overs to tide us over till you get back.”

Bonnie couldn’t miss all but Misty were looking past her to the bed. Surely Ashely now knew she’d been seen by the teens. She hoped her friend wouldn’t be too freaked out that her daughter had surely just seen, and heard her orgasm.

Ashely answered that question to the negative when, from right behind her came “Well, it’s not like I have any room to complain they watched. After all, I got more than an eyeful of them doing it today, so I guess turnabout is fair play.”

Bonnie turned to see Ashely, showing no embarrassment that her daughter and friends had obviously just seen her big climax, nor making any effort to cover her nudity. Cooper lay on the bed with his eyes closed pretending to be asleep. Looking back to the teens, Bonnie was relieved to see Rebecca smiling ear to ear.

“Well Mom, that was quite a show,” Rebecca said with a toothy grin. “I guess after today you and I need to have quite a talk.”

“Yes,” her mother said “A long woman-to-woman talk. After we’ve seen each other having sex, I can’t exactly keep treating you like a child.”

Clearly that was what Rebecca was hoping to hear. “Yea, I think you are right.”

“So,” to move things along, Bonnie said “How about you let us get dressed so we can go.”

Misty and the others nodded.

Before they left Ashely said “And, could we keep what you just saw me doing between us for now. While I know I didn’t violate my promise to Chad, since I didn’t actually have penetrative sex with Cooper; still, I think one less rumor would be good.”

The kids agreed and headed to the kitchen.

At that moment a thought occurred to both Bonnie and Misty. There was no longer any doubt that their family was having a profound effect on all the people close to them. They both supposed…hoped…the effect was a good one.

When Misty returned with a plate of warmed-up burgers & dogs, the game room could have been any other night of high school friends hanging out. JoAnne and Connie were shooting pool; five people were in the theater seating watching video gaming; in the quartette of overstuffed chairs around a small coffee table, a lively conversation was going; several people were standing around the bar snacking on the food; and at the gaming table, four people were beginning a game of Settlers of Catan.

The only things unusual were that none of the girls wore any pants with their club tee-shirts (at the pool table JoAnne did not even wear the micro-thong bikini bottoms), and in one of the overstuffed chairs, Devin’s erection was in Jeannette’s hand. She talked quite casually to the others while slowly jacking him. Over the evening, that was more or less how things went. There was some occasional nudity and (as Misty saw when she first walked in) when couples made out it nearly always involved digital-genital or oral-genital play. But, as far as Misty could tell, the hand-jobs, blow-jobs, and pussy eating were almost always simply sex-play, not serious sex. There were a few cases of screwing in the game room as the night wore on, but that was the exception rather than the rule. Even the fact that at any given time there were people upstairs in the guest bedroom having sex would not be unusual for any other group of teens at a late-night party.

By the time Cooper made it home with the pizza, two trios had already gone upstairs, done their thing, and come back. As Mr. C. laid out the pizza boxes, it took a few minutes before any of the teens realized that Mrs. C. had not returned with her husband.

Before the wives had dropped him off with the food for the kids, Cooper had specifically asked Bonnie what to say when they asked where she’d gone. She’d told him what to say; and so when he was asked, he casually said "Mrs. C. went home with Rebecca's mother to thank Chad for loaning us his wife for the day. Don't worry, she promised that she won't let the thank-you last more than an hour, or two. Ashely will bring her home when they are done."

Initially, Misty was the only one to get what Cooper was saying. "Good for her."

Only then did Rebecca grasp what was happening. "Do you mean that Mrs. C is doing it with my mom and her husband?"

Cooper did not answer, but Misty quickly confirmed that was exactly what he meant. When he did not dispute her statement, his silence set off quite a buzz in the room. It didn’t take them long to conclude that indeed the reason Mrs. C. had been naked earlier was that she’d been having a threesome with Mr. C and Mrs. Ericson.

Cooper went to hide in his bedroom.

When Bonnie made it home about 11:00, she found him dead to the world; so she decided to go check on the kids before she went to bed too. In the game room, Bonnie was surprised that only about half of the crew were in the room. That was odd because there were no fewer cars than when she and Ashly dropped Cooper off with the pizza. Misty was shooting pool with Kurt, two couples were in the theater seats playing video games, the rest were just sitting talking. Well, the rest except Kelli. She sat on the gaming table while Haley's boyfriend Gregg ate her out.

Significantly that sight was not the center of attention. In fact, no one seemed to be watching them except Rebecca who was sitting at the table apparently talking to Kelli.

When they saw Mrs. C., Some of the kids just said “Hi” but other’s asked things like “Did you have a good time?” Bonnie knew what they meant, but for now she pretended she did not.

To Misty, who was shooting pool, she asked, “So have you found anyone who can best you yet?” She expected her daughter would be winning most of her games. She’d gotten good enough to even beat her father as often as not.

Misty smiled and shook her head. “I’ve deflated the egos of five of the guys already, and Kurt here will soon be the sixth.”

Rebecca with a broad smile added, “Yea, no one has yet to be able to claim the prize Misty has promised.”

Bonnie was not really listening to Rebecca, so she did not ask about the prize. Instead, she was looking over to where Kelli was clearly enjoying Gregg’s ministrations. He appeared to have a pair of fingers inside pressing up while he licked her clit. When he began to pull his mouth off of her, she grabbed his head and pushed it back between her thighs. Then she turned to Bonnie to say "Hi, Mrs. C. This is the best party ever.”

While Misty lined up a shot, Kurt added “It really was the most amazing party. People will be talking about it forever.”

Several of the teens in the room turned to second that assessment. Bonnie was also sure he was right.

Misty ran half the table before she missed. Bonnie asked, “So Misty, where is everyone else?”

Misty replied, “Oh, Haley, Caitlin & Tyler are in my room and Hope, John Paul & JoAnne are in the guest room.” She then paused, “Or it could be the other way around. If you want to know you can go up to take a look. I know they won’t mind if you do.”

Bonnie smiled and acted like she was thinking about it then said “I think I’ll pass for now. It doesn’t matter who is where. Though I would never admit it to others, that is exactly the kind of thing this after-party was planned for.”

Misty agreed with her mother’s assessment. “Yes, though as it turned out, the play dates upstairs turned out to be a little more planned than I’d expected. It’s worked out great though. I know everyone has been having a great time. The guest room setup has been a real hit. We all appreciate all you did to help.”

Again, Bonnie did not pay enough attention to what was said to her, so she did not ask what Misty meant. She only said “It’s been a really long day. I just wanted to say good night.”

Before Bonnie had turned away, Rebecca asked "And how'd the threesome with my mom and Chad go? I hope you didn't give him a heart attack. I actually like him and don't want to see him dead."

Bonnie had expected this question, so she happily said "No, I didn't kill him. It went really, really great. Your mother calls him a horny old goat, and she is right. For both of them, it was the first threesome they'd had in years and they had never had one since they have been together. We will certainly be doing it again."

There were several comments, then Bonnie said "You all have fun, but remember, the boys need to be gone by midnight. That is in about an hour."

She went to her room, undressed, and slipped into bed.

After Misty had finally lost a game of pool to one of the guys and had paid up her “debt,” she’d joined Haley in cleaning up the empty pizza boxes and trash that had accumulated in the game room. The after-party was about done, so after a final call, she took what little that remained of the pizza to the refrigerator in the kitchen. Once the bar area was packed up and cleaned, Misty and Hayley crawled up into the bar stools. It seemed to Misty that the day had gone on forever. It had all been great, but she was wearing down.

She must have not been the only one, because almost Immediately Connie came over, this time wearing her pants. Clearly, she and Devin were on their way out. After hugs and thank yous, they left. Not long after, JoAnne, Iris, Kurt and Michael, who had all come together, did the same.

Misty said to Haley “When my mom said the after-party was to be over at midnight I thought that was too early. Now I see she was right. I’m exhausted.”

“You and me both” Haley said in a weary voice.

They sat quietly for some time watching the after-party wind down. Finally, Misty commented “At first I was annoyed when I realized how Jeannette had taken it upon herself to play matchmaker for the evening; but, now its all done, I can see she was right. More or less, she just took the next step after I initiated the blowjob game out at the pool. Since this is our first Euro-Club sex party… and that is what it has been…”

Haley cut her off “Yes, it has been a sex party. But I don’t think it became a sex party just because of Jeannette. She only made it easier for us all to do what we all agreed we wanted to do.”

Misty thought Haley had hit it on the head. She would have to thank Jeanette later. They again sat in silence as the clock ticked on.

“Haley?” Misty asked.


“Is your sister still looking for a playmate from the youth group?”

Haley turned, “She is. With summer here and Gregg moving in with us tomorrow, she feels left out.”

“Has she ever talked about Cassidy White as a fuck buddy?”

“Yes, she likes him. He and Bethany and the McBride twins have been a clique for years. When he skipped a grade at school, I think his youth group friends became more important to him than ever. She thinks she blew it when he had indicated that he wanted to be more than friends last fall, but she was still hung up on your brother. Now he’s with Natalie, so that door is closed.”

“I don’t think so. Not if she wants a playmate, not a boyfriend. Do you think she’d be interested in having a couple as her fuck buddies, not just a guy?”

Misty went on to tell what had happened earlier in the day and how Cassidy and Natalie would be coming over the next day once her parents are gone for an evening of sex. “They are both cute as can be, but they are not really my peers. I guess my fear is they will want an ongoing thing; but well… I don’t think I am who they need.”

Haley caught on “But Bethany might be. I’ll talk to her.”

Just before midnight, Bonnie put on a bath robe so as to go tell the last of the guys it was time to go home. She changed her mind and put on a sheer negligee. She knew she shouldn’t but she couldn’t help it. She was enjoying this little game with the teenagers.

She found about half of the club and attendant boyfriends had already called it a night. At ten till twelve, it was really not late, but they had all started quite early. Caitlin and Gregg were shooting pool, Keli and Cody were playing video games and Misty and Haley were talking at the wet bar. Right in the theater seating, Hope was bent over sucking John Paul's penis. When she looked across the room, on one of the stools, Tyler had Jeannette on his lap, slowly grinding his erection into her. It was significant to Bonnie that the other's in the room no longer were interested enough to watch them have sex. They all however took note of her completely see-through robe; yet the sight of Mrs. C.'s nudity was now just par for the course. She decided right then that from now on, this would be her late-night attire around the teens.

Bonnie went over and let them know she was telling the guys that they had ten minutes to head out. Misty assured her that she would make sure they were gone and thanked her again.


The next morning Bonnie was packing. Though it was past noon, there were still three very tired but talkative girls at the Campbell home. All lay sprawled on her bed. Kelli wore actual panties (not a swim suit) but nothing else, Misty wore only an old tee-shirt and Caitlin wore nothing at all.

Caitlin was saying “I love this house. I missed it so much when I couldn’t come over. At least here I can just be me and not have to put on… or put on clothes if I don’t want to.”

Bonnie laughed “It's not like this hasn't been your second home since you were in first grade.”

Caitlin agreed “Yea, and how many summer days did Misty and I simply go butt naked from sun up to sundown. You didn’t seem to mind one bit, and back then my mom didn’t either.”

Bonnie looked at her and said “When Cooper wasn’t here, she went bare too if I recall. And now you look so much like her, especially when you are unclothed.”

Caitlin replied “If I had my old mom back, she’d agree I could join Rebecca and Haley in going nude anytime I wanted. But now, even though I think she really would want to tell you its fine, I don’t think she can.”

Bonnie thought for a second and said “In your case, I will take the risk and speak for what I know your mother really believes. I don’t think she feels it is safe to talk to me while she lives in Bob’s house, but am sure that she would be happy to give you permission to join our family as nudists. I’m sure Lamar won’t mind.”

Caitlin said “I think I can talk to her when we are alone; but you are right, she can’t talk to you about it. She knows all about what I’ve been doing over here and is supportive, even though she has to act like she would be appalled if she knew.” Caitlin then stretched out on the bed and yawned. “Oh Mrs. C., it was the most amazing night ever. It was like so relaxed, but so sexy at the same time. I’m not as experienced as some of the others, it was interesting to see how different guy’s dicks are.”

Bonnie, Misty and Keli all knew that prior to the party, Caitlin had only actually had sex with one guy; and that had not ended well. During her time in social exile due to the demands of her mother’s controlling and very religious boyfriend; Caitlin had been pushed to date a boy, Joseph Billman, from the church she was made to attend.

Months before, Caitlin had told Bonnie and Misty “Joseph was actually quite nice most of the time, but his in-your-face hyper-conservatism sometimes grated on me. What kept me from ever really falling for him though was the fact I simply wasn’t allowed to go out with anyone else.”

Caitlin had explained that since he was the only person she was allowed to go out with for nearly a year, she did so. When he started getting sexual, she didn’t stop him. “After all, I wanted to get something for me. Since my mom’s boyfriend really trusted him, he was even allowed to come over when he and my mom weren’t home. I never initiated anything, but I never stopped him either. In short order our make-out sessions went further and further. It was only when it was clear he wanted to fuck me, that I stopped him long enough to make him put on one of the condoms I had in my dresser drawer. You see, despite all her efforts to put on like she believes in what Bob’s church says, Mom is still Mom. She still thinks sex is normal and natural. When it’s just me and her, she has never pretended it would be wrong for me to have sex just for fun with whoever I choose to do it with. That is why I had condoms ready. Joseph and I had sex seven times over four months, always in my bedroom when Mom and Bob were out. At first, I enjoyed doing it, but every time when we were done Joseph would get overwhelmed with guilt and act really weird, sometimes mean. By the fifth or sixth time, I actually started out dreading his reaction. That kinda killed the fun.”

Things blew up for Caitlin when Joseph made a dramatic public confession of his “sin” after a True Love Waits presentation in their youth group. The entire church community turned on Caitlin. It was universally agreed that she had seduced and taken advantage of the boy. The proof positive was that she had condoms at hand when she’d “tricked him” into having sex with her.

After that event, Caitlin no longer was required to go to church with Bob and her mother. Much to Caitlin’s delight, Bob said he was absolving himself of his responsibility for her spiritual well-being. All that was great news for Caitlin, and it led directly to her reengaging with Misty’s family and her friends at the St. Thomas Youth Group. Her mother, without letting Bob know, had taken Caitlin to get on birth control over Christmas break. To avoid Bob finding out, they decided it was best to go with an IUD rather than the pill.

Kelli asked, "What about me? You and my mom are old friends too."

Bonnie had to say "Yes, that is true but while her situation is a lot like Gina's, it isn't quite the same. I'll need to hear from her first. OK?"

Kelli seemed to understand, "OK."

Bonnie, bringing a suitcase from the closet, asked Caitlin “Did you say dicks? So you had sex with more than one guy last night?”

Caitlin smiled slyly “Actually yes.”

Bonnie couldn’t help but say “When I got home last night, I think Misty said you were with Tyler.”

As Caitlin sat up quickly, her full breasts swayed. “Yes, but that was later. Early in the night I was invited to join a threesome with Hope and her boyfriend, John Paul.”

Kelli jumped in to say “You see, all of the club members joined another couple for a threesome in your sex room upstairs. We’d been talking about us all doing it with any of the Euro-Boy-Toys we wanted for weeks; so, well… last night we made it happen.”

Bonnie queried “Euro-Boy-Toys?”

“That is what we’ve decided to call the boyfriends of the club members. The official name we put on our website is the Euro-Club Auxiliary, but we’ve just been calling them the Euro-Boy-Toys.”

Bonnie just nodded “Ohh…I see.” She didn’t know if she liked the term, but she wasn’t going to say anything now. “So, you all had a plan for each of you to have sex with another club girl and her boyfriend? Is that what you are saying?”

Misty thought she needed to clarify. “No, we didn’t have a plan. Jeannette had a plan. Most of us didn’t notice how organized it was until pretty much everyone had participated in a threesome.”

Bonnie gave Misty a funny look.

Misty backed up and tried again. “You see, pretty much right off, after we came inside, couples started using the guest bedroom one after another. What Jeannette did was to get those couples to invite one of the other girls to go with them to make it a threesome. She did it quietly so that it looked natural. When Connie asked if I would go upstairs with her and Devin, I didn’t realize that Jeannette had suggested it to her, and she didn’t realize Jeanette had done the same with every couple who’d gone upstairs for the prior two hours.”

Bonnie said “Oh, so you had sex with Devin last night?”

“And Connie. We all had a lot of fun. But, we did it in my room because Iris, Michael and Caitlin were taking so long.”

Bonnie looked to Caitlin “So I guess Michael was guy number three for you?”

Caitlin nodded with a smile.

Bonnie laid her suitcase out on the bench at the foot of the bed and began to put things in it. “So, Caitlin did it with John Paul, Tyler and Michael; Misty did it with Devin. And Haley, what about you?”

Caitlin jumped in “And Misty did it with Michael too. But she did him right in the game room.”

Bonnie looked to her daughter, then Kelly told Mrs. C. how, not long after they had all gone inside, Misty had challenged the guys. She’d said that the first guy who could beat her at 8-Ball, could do her bent over the pool table.

Misty, seeing her mom’s look said “I actually didn’t think I could lose. Not that I minded paying up. I played on and off all night as guys asked for their turn to try. When you got home last night you saw me playing Kurt. I beat him easily after you left. Michael came right after, but I accidentally sank the 8-ball. So, he got the prize.”

Kelli picked up, “Right then and there, Misty took off her bikini bottoms and bent over the pool table. Michael seemed confused about what to do, but Iris grabbed a condom from the bowl and pulled his shorts down to put it on.”

Misty nodded “He actually did a whole lot better than I’d expected. I’d thought it would just take a minute or two, but he surprised me. At first, it was fun, then it was like ‘Wow, I’m getting turned on’ then it was like ‘damn, I’m getting really turned on.’ Then my orgasm was coming like a freight train. I’ve never had an orgasm from rear entry, but I did last night.”

Caitlin jumped in, “Haley, Tyler, and I missed the beginning, but when we came down from playing upstairs, she was so into it that we all just stood and watched. When she came, she had everyone’s attention. It was so, so hot. If I hadn’t already had sex with three other couples already, I would have dragged someone upstairs to do me.”

Bonnie laughed.

Misty finished the tale by saying “After I came, I suggested I finish him off with my mouth. Not surprisingly he agreed. He came pretty quickly after that. Then to make sure Iris didn’t feel left out, I gave her a big kiss with Michael’s jizz on my lips.”

Kelli added, “But Mrs. C. That wasn’t the only time Misty got some nookie. During the party she had a threesome with Cassidy White and Natalie Foster. From what I heard about a dozen people looked in on them while they went at it.”

Bonnie nodded, “Yes, Ashely told me all about it. She was sort of embarrassed that she’d just stood there in the room and watched, but I assured her that was consistent with the house rules.”

Misty replied, “I don’t think Natalie was upset that Mrs. Ericson watched and I certainly wasn’t.”

Kelli went on ratting on Misty. “Then Misty made out with Natalie by the pool right before the party ended… feeling her up in front of a dozen more people. Though, I think that story seems to be growing as people retell it. I wouldn’t be surprised if by next week the story is she had the threesome with them right by the pool in front of everyone.”

Bonnie knew that was likely so. “You are probably right. And wild rumors actually might work to your advantage since they aren’t true people might not believe tales of the stories that are true. Like for instance the story that Haley took off her top and had sex in the pool right in the middle of the party.”

The girls all laughed and Misty said, “But I put an end to that.”

“Yes,” her mother said, “But from what your father said he saw, for more than just a minute or two Haley was topless while Gregg openly screwed her.” Then she relented and said “But in truth if they were the only couple having sex in the pool yesterday, you guys did a pretty good job of policing those things. Though even the short while I was out there, I saw two flagrant cases of hands in swimsuits. But we let that go by design.”

Bonnie looked at Misty, “But now I understand why Natalie Foster’s mother called me a little while before you guys came in. She said she was calling to make sure it was all right that Natalie spends the night tonight. I acted like I already knew. But I’ll admit I was surprised. And, I didn’t mention to her that your father and I will be in New York City tonight.”

Misty said “Thanks Mom. Yes. She and Cassidy will be coming over about six, but he won’t be staying the night only Natalie will.”

Bonnie had stopped packing. “Now that I know you had sex with them at the party, it all makes more sense because I didn’t know Natalie was in your circle of friends. Not that I object to you two starting a thing. She is cute as a button and from the times I’ve talked to her after Youth Group and then yesterday in the living room, she seems to have her head on her shoulders.”

Kelli laughed and added, “And she has a huge crush on Misty.”

“Ohhhh” Bonnie said with a smile. “More pieces come together.”

Misty just nodded.

Bonnie continued, “But Natalie’s mother and I talked for about fifteen minutes. She seems to be on board with our approach with the teenagers. And would you believe she’s been to Haulover Beach before. When she was in college, she did Spring Break on South Beach, but she said she went to Haulover twice. She said she is glad that was before the days of cell phone pics because she’s glad no photos of her in the buff or topless have ever surfaced. I took responsibility for letting those guys take photos of us and trusting them not to put naked pictures of us on the web. While she said she understood why I feel bad about it, she also said she thought it gave me what she called ‘street cred’ with the teens in our Youth Group. She thanked me for all the work I do with the girls. From the way she talked, I guess Natalie told her quite a bit about the party… though somehow, I doubt she told her she had a threesome with you.”

Cailin jumped in “She’s right. You and Mr. C. have a reputation of authenticity that I know is appreciated. The party yesterday just reinforced that. I talked with Everleigh McMaster out by the pool after you talked to a group of them for like an hour. She said everyone in the room thinks you are amazing.”

Kelli pulled the conversation back to the after-party. “But Mrs. C., you need to know it’s not like all we did was have sex in the hours after the party. Really most of the time most of us were doing other things. We shot pool, played video & board games, took another nude swim after the bugs had died down, and talked a lot.” She looked over at Misty then added, “and we watched the video from your nude cruise.”

Bonnie hung her gown in the hanging bag on top of Cooper’s tux. She was a little alarmed. That video had close to an hour of very explicit clips of her having sex with every single person who’d been with them. But with effort she acted nonchalant about it. “Oh, so what did everyone think of that. It didn’t get too boring, did it?”

Keli seemed all too happy to say “We loved it of course. Everyone did. I’d seen bits and pieces but never the whole thing, both on the boat and the underwater stuff. It is like a super sexy travel show and the hottest porn ever all in one.”

Bonnie nodded, “Yes, it is a bit like that. Since Martin could switch from still photos to video without us knowing, he got a lot of different things. So did it inspire anyone while they watched?”

Misty laughed “It sure inspired Kelli, she practically dragged JoAnne and Kurt upstairs.”

Kelli sheepishly nodded to confirm.

Bonnie rummaged through a drawer then asked “Well I am very glad to hear the after-party went as good as the party did. How do you think the other club members feel about the round-robin sex last night?”

Misty answered “I’ve already heard from all seven of the others, they all sent thank-you notes and raved about the great time they and their guys had.”

Kelli then told how the social media accounts are filled with glowing reports from the party and told how they’d gotten more emails and texts than they had yet time to read. Every single one they had read was glowing with thanks.

“And there are already twenty or thirty photos on our social media feeds” Misty added.

“And all of those have more likes and comments than people who actually came to the party. Though not all of them are nice, most are.”

Bonnie hadn’t thought about how quickly photos of the party would go public. She should have. “Do you have someone tasked with deleting any photos that show too much?”

Kelli replied “Oh yea. All the club girls have been talking this morning. So, yes, different people are monitoring the different platforms. So far only two photos have had to be deleted.”

Bonnie nodded and said “Just keep on top of that. While you can’t control what party photos that people share on their own social media, you need to curate the ones with your name on it.”

With that Bonnie brought the topic to an end by saying “OK girls, scoot, scoot. I’ve got to get ready and you are slowing me down.”

With the girls gone Bonnie had time to think. Whatever changes she had planned for their home, however she had wanted to normalize sexual behavior; the transition had clearly been made. She knew somehow last night was the last step into the brave new world she had sought to usher in. She saw already how her choices were impacting so many more people than she could have imagined. It was like she could almost see this as a mission the way Cooper clearly already could.

It seemed as if she was an actor in some grand drama. The stage had been set, the overture was drawing to a close after the past week’s crescendo and the curtain was about to rise. She didn’t quite see the plot nor her role, but knew it was her task to be ready to play out her part when the curtain came up. She knew somehow that moment would be sooner rather than later. She had the pre-show butterflies in her stomach, but she was sure she was prepared…. she hoped she was prepared.

End Book TwoH

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The after-party sex between the Euro-Club members and their boyfriends was hot. The nude adults also had a great time. Reading Book 2 again made me realize that you are expressing something to the whole universe or the KOSMOS is doing: “the urge to merge, the desire to connect.”

“At its core, consciousness is love—the evolution of consciousness is, therefore, nothing less than the evolution of love. If you then realize that God is synonymous with love, you begin to understand that the evolution of love is no less than the evolution of God. God is the infinite. The infinite is the intimate. God is the infinity of intimacy. To be awake is to be a lover: alive, aflame, and…


Eros is the driving force behind evolution, whether the church likes it or not.



I had to break this into two sessions, and I'm glad that I did, since I had to deliver items to my soon to be ex-wife. As much as I have enjoyed the story, I hope that Lamar will get a break and get his own story, as told by Cooper, to see how he develops. The development of the boys is as important as the girls, and Cooper has a lot that he can share to guide Lamar towards being loving and understanding man.


I am sorry to hear about your breakup. I agree with you that Lamar also needs a "coming-of-age" story before he can become the "loving and understanding man." The world needs more lovers and less warriors.



Some good comedy, and arousing! I got curious, and did a word count. There are almost twenty-two thousand words in this chapter. If all the chapters so far are this long, that means the word count, up to now, is around six hundred and eighty thousand words. A labor of fucking love.



I've been looking forward to this chapter, checking in daily to see if it's ready. Now that I know it's here I'm booked. I'll probably get to read 31 day after tomorrow. Meanwhile, the Hippie photos are welcome—my tribe! I think there's a sexual shift happening, going back at least to the free love and nudism movements of a hundred and twenty years ago. Professor, I think you believe that too. The Hippies were a test version for what's brewing now. Some good stuff from us, some bad, some good reasons for dropping the idea, some bad. It wasn't time.

I've been looking forward to this chapter, checking in daily to see if it's ready. Now that I know it's here I'm booked. I'll probably get to read 31 day after tomorrow. Meanwhile, the Hippie photos are welcome—my tribe! I think there's a sexual shift happening, going back at least to the free love and nudism movements of a hundred and twenty years ago. Professor, I think you believe that too. The Hippies were a test version for what's brewing now. Some good stuff from us, some bad, some good reasons for dropping the idea, some bad. It wasn't time.



I must congratulate you on the second book of your sex positive philosophy. The following quote is what you have accomplished with your story: "When we’re under the spell of a compelling story, we undergo internal changes along with the protagonist, and her insights become part of the way we, too, see the world. Stories instill meaning directly into our belief system the same way experience does—not by telling us what is right, but by allowing us to feel it ourselves. Because just like life, story is emotion based." (Cron, Lisa. Story Genius) Although your protagonist (Bonnie) didn't undergo changes, she was instrumental in the changes of other characters. KM Weiland sees the positive in a flat arc character: "The…


Stories can move readers/viewers where arguments can only separate people into groups of us and them, me and mine vs you and yours. Thank you for your comment.

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