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In Search of the Final Freedom: Chapter 46

Writer's picture: Professor PolyamoryProfessor Polyamory

Updated: Apr 3, 2023

In Search of the Final Freedom: An Erotic Socio-Political Novel:


Raising the Revolutionary Flag of a Sexual Freedom

Chapter 46

Bailey Outed

Bonnie decided that after all that had happened over the past five weeks, she needed a day off. So, Saturday she (and Cooper and Trish) slept in. Then she spent the day doing nothing.

Well not exactly nothing, they watched the Vanderbilt - Kentucky football game. They didn’t expect or even have a great hope that the Commodores would beat the Wildcats, but as loyal alums, they watched and cheered anyway. And as she had said a thousand times before “At least our football players can read and write, unlike those at Alabama.”

After the game, she and her husband had a wonderful, relaxing love-making session. After all the craziness, and all the sex they’d both had with other people, it was so very nice to simply lay in her husband’s arms, his penis filling her.

On Sunday afternoon, Butch and Tabatha came over to plan for the evening Youth Group at St. Thomas’s. It would be Bonnie’s first time back in over a month and she missed the kids. According to everything she’d been told, they had missed her too. Though Tabitha had stepped up to fill her role the week the crew was in Miami, everyone agreed she simply didn’t have the life experience to fill Bonnie’s shoes. For two of the weeks, Marcy had handled the Q&A time the kids loved so much.

Since she taught at the local high school, Mrs. Marshal had to be much more circumspect about her answers. However, in answer to a question about entertainment choices she, for the first time ever, publicly talked about how before she’d met her husband, she’d been the emcee at a risqué nightclub in Atlanta. Though she did not even remotely tell the full extent as to how risqué her act was, even that admission had given her cachet with the kids.

The second week back from Tennessee, Cooper had decided to try something new and asked Rev. McBride’s wife, Cynthia, to fill in. He’d been pleasantly surprised by how well she’d interacted with the teens. She did so well that he decided to ask her again the weekend before Bonnie was due to return.

At the St. Thomas’ United Methodist Church Family Life Center that evening, as soon as the kids began arriving. They (well the girls) began to mob Bonnie. Most simply wanted to express how much they had missed her, though many also offered condolences for her loss. She was much gratified by their concern for her.

Her Q&A time during the youth meeting was mostly about the same things that nearly always came up in the first month of a new school year, though she was surprised by the questions about dealing with the death of a loved one. Tabitha’s last question was: “Four people have asked you to talk about your trip to Miami. Would you care to talk about what you did on your trip, and what you wore on the beach? While you have been with your family, Marcy has deferred all such questions to when you got back and the others who went have been extremely tight-lipped. It seems that some photos have surfaced on the net that might or might not be you and those who went with you, but nobody seems willing to confirm they contain pictures of your crew topless on Miami Beach.”

Bonnie fully expected this. At their afternoon planning meeting, Tabitha had told Bonnie that Haley’s sister, Bethany, had not been as careful as the Euro-Club girls about sharing what she knew. She told Bonnie that she expected that every teenager in the hall knew she’d again gone to the nude beach and that there had been public sex in their rental house. Though she’d made it clear that all those circulating stories were thirdhand from Bethany. However, Bethany had given a number of people a firsthand account of Cooper and her mother having sex while Bonnie was out of town, “So everyone in the Youth Group knows all about that, in detail. Though in every story I’ve heard, it is agreed that you knew and gave your permission in advance, so nobody I’ve talked to thinks he cheated on you.”

At that afternoon planning meeting, they assumed such questions would come up, but Bonnie decided to put off commenting on them till later. Their strategy had been to pose the question when Bonnie was just about out of time. Thus, as planned Bonnie answered “I know you all have heard a lot of things about that trip and other related stuff. You also know I’ve always been straight with you. Last spring, I didn’t even pretend those beach photos were not of me. I also think you know that Cooper and I both believe that in our Christian walk, we have to balance the liberty we have in Christ with our duty to others. Among my duties is to ensure I don’t say anything that will cause Pastor McBride any problems, so while I may say more in the coming weeks; all I can say for now is that I’ve heard some of the rumors that are going around and I suggest you simply ask yourself: ‘Is that something that I would expect Mrs. C. to do?’ After all, I’ve been pretty candid in the past and I’m not exactly the most prudish woman in Sparta.”

That got a wave of laughs from the teenagers who filled the Family Life Center.

Bonnie knew that in the coming week, pictures from their trip (pre-approved by her) would begin to be posted on the Euro-Club’s social media accounts. None would show frontal nudity, nor would any of them reveal that Marcy had even been there. In fact, the first set which the club planned to upload later tonight, would all show the girls wearing their tops. However, the infinitesimally small bikinis they wore on the boat trip (even when their tops were on) and of them playing Frisbee football at the park would be plenty scandalous. Those pics would give ample room to expand her answers at next week’s Youth Meeting without her having to reveal things that were not already public knowledge.

Bonnie continued “We are out of time for now, but as always, I will be available after the meeting to talk.” Before handing off the mic, she added “I have one more announcement. As of tomorrow, I will be working at my new job full time, so I won’t be as available to you during the week as I have been in years past. So, if I don’t answer your call or email for a day or two, don’t think I’m ignoring you.”

She’d added that last bit since most weeks she fielded at least one call or message from a distraught teen from the group. More often than not the issue was the kind of overblown adolescent crisis that seem to be the end of the world, but was in fact just the normal bumps in life. In the last year, she’d increasingly directed the girls to talk to Tabitha since the younger woman had shown a real gift in relating to the teenage girls.

Even as she left the stage an idea came to Bonnie: Perhaps Bailey’s mother, as an RN, would be interested in joining the group of women to whom she referred teens for specific kinds of questions. That would also help bring DeeDee fully into their community. She decided she would ask her about it when she came over Wednesday evening.

Monday, Bonnie finally began working out of the new FFF office in Augusta. It had been agreed that both she and Amy would spend three days per week in the Augusta office and the other days they would work from their homes and/or do speaking engagements. She was looking forward to commuting with her husband several days per week. It would be nice to have him all to herself for two hours each day, with no kids to compete for his time. To match Cooper’s teaching schedule, she would be working every Monday and Wednesday (at least until next semester). Her role at the foundation had already changed significantly since she had volunteered to help Amy out just a few months before. She knew that Amy had already begun booking Bonnie for engagements to present to groups about the FFF. It was still up in the air how often she would speak. But the plan was, depending on her booking schedule, she would be working in Augusta some Thursdays or Fridays as well.

The new FFF office was a generic affair situated in a light industrial center not far from the university. Amy was able to get a great deal on a lease because the previous occupants, for whom the layout had been built, had gone broke. In exchange for lowering the leasing costs, the FFF agreed to move into the space as-is using the furnishings the prior occupant had left.

It was more space than they actually needed, and to Bonnie, it certainly looked impressive. At both ends of the common area, in big cast bronze letters, was the group’s title Final Freedom Foundation. She could not miss the large bas relief sculpture beside the lettering on the back wall.

Amy, seeing Bonnie’s arrival came out from her office smiling. “So, that couple on the wall looks familiar, do they?”

“Uh… yea. Did you make it?” Bonnie asked, still taking it in.

“No, I simply don’t have that kind of time these days. A pair of my grad students jumped at the opportunity when I let them know I needed a piece that would become the FFF image. I only sketched a general idea from memory, but they used my reference photos to create the final sculpture in digital form. They took some artistic license to give it a vague aura of a pair of holy sages floating in the clouds. It really is a very nice piece. It was all done with the university’s graphics computers and large 3d printer. So what you see there isn’t really bronze and it is scalable and easily reproducible. Actually, if you want one, I can have them print one up for you. I think it doesn’t shy away from who we are one bit, but it also isn’t overly in-your-face. What you see on the wall is also on our letterhead.”

Bonnie nodded. It was indeed impressive and of course, she’d want one. She had no idea Amy was planning to use them as models for the foundation’s public image. She and Cooper (well a totally bald version of him) were in the lotus position, and she could see how they appeared to be floating in the air.

Amy went on “I had the artist who made it use you guys as their models primarily because I thought it would be better to present a mature couple, rather than young hotties. I certainly could have gotten any number of fit young models to pose for me, but I think this is better. And besides, the simple fact is, without you and Cooper, the FFF would not exist.”

Bonnie wasn’t sure that was right, but she was gratified to hear Amy appreciated the work she and Cooper had done.

Bonnie’s eyes drifted to the photo on the wall next to Amy’s office door. It was taken at the New York art show of her, Cooper, Amy Denise, and Gillian. Their very revealing outfits were certain to get visitors’ attention. Seeing Bonnie’s eyes go to the photo, Amy quipped, “Gillian is on the board to get us noticed, I thought this photo that showed her, oh so famous, bare breasts would do just that.”

Bonnie laughed “Well, it shows a lot of the rest of us too.”

Amy smiled, “That it does. I wanted everyone who comes to see us to know exactly how confident we are in our mission.”

Bonnie doubted there was any chance of visitors missing the point, though she wondered if it might freak some people out.

There were actually four office spaces and a receptionist station in the main part of their leased space. Amy had already moved into one of the front offices and had decorated it with a mix of her own art and prints by one of her favorite artists, Norman Lindsey. Significantly, one of the paintings was a highly stylized nude self-portrait from the Spring in the Forest series she’d premiered in New York. Bonnie had not seen that particular painting before, and she reasoned that visitors might not even realize the central figure was a self-portrait.

Across the reception area was the office that would become Bonnie’s new home. On the wall was another painting from the May in the Forest series, but this time Bonnie was the central figure. As if reading her thoughts, Amy said “Oh, I’d made up that piece and the one in my office in the process of making the paintings I showed in New York. I thought rather than let them collect dust I’d bring them in. If you don’t want it on your office wall, I’ll look for a buyer.”

Bonnie shook her head, “No, it’s great. In fact, I like how it ties the offices into a theme. And besides, just like the one in your office, unless I told someone that was me in the center of the painting, nobody would know.”

“I think you are right, but you will know and that is why I put it there,” Amy responded “And just so you know, the first draft of the May in the Forest is actually hanging in the conference room next door.” She went on to let Bonnie know that other than the painting, the office looked exactly as she’d found it. If Bonnie should want to buy any additional furniture or décor, she’d already set aside money for move-in expenses.

Bonnie thanked her and assured her she would not need any foundation money to make her space work…” Except I don’t see a filing cabinet. I’m sure I’ll need one.”

As Amy had said, beside Bonnie’s new office was a conference room with a large table surrounded by expensive-looking chairs. Amy explained they would use the space as both a meeting and board room. As she already told Bonnie, the preliminary version of May in the Forest, which had sold for $24,000 at the art show was on one wall. In this centerpiece of a series of paintings, the models were presented as woodland spirits in a spring bacchanal. In this piece, several of the spirits (including her and Cooper) were explicitly shown engaged in sexual unions. The series of paintings tied the decor of the two offices and the conference room together, though only the piece in the conference room was explicitly sexual.

The fourth office was mostly empty with just a simple round table and chairs. Amy noted, “I’m thinking, for now, we will just call this a break room.” The rest of the rented space, behind the offices, was unfinished. Amy had already turned it into a working art studio since she would no longer have her university space available. For the two of them, Bonnie thought it seemed to be excessively large, but she knew Amy had bigger plans.

Bonnie was practically giddy as she unpacked her first batch of personal things onto her new desk. She looked at length at the painting Amy had hung. There was no question that the idea was to use the office décor to remind visitors (and themselves) of the principles for which the foundation stood. While the painting wasn’t sexually explicit, like the one in the conference room, not only was she nude, but so was Cooper.

One bit of business was to call DeeDee Hildebrandt and to tell her that there was no way she’d be able to have her for dinner on her first week of work. She’d just bitten off too much for this week and assured DeeDee that they would reschedule for the week after. “And…” Bonnie said, “That way, I will be able to tell you all about the party at my house and you can tell me all about your long weekend in Texas.” DeeDee understood completely why Bonnie couldn’t have her over this week and seemed excited about her trip.

Once she’d unpacked, Amy came back to her office. “Oh, I forgot to tell you, Nell Boyd will be volunteering on Monday and Wednesday afternoons for a couple of hours as your assistant. She seems to think you are some sort of sage or something. From the way she talks, it is clear that you have collected yet another attractive young woman into your orbit. The truth is, I’m sure the real reason she’s volunteering is to spend time with you.”

Bonnie was aware of that. Though she’d not actually seen Nell since she came to their home on the 4th of July weekend, she’d been talking to the young woman regularly on the phone ever since. Nell had wanted to come back to visit Labor Day weekend, but Bonnie’s extended stay in Tennessee had precluded that.

Amy went on to tell her that Cannon, the man Bonnie had met at the swing club in Miami, had already set her up to meet several groups in Florida. She informed Bonnie that a week from Friday night, she’d be speaking in Orlando. Then the next night she would be addressing a second group at what was billed as the largest nudist resort in America, just outside of Tampa. Already she’d been booked to be gone from Friday till Sunday. She wondered how much she’d be on the road. But, this was what she’d agreed to, so the first order of business after moving in was to make travel and lodging arrangements.

Amy was friendly but clearly, business would be business during work time. Bonnie was glad to see that, she had never seen Amy at work and was not sure how it would go. That first day, after spending the morning becoming acclimatized, she decided that she needed to set-up some sort of a routine for managing the office since that too was under her purview, but not until after lunch. “For your first day, lunch will be on the foundation,” Amy said sitting on the side of her desk.

Amy drove. They went to a small traditional Southern ‘meat & three’ place outside of downtown Augusta. Bonnie commented that “It’s rather ironic that this foundation, while on the cutting edge of liberal thinking is located here in redneck heaven, where places like this hometown restaurant are the rule, not hip or gourmet places.”

Amy agreed “It’s amusing that to most of the country, Augusta is simply the home of the Master’s Golf Tournament, when in fact it’s mostly just another small conservative Southern town.”

“Of course, the same can be said of most of northern Florida, and I will be presenting to a swing club and then at a nudist resort next week.”

Amy agreed and added, “Oh, I should tell you that as Cannon explains it, where you will be speaking outside of Tampa next week is not only big, but it has two distinct communities. One is traditional nudists where they pretend that public nudity doesn’t have a sexual component and the other half is something between a traditional nudist resort and a swing club. But there won’t be open public sex at either place. I’ve spoken to Cannon three times now. He was very impressed with your presentation. That was a fortuitous meeting; he will be of real help to us. He has some great contacts.”

Bonnie whispered “And he is awesome in bed”

Amy, clearly surprised, “Oh, I didn’t know you and he had gotten to know each other that well.”

“It was at a swinger’s party after all.”

“I guess so. You know speaking at swing clubs doesn’t mean you are expected to participate.”

“I know, but it doesn’t mean I can’t if I want to. Or does it?”

“It’s up to you. That’s what the FFF is all about” Amy said then leaned over the table and quietly but urgently said “So was he that good? Tell me all about it and I'll tell you about my time with Cooper…and what my husband and I have planned for him as soon as you’ll let me take him home for the night.”

“Well………” Bonnie began….


The morning Bonnie settled into her new office; Misty was starting the fourth full week of her senior year of high school. She was all too aware that the Euro-Club’s, and her personal notoriety had continued to progress significantly since school had ended in June. The ever-growing stories surrounding the Club’s end-of-school party continued to be the topic of many lunch table conversations. There were hundreds of pix circulating of the club members (and chaperone mothers) in their shockingly revealing swimsuits. Those pictures were on any number of Jeff Davis students’ social media sites. There were even a few pix of girls flashing the camera beside the Campbell’s swimming pool, but not one of them was of a club girl. While the Euro-Club's Facebook page and website both had plenty of photos of the girls in skimpy bikinis, the only semi-nudity was the photo Misty’s mom had taken of the girls (after the party) where they had posed topless with their hands covering their bare breasts. That photo was now the semi-official photo of the club.

In the half year since the spring when her first nude beach photos hit Jefferson Davis High, Misty had gone from being a non-entity to school royalty. In the first month of classes, she had been invited to far more parties than she could possibly attend. She was almost worshiped by every student who bucked the system or felt like an outsider. In her first three years at Jefferson Davis High, she had not once been offered pot or any other drugs, but now it appeared that the druggies just assumed a girl who goes naked and is into casual sex should be naturally one of them. She tried to refuse their offers politely, but refuse she did.

In September, she wrote an editorial for the school paper. In it, she coyly referred to her total commitment to personal freedom but then blasted the abuse of alcohol and recreational drugs by her peers as antithetical to her beliefs. She contended that, as opposed to giving more freedom, alcohol and recreational drugs enslaves young people and as she put it “give the user the false illusion of liberation just as it forged its own shackles of bondage”. The editorial went a long way to keeping her job as photo editor by using her newfound influence to promote one of the school’s agendas. It also had the effect of confounding her Baptist critics at school as well as offending the stoners.

It was without a doubt the best fall she had ever had. Her confidence had been buoyed by the arrival of an acceptance letter from Georgia Tech. It wasn’t that Georgia Tech was her first college pick, but it was the most selective of the colleges to which she had applied. Her ongoing and seemingly productive conversation with Richard Kyle also gave her a sense that she was leaving childhood behind. It was a good feeling.

Given the fact all those who went to the St. Thomas Youth Group meeting knew full well that some of the girls (as well as Mrs. C. and the other two moms who helped at Youth Group) went topless in Miami during August; rumors were going around that the whole Euro-Club had spent the summer at a nude beach. Misty had told the Club girls not to confirm or deny the rumors. Though the rumors were mostly more fiction than fact, she thought it good to keep their activities shrouded in mist. The truth that only three of last year’s members had gone, and that for for a single week made it easy to confuse the issue. In the second week of school, two pics had begun to circulate from the internet of a topless beach that might or might not include Euro-Club members. None of the club could be coaxed to comment on them one way or another; however, Misty had seen the pictures in question, and right off she knew they weren’t taken at Miami Beach, so it couldn’t be her crew.

She knew eventually someone would positively identify a photo of one of them from the Miami trip, that was what prompted her to talk to her mom and the other girls about starting to post their own photos. After some negotiations with her mother, a set of sixty photos had been selected. None of the chosen images showed bare breasts from the front, but a good many showed them from the back or back-quarter, so that it was clear that the club girls had at least gone topless at the beach. After Youth Group the night before, Misty had sent a text to the club members who managed different social media platforms. Five different members managed five different social media accounts for the club. Sometime after ten Sunday night, two different sets of three photos from their snorkeling trip were posted on Instagram and Facebook. However, all of those six photos showed the girls wearing their tops… even if they were really, really small. A similar number of photos from their Frisbee football game were posted on Twitter and Snapchat. Additionally, a four-minute montage of clips Mrs. Marshal had taken on her phone from the same game was posted on YouTube. Though she heard nothing before school of the new photos, she expected as the day progressed, word would get around…. and it did. By Tuesday morning, all the talk was about the dozen photos and the video. It seemed every single student at Jeff Davis had seen them.

What Misty didn’t know was that two weeks before, one of the varsity football players found a pair of photos on the net. He thought he recognized his buddy Kevin's ex, but wasn’t sure because the girl looked too damned hot…and she appeared older than he’d remembered Bailey to be. But something made him download them.

Both of the images were very sharp and they were supposedly taken on Miami’s South Beach the month before. The hottie was only wearing a crazy small thong bottom and sunglasses. She was posing with some dweeb, but her fine ass and amazing tits were both on display. The second photo wasn’t as good, but in the background was a decent view of a second topless girl. The other girl was pretty, but her boobs weren’t as big and to him, that was pretty much all that mattered. In the end, what convinced him it wasn’t Kevin’s old girlfriend, was that the girl was posing topless for strangers. Kevin’s ex would never do that.

Over a week later, on Thursday after football practice, he was looking at the hot pics the Euro-Club sluts had posted on Twitter. He was sure he recognized the girl with big tits in a micro bikini. This time, the Euro-Club had identified her clearly as Baily Hildebrandt. He opened up the photos he’d saved of a similar-looking girl the week before and put one of them right beside one of the new photos.

Yes, he was sure, both photos were of the same girl. It was Kevin’s ex who was posing with a guy, topless. He immediately sent all three photos to Kevin.

Bailey's former boyfriend, Kevin, had graduated, but had not been good enough to get a college football scholarship and was not interested in college for any other reason. So, he was working at the local Walmart. When Kevin saw the images he’d been sent, he forwarded them to everyone in his address book that still went to Jeff Davis. That was mostly the varsity football team and cheerleaders. He added a text message that identified her by name with the text:

Super Slut Bailey Hildebrandt didn’t think it enough to show her tits off to everyone at the 4th of July party, she decided to show them off to the whole world. I guess she fucked that wimpy guy too. I can’t believe I put my dick into such a skank! I was smart to give her to the new players as a cum dump before I graduated.”

On Friday, when those in the Euro-Club who had “A” lunch period and their boyfriends gathered at their normal table, none of them had yet been apprised of the circulating photos or the message. Bailey was sitting between Haley and Rebecca when a group of cheerleaders made a point to walk by them. One of their group called Bailey a slut. It was the first time they’d done something like that since the first days of school. Though there was no love lost between the club girls and the cheerleaders, they had an uneasy truce. This was in large part because the popular girls knew it was not a good thing to fight with Misty and Kelli who were two of the three publications editors. Haley was just turning to respond to the comment when a second one said “Yea, showing her nasty tits off to the whole world,” and a third said, “I had to delete the pic from my phone because I didn’t want it to catch something.”

All the girls sat still as the cheerleaders walked away, but the group couldn’t miss the message. A beach photo of Bailey was out. It took a few minutes, but Rebecca found someone who had been forwarded the message from someone who had received it from Kevin. School rules were clear, phones must be off during school hours. However, that just meant the students had to take care not to let any teacher see them using their phones. Rebecca’s friend forwarded the message to her. The girls gathered closely at the lunch table to shield what they were doing before Rebecca opened up the message on her phone.”

“That pig!” and other less savory comments were shared about Kevin.

Misty said nothing as she considered what this development meant. It seems the only reason Sarah wasn’t named was that Keven didn’t know who she was. All the eyes went to Bailey. She sat for a moment, evidently thinking, then she seemed to collect herself and said in a conversational tone, “I wanted to send some photos to my mom in my new swimsuit, so we posed for some pics. Sure, I saw other people taking advantage of us posing to get their own pictures, but people had been doing that all along so I didn’t say anything.” She stopped talking for a moment then added, “Kevin is right about one thing, I fucked the guy in the picture with me…a lot.”

That seemed to break the tension like a balloon. But she wasn’t done. “I won’t, but part of me wants to write Kevin and let him know that the guy he calls a wimp, not only is better hung than him but got me off more in his very first time in bed with me than macho Kevin did in six months.”

Misty who knew much more of the story than most of those at the table understood what she was saying, but Kelli asked “Really?”

Bailey laughed. “Well, all it took to outdo Kevin was getting me to cum once, and over the week Mitch got me off more than one time every time we did it… and we had five long sessions before I left. In half a year with Kevin, the only time I ever got off with him was if I did it myself.”

That actually got the group laughing. Misty thought that was a good thing. While she was angry at the message, Misty was pleased with how good her friends looked. Bailey it seems couldn’t take a bad bikini photo. In the first of the two new pics, Sarah and Zac were walking away so it was hard to I.D. her, but in the other; her face & boobs were plainly visible.

She knew right off the two photos would be extremely popular at school, especially once Sarah (a teacher’s daughter) was named. The text however was crude and cruel to say the least. She also knew that since the jocks now had the pic, that meant by the end of school that photo would be on hundreds of phones. There was no chance Sarah would not be identified as well.

Last spring, after the nude pics of her came out, all but a rather small minority had treated Misty positively, as a real celeb in their midst. Sure, lots of people thought she was a bit eccentric, but she had not been treated badly by most of her fellow students. It was true that there was that minority, particularly girls, and a good many of the school officials who attacked her, but by and large school had not been a place of open hostility. However, it seems something had indeed changed since then and there was a level of antipathy from certain people toward her she had not felt when school let out for summer. She had also noticed that certain groups of students clearly avoided her, and not just the kids who were active in the big evangelical church just outside of town. To be fair, the students who shunned her were still comparatively few, but they had become vocal and annoying. Misty hoped Bailey was up to the negativity that would come her way from those people. And the nasty text from Kevin wouldn’t make things any better. She also knew Sarah would quickly be identified in the photo as well; but Misty was sure she would be able to hold her own. Misty knew she would need to rally the other girls to protect and support Bailey. Her next thought was the realization that it would only be a matter of days before Sarah’s mom would be confronted by Dr. Collins.

Misty told everyone at the table to chill. She said not to respond to any questions yet, “Play ignorant and don’t get sucked into having anyone show you the photos.” After checking with Bailey, she went on to say “Bailey’s mom is out of town for the weekend, and so she is staying with Sarah till Monday. Let’s keep to our existing plans to meet at the House of Pizza tonight at 5:30. We need to have a unified approach when we go to the football game tonight. I think it is fair to assume that these photos will be the leading topic in the bleachers tonight. And, my guess is that there will be a deliberate search for more pics from the web all weekend. By Monday, likely more pics will have surfaced.”

The Euro-Club had never gone to one of the school’s football games as a group before, but they had decided earlier in the week that attending their big rivalry game with Baldwin County Central High School tonight might help the Euro-Club’s image. With this new development, their plan took on new significance.

Lunch was cut ten minutes short because of the pep rally. Misty only went to the gym long enough to ensure her photo staff was prepared, and then slipped off to the publications room. She really hated pep rallies and she knew if she was found skipping it she could make it seem she was in the publications room on business related to the pep rally. She was pleasantly surprised to find Tommy had used the same ploy to skip the event. It was rare they were ever alone together like this. Though their working relationship had been blossoming of late, they still were not anything like a couple.

At first, they just discussed how they would present the game in next week’s on-line paper, but out of the blue he said “I guess you know a topless photo of Mrs. Marshal’s daughter is being passed around the school today.” Weeks ago, Misty had, in confidence, told him about the trip to Miami in general terms; however, she had left out a great deal, including the names of who had gone with them. Contrary to what she’d told the others to do, she acknowledged she’d seen the photo.

He went on “You know it won’t be long before everyone knows you and your mom were there with her.” Misty agreed with that too. “What will Mrs. Marshal say when she finds out that her daughter went topless in public?"

Misty was glad to hear that the idea that Sarah's mother was actually right there does not seem to have occurred to anyone…yet.

Then he made his point “Why do you keep rubbing this nudity and sex stuff in everyone’s face?”

His words took her completely off guard. It sounded like an accusation. When she asked him to explain what he meant he went on, “Misty you are the most amazing girl I’ve ever known. Smart, funny, creative, free-spirited, and not afraid of anyone’s opinion: that’s all great. I admire how you are not embarrassed about your naked pictures being everywhere and I think it’s even cool how you are not afraid to talk about sex stuff. But why do you have to make all of it so public?”

She was dumbfounded by this. She really thought he understood. It took her several seconds to regain her composure and say “So, you think it’s cool I’m so open about sex but I should be open only in private?”

It was his turn to be flustered “No, that’s not what I mean. Well, it is sort of what I mean. I mean, well, you know I’m no virgin and from what I hear, not that many senior guys are, or girls either. But, well it’s one thing to do it with your girlfriend or boyfriend in a relationship and just keep it between you two. But, well, like you never deny the rumors about skinny dipping parties at your house and you seem to encourage the talk that you do it with anyone who shows up.”

“And?” Misty said, now annoyed. “So, it’s better to have sex but pretend you don’t. Hypocrisy is better, in your opinion than honesty?”

“I didn’t say that!”

“Well it sounded like you said it is OK to screw after a guy buys me a couple of dinners and movies so we can say we have a relationship, however shallow. But, I can’t have sex with a guy I’ve known for years with whom I have a genuine caring friendship. You are saying it is wrong to share my body with that person, just because we don’t call ourselves a couple.”

He stammered.

“And what about girls? Do I have to call myself a lesbian in order to have fun with my female friends? I’m sure you’ve heard the talk that Caitlin and I are a couple. Well, we are not, but we are lovers and have been for several years. Is that wrong?”

“I wasn’t attacking you? I was asking a question” he said plaintively.

“OK, I’m sorry I jumped. I just didn’t expect that from you. I thought we understood each other.”

“In a lot of things we do, but I guess what I’m asking is, Well, if we….. if you were dating a guy would you keep acting this way?”

“What way?” She asked testily.

“You know what I mean,” he said.

Barreling forward she let him have it all before she lost her nerve. “You mean I should stop going to nude beaches when I can? Stop loving other people with my body as well as with my heart? End my efforts to start a career as a glamour/nude photographer? Stop enjoying myself with my friends in a physical way?” She put her hands on her hips “Any guy who I was dating would understand that each of those things is a statement of my values, they are who I am. It is possible, that someday I might be in a relationship where I might choose to forgo those things for a while, but any guy I got that far with would have to accept me like I am today. He would have to accept those are my values here and now. Before we would even have a second date, he would have to accept that if one of my friends asked me to have a threesome with her and her boyfriend that I would. You see, our group doesn’t have petty squabbling and rivalry over guys like all the other groups of girls at this school. And you know why? Because we all agreed that each of the club members freely shares their boyfriend with any of the others who wish to. It is truly wonderful to be asked to spend an hour or two in bed with one of my closest friends and her guy. And it’s not just the sex, though a threesome with my friends is always great; it is that in finding joy by watching her guy and I join our bodies, she and I become closer. I’ve had threesomes or group sex with all nine of the other Euro-Club members. The truth is I like joining my friends and their boyfriends for sex. I’ll state it plainly for you: my friends enjoy watching me put their boyfriend’s dick in me as much as I like doing it… and that is a lot. To me and my friends, it is the most natural and wonderful thing imaginable. I don’t think a week has gone by in months when I haven’t done it with one of them.”

The clear, unapologetic statement that she regularly has sex with any of nine different guys made his eyes widen, but she went right on, “There is a world of difference between me only wanting one sex partner and being told I must be monogamous.”

She could see him thinking, then she worked up the courage to just say it straight. “Look Tommy, I like you a lot, more than any guy I’ve ever known. I care for you and would really like to be with you.” She could feel tears welling up in her eyes “I might even be falling in love with you, but we can’t be a couple if you want someone different than who I am. And a big part of who I am, is that girl who doesn’t blush when a guy asks me to autograph a nude photo he has taken from the web. I am a girl who has a loving and sexual relationship with three different girls, but I am not a girlfriend to any of them. And a big part of me is being open, public, and unashamed about the fact that I have sex with my friends, both guys and girls, just for the fun of it. I know full well some girls call me slut or whore, but I am neither, I just am public about what they are in private. So if you, or anyone else, wants to be my boyfriend they just have to know that they won’t have ownership over my body or soul.” The tears were now about to run down her face. She hoped he didn’t see that first tear making its way down her cheek before she turned away and turned purposefully to sit down to switch on one of the laptops.

He pointedly didn’t follow her across the room, but he asked, “What guy would put up with that?’

The tears were flowing now, so she just looked at the screen and said “One who wants me for who I am, not for who he thinks I should be.”

She was sure she’d said too much; but she believed every word of it.

He said quietly “What if you can’t find a guy like that?”

She typed nonsense for a while then wiped her tears and turned to look him right in the eye and said “I won’t have to. A guy who is self-confident enough to have a relationship with me will seek me out. I won’t have to go looking for him.”

The conversation was abruptly ended when the others came back in the room. Misty hoped it was not obvious she’d been crying.

As it turned out, Misty found an excuse to leave the room once the others came back. After the pep rally, the school had scheduled the annual National Honor Society meeting in the school library. It was the annual meeting where new members were inducted into the NHS. Misty caught the girl she’d assigned to shoot the photos and told her she would do it herself. She didn’t want to stay in the room with Tommy. She could spend the whole class period in the library shooting group and candid photos of the event.

In the library, she set up a tripod to shoot as much as she could without using a flash. As she’d been doing all month, she used her own camera since both her professional Nikon and her high-speed lens were much better than the one’s the school provided. Across the room she noticed three girls looking right at Bailey, talking among themselves, then looking over to her, then back to Bailey. To Misty it seemed evident the three girls were talking about Bailey in a disapproving way. She was pretty sure what the girls were talking about. It was hard not to assume they had seen the pix message. In the past the school had let students use their phones to take photos at the pep rallies, so it would be reasonable to assume that during that time that the offensive message with both the pic and the nasty text had reached virtually every student.

As the induction ceremony went on and Misty moved from person to person shooting candid’s she got a visibly icy response from that same little group of girls. Bailey, for her part, chose to keep close to Misty for support. It was evident that Bailey’s endless chatter was an excuse to keep near and to avoid interaction with the small knot of girls who were gossiping about her. When the Vice-Principal and the faculty sponsor left the library for a moment, one of the guys said, “Hey Bailey, how about you have Misty take some pictures like the one of you and Sarah Marshal on the beach.”

A frumpish girl seconded “Come on Bailey; show our guys what you showed everyone at the beach. A little tramp like you surely can’t mind showing off here at school.”

Misty snapped her head over in time to see Bailey’s face flush and before she knew she was doing so, Misty barked “Shut up bitch. Just because you would repulse anyone who saw you wearing just a thong doesn’t mean you can look down on Bailey because she is exceptionally pretty.” The words had hardly faded when Misty cringed inside herself. She did not mean to attack the girl’s appearance, just her condescending attitude. But the simple fact that Bailey on the beach looked like a pin-up model and the girl talking was large and homely made her statement all the more harsh, and regrettable.

The girl attempted to retort but Misty cut her off in a less hostile tone “Look, just because you are really smart doesn’t mean you have to be stodgy or a tight ass.” Her mind was racing to find a way out of her demeaning comment about the girl’s appearance without backing off. “You don’t have to look like your dried-up grandmother to have substance.”

The girl bit back “Well I’m not going to dress like you and your trampy friends.” Before Misty could respond she added with a smirk “Or undress like you either” which got a chuckle from several quarters. Even Misty had to smile at that comment.

Changing tactics, Misty said “No, you don’t have to be naked to prove you’re alive.” Then to the others in the room she added “but it helps”. That got smiles from the majority of the thirty or so students in the corner of the library where the event was being held.

“I don’t think so” the girl continued her attack.

“You don’t have to. I don’t expect everyone to agree with my choices and neither does Bailey. But if you would get that immature, repressed and puritanical brainwashing out of your head, and grow up and think for yourself you’d be much better off. You might then see Bailey here, not as some threat to your self-styled morality, but the freethinking empowered young woman she is. If you would do that, you would be on the road to being a mature woman, even if you leave on all your clothes and stay a virgin forever.”

As if on cue Mrs. Shinbeck came back into the library ending the conversation. Though it appeared that Bailey had the sympathy of most of her Honor Society peers, it was clear that feeling was not universal.

Between the return of the faculty sponsor and the end of the class period, individuals and groups came up to Bailey and condemned the other girl’s comments as well as the boy’s sexist remark. One girl, one of the sophomores that had just been initiated into the Honor Society, specifically said “I get so tired of boys thinking that I’m asexual just because I study hard and get really good grades. Since when did people think that brains replace a girl's libido?”

Both Misty and Bailey laughed at that. Then the girl went on, “I just wanted you to know that I am glad that photo got out. I know it was meant to be an attack on you, but I think most people in this school will see the guy who sent it as the jerk he is. He, not you, is the one who looks bad. I know among my friends in the honors classes you are now our role model. I hope it will get people looking at girls like us a little differently.”

Misty could tell that Bailey was very grateful for the support the girl was showing her. Bailey also took time to thank Misty for coming to shoot the pictures herself. Misty didn’t tell her that she was only there to hide from Tommy.

Though not necessarily intending to do so, the Euro-Club had continued to gain members. Over the month of September, they had met several times to add new girls to the club. In addition to the original ten senior girls, there were now ten new club members who were high school juniors. Thus the Euro-Club had replicated itself. The very fact that ten girls, a year younger than them, had joined to fill their places meant the club was building an air of permanence.

Sarah, Bailey, Celia, and Tory had all been considered members from that first day of school where they’d looked at photos at Misty's house before the swim time/orgy. Over the intervening month, Misty was pleased when six girls, mostly from the St. Thomas Youth Group, had asked her about joining. They were all friends of Sarah's. When she talked to each of them it was clear they knew what they were getting into. Misty particularly like the fact the girls saw joining the club as a way to show solidarity with Mr. & Mrs. C. and what they were teaching in youth group. Unlike the original group of girls, who just happened to be friends, the second wave of girls were joining because of their belief in the club's cause. Misty thought that was a great development. What made the growth more complicated was that five of the six girls did not go to Jeff Davis High. For them, the St. Thomas’s Youth Group was the glue that kept the girls together, not school. Megan LaCroix and Amelia Summerset went to an exclusive private school in Baldwin County, and Gabriella (Gabby) Motts, Hanna Corley and Lindsey Price went to Baldwin Central High. Only Hillary Tomlinson went to Jeff Davis. Even before the news of the new photos, the meeting at the pizza joint had been planned to be the first meeting with all twenty Euro-Club girls.

The House of Pizza was one of the few teen-friendly joints in or around Sparta. It was located in a strip center next to a liquor store and a nail salon. The food was good and the Indian owner was accommodating to groups like the Euro-Club. Kelli had reserved the restaurant’s “club room” earlier in the week and it was good she had. The main dining room of the restaurant was full of Jeff Davis students. As the girls streamed in with their matching tee-shirts, they received a great deal of attention. Joanne had designed the shirts for the Euro-Club for the End-of-School party. While it was provocative, it was not indecent. Around the silhouette of a thong bikini, the words said “Euro-Club of Hancock County” at the top and “No Shame-No Apology” below. Since many of the new girls didn’t go to Jeff Davis, Misty was glad they had not used the term “Jefferson Davis High” to describe the club.

This particular evening had been chosen to publicly debut their new expanded club in their matching tee-shirts because the contest against Baldwin County's Central High Bulldogs was the biggest game of the season. They had also chosen this game because it was taking place at Baldwin Central High, not at Jeff Davis. Misty was mindful that half the new members didn't go to Jefferson Davis High and three actually attended Baldwin Central High school. However, she'd talked to them and they did not mind the plan to sit on the Jeff Davis side of the field for the first half of the game. The Euro-Club was aware that they were under extra scrutiny by some of their teachers, but at an away game they would be less likely to be stopped for their tee-shirts.

Misty waited near the door to direct the club girls as they arrived. Among the first were Sarah, Bailey, and Lindsey. She thought their entry into the restaurant made just the right impression. She could not miss the heads turning, nor did she miss that Sarah had slowed the trio’s walk so as to make the moment last. She was glad to see that Baily didn’t seem the least bit cowed. She’d known Sarah would not be. All three looked hot.

Misty was pleased that it only took a moment for several phones to come out to take pix. Their arrival, and the ten new members, would be well publicized on social media. The plan was working. One group of guys jumped up and asked to take selfies with some of the arriving girls. Soon it seemed everyone in the restaurant wanted pix with the Euro-Club. Not surprisingly they wanted pics with Misty, Sarah, and Bailey most of all.

Once everyone had arrived, the twenty girls and nine boyfriends (including Lamar and Byron) sat at two long tables in the club room. Though Byron wasn’t actually Bailey’s boyfriend (yet), Misty had suggested Lamar bring him to give Bailey support. Misty had never been in the restaurant’s club room and was amused at how all the decorations made it clear that this was the home of the Hancock Rotary Club. She was sure that in most towns they would meet someplace more upscale than the House of Pizza, but in Sparta, this was as upscale as it got. She wondered what most of the stuffy old businessmen in Rotary would think of the club that was using the room tonight. Though not all would be shocked since both her father and Sarah’s were members of the Sparta Rotary Club.

While everyone was just chatting among themselves, Misty asked Sarah how Bailey was doing. She could see her and she seemed to be relaxed among her new club friends, talking and laughing. Sarah answered, “We were talking about that as my mom drove us over here. It seems she’s getting a lot of support, more than she’d expected. She’s not on Facebook or Twitter so really only her friends can easily contact her. In this case, I think it is good she never has been interested in social media. I think by Monday she will be OK. The nastiness of Kevin’s attack today just took her off guard. You did a lot to help by standing up for her at the Honor Society meeting. She is fully on board with what we are all trying to do. I think while we were in Miami she was in experimental mode, but she’s now completely committed to the Euro-Club’s agenda.”

Misty was glad to hear all that, she asked “Has she talked to her mother?”

“Yea,” Sarah answered, “She tried to call her after school, but I guess she was still in-flight. She got her on the phone about an hour ago. Of course, her mom is totally supportive, though once Bailey forwarded the message that is going around, she was really mad. it’s good she’s in Texas because if she were here, I think she might have killed Kevin.”

Misty nodded, “My mom is livid too. What about you? Have you gotten any responses? I know you are on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and everything else.”

Sarah shook her head, “Right after school, only a few girls I know asked if the pic was really me. I told them it was and they were all impressed I’d go like that on a public beach. Other than that, I didn’t hear anything at school. I think that was because when school let out people were still just focusing on Bailey since she was named in the pic message and because I’m sort of in the background of the two photos. Whoever had found them could have sent some that showed me clearly, but I think they wanted to share pics of just Bailey. And it was Kevin’s message that he regretted having sex with her and how he said he’d given her to the younger players to screw seems to have delayed people seeing me in the pic.”

Misty corrected “Oh, some people have recognized you. Tommy from publications already asked me if your mother knew that you went topless.”

Sarah nodded, “Yea, I checked my Facebook and Twitter a few minutes ago. It seems people are beginning to realize I was in those photos too. Not surprisingly several messages asked the same thing about my mom finding out.”

Misty pointed out. “At least they can't know she was there from those two photos.”

“No, they can’t. I guess the trolls aren’t even aware that it is a possibility that my mom was right there with me. A good many messages threatened to tell my mom about the fact I went topless in public. Wouldn’t that be funny if they tried to rat me out? On the way home from school today my mom stopped by my dad’s office and we talked about what all this will mean for both me and for her job. She didn’t imagine a photo that is readily identifiable as me would make it to school so fast. They knew I wasn’t embarrassed at all, but my dad wanted to know if there were any pics around that showed my mom. I used my phone to show them some of the photos that our crew have found on the web that we know is of us, even if nobody else does. I also went to the site that was printed on the photos Kevin sent. It had a total of ten, but all were of me & Bailey with Zac & Mitch. Most were shot from further away. I know exactly when those pics were taken. Whoever shot them must have gotten closer after Mom had shot the photos of me and Bailey posing side by side because I don’t recall noticing someone else so close taking our picture right then."

Misty nodded, "Yea, but people were taking our pictures all the time so, I know I just stopped noticing."

Sarah seemed to agree and then continued. "We decided that the reason no one has yet realized Mom was there on the beach with us is simply that they can’t imagine it. But, once people suspect she might have been there, and they find the web pics we have already identified, she will be exposed. Even though her face is clearly visible in only a few of the pics we’ve found, someone would have to know what they are looking for before they would see her; but, once they know what to look for, there are quite a few out there that show her topless. My parents are sure it is now only a matter of weeks, or possibly days before someone finds the right pics and puts two and two together and goes to the school to complain. It will only take one photo of Mom’s boobs to cause Dr. Collins to have a heart attack. She would try to fire mom for sure. But right now Dad is more concerned about what to do when Dr. Collins confronts Mom about the picture of me that everyone already has. They assume it will be Monday.”

Misty didn’t know what to say. Although she knew it would come to this eventually, she had kept pretending that day was always a long way off. “Yes, your parents have some tough choices. Like it or not, I think the Euro-Club needs to make some decisions tonight as well. I guess we need to get to it.”

With that Misty moved to the tabletop lectern and got everyone’s attention. Speaking in an authoritative voice she began “I guess this will count as the first meeting of the Euro-Club since we have expanded from ten to twenty members. A lot has happened since we met to plan the end-of-school party.”

That got a lot of agreement.

“I think the first item on the agenda should be to welcome our new members.” She then went through their names individually. It was odd for Misty to have her little brother there. But he was sitting next to Sarah, he was as much a club guy as any of the others. She went on “Now, in the past, we’ve never had anything like an official membership role, but I think things might get sticky quickly so I propose we vote right now that the females here constitute the membership of the Euro-Club. Does anyone object?”

No one did.

“Does anyone not want to be publicly listed as a member on our new website that Megan and Amelia are building? And by the way, while I was happy to see our new photos show up on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, only our Instagram page has been kept current, we need to do better if we want to get attention. No one objected to being listed as members, and then there was an official vote to confirm the membership included all the girls present. Without being asked, Celia took up the task of club secretary writing down what was happening. After some discussion, it was agreed that each social media account would be managed by a team of one old member and one new member.

Misty then addressed the matter at hand “Now, as I’m sure you all know, two photos have made it to school that show both Bailey and Sarah …um… bare breasted at the South Beach.”

Haley quipped, “And very nice breasts they are.”

That got both laughter and agreement all around. Misty supported the idea “Yea, they look amazing. I think it is one of the best photos I’ve seen off the web, but to be fair, Sarah’s mother had them pose for her. My guess is whoever took it was standing right behind Mrs. Marshal as she was wrapping up.”

Bailey nodded “Yea, I remember. It was actually a girl, about my age. I didn’t think anything of it.”

Misty said “And there wasn’t really anything you could have done about it anyway. You were on a public beach.” Then she took a more serious tone. “I will admit I had not foreseen that by posting pics from the Frisbee football game on Key Largo, someone would be able to positively ID Bailey as they did.” She looked at Bailey, “And I am truly sorry I helped contribute to you being outed. It was my mistake.”

Bailey shook her head. “No, Keith or one of his friends already had the topless photos of me, so it was just a matter of when they went public with them not if.”

Misty saw her point. Someone must have already had those photos of Bailey; they just used the pics they had posed from the Frisbee football game to head off denials. She nodded to Bailey, “Perhaps so.” To the larger group she said “But it was more than the photos, what her ex said was a particularly nasty attack on Bailey. Be sure, it was not just an attack on her, but on all of us and our right as girls to have recreational sex the way guys do. Now we all must be prepared for Monday when those two pics will be the center of attention at school. First off, we need to agree to stick together to ensure she gets the same support you gave me when my pictures came out. And I mean all twenty of us. Tonight at the game we will be presenting ourselves as a group, and we need everyone to know we are unified in support of Bailey and of our values.”

To that, there was universal agreement.

Misty continued “Second, I want us, as a group, to decide if we should go ahead and post the next set of photos on our social media platforms on Sunday night, or should we put it off. For those of you who don’t know, we have a dozen new photos selected for release on our social media accounts. None actually show frontal nudity, but around half are from South Beach and show the five of us from angles that make it clear all five of us were topless. We have to assume that whoever found the pictures Keven sent out realizes that Bailey was not the only Euro-Club member to be on that beach.”

Haley spoke up “I don’t see any reason not to put out more photos.”

Misty replied “Yes, I agree. But I wanted us to decide as a group. To me, it actually seems that putting out more pictures will be helpful so as to spread the heat from Bailey to all of us. In fact, perhaps we should also post some more photos of us in our club bikinis. I know we have some that pretty clearly show how see-through our bikinis became.”

Iris spoke up, “But other people have posted similar pics from the party already.”

Misty shook her head, “Not like the photos I shot of you guys in the water the day we first tried them on…well, I mean before we all took our bikinis off completely.”

That elicited a few laughs and then an explanation to the new girls about how Mrs. C. had gone inside so they could deliberately shoot photos of the new bikinis when they were fully wet… which meant they were all but transparent. Then how that led to the first nude swim with the boyfriends there.

Misty brought them back to the subject. “My thought is by doing that, we can take control of the situation. I would also say we should begin openly confirming that the photos other people have found on the web from Miami Beach are of us... well of the ones that really are us.” Once again there was nothing but support for the motion, but Misty made a point to ask every one of the girls who when to Miami if that was OK with them. Caitlin seemed to sum up the issue best when she said “Misty is right, by Monday the rest of us will also be outed, so either we take charge of the narrative or we let our critics do so.”

There was some discussion and then it was agreed they would post the twelve planned photos they had ready tonight after the game, not Sunday. Additionally, Megan and Amelia said the website was all ready to go live as soon as the club was ready. It was agreed that the story and the photos from the day they first tried on the club bikinis would be the first content on the new site. Misty suggested, “Let’s start working on some written narratives to go with the beach photos as well. I think it is best we tell enough about the trip to get everyone talking about the things we want them too, not the things we don't."

Haley piped up "For instance, we don’t want to publicize the fact Byron’s mother fucked six different guys who had just graduated from high school right in front of us."

A dozen eyes went to Byron. Bailey, who sat beside him holding his hand, spoke up “For my money, Byron’s mom is super-hot… a real MILF, as is Sarah’s and Misty’s.” She then gave him a kiss. It was clear she was making a statement.

Her words got a round of agreement and if Byron felt any discomfort, Misty didn’t see it. Rather, his grin seemed to indicate he was quite pleased everyone saw his mother as a super-MILF… or was it that Bailey kissed him in public?

Haley chimed in “Fuck, I’d sleep with anyone of them. From what Mrs. Simms said on the way home, she was ready to agree if I’d asked to join her with the waiter for a threesome. I kick myself that I missed my opportunity.”

Misty thought it better not to confirm that, but agreed with Haley’s first observation, "Yes, like that or even more important we need to do our best to keep hiding the fact that Mrs. Marshal was there at all. As I’m sure you all know by now, on the photo sets I gave Haley, Sarah, Caitlin and Bailey, there are a handful of pictures of the whole group, including Mrs. Marshal taken at both South Beach and Haulover.”

Haley added “And on the boat trip. We were all topless for most of that trip too.”

“Yes, on the boat trip. The point is that we are keeping a very close reign on the photos of Mrs. Marshal and I’m sure you have already found out that they are not willing to share the files of those photos with anyone. But there are pics they can share. There are literally thousands more great images on the drives I passed out that night that don’t show Mrs. Marshal. Even though we can share those, I appreciate you not letting any of the photos from the trip to get out in the wild. I know for some of you, like Haley, that has taken more than a bit of self-control."

Gregg jumped in "Yea, she hasn't let me show any of them to my friends, not one. So many are super-hot, but she says I can’t share them outside of the group of people here tonight."

Misty said "Good for her. That has been the plan. But be sure, we'll get a lot more photos out in the public domain soon. But for now, no "R" rated photos get shared. No pussy or nipple pics. Got it?"

The girls who had gone to Miami all nodded. All five of those who had gone to Miami knew of the plan to covertly release a few selected photos, but that was not mentioned. However, Sarah asked about pics that were already on the web.

Misty thought for a second then said "How about we use social media to put links, but only if they show photos that make us look good…. and that none of the moms are in any pics on the sites we point people to. We want people to know that we are not ashamed that they know we went topless or nude in public, or even that they see photos of us. What is imperative is that any photos that get out did not come from us. I found out how important that fact is last year when some people wanted my mother prosecuted. What mattered back then was that nobody in my family took or put out those photos. Again I want to emphasize, we want to control what people know. When they think they have all the dirt, they won't look for more."

Iris then pointed out that if they only talked about the Miami trip it would leave out most of the club members. Sarah added "And the girls who don't go to Jeff Davis need to be included too." Misty saw their concern and agreed "You are right. We want to present a united front of all twenty of us. To do that we will need to talk about more than the trip to Miami, particularly on our website; and we want to use our other social media to push people there. Making the story about trying on the new club bikinis the first content on our new site is a start; but Iris, you are right. All our social media needs to be about the club, not about the Miami trip. As for photos, of course, we took them all summer, so at least for the seniors and Sarah, we have plenty to post. We will have to make a point to get more content over the fall, particularly of the new members. I have my camera with me, so before we leave, we will get a group shot in our tee-shirts and I’ll shoot more photos at the game.”

After more discussion, it was agreed that Misty and Caitlin would write up an official version of both the end-of-school party and the Miami trip. Everyone else would write up highlights from their activities this summer. Misty looked at Celia, “Perhaps you can write up a story about your time in Italy and talk about the different attitudes about nudity and sex. I would use euphemisms for having sex, but things like the coed showers would strengthen our message that the norms in Georgia are not universal.

Caitlin said she would. Then Misty said “Let’s make a central bank of photos that you all have taken at my house. Now I know my mom told you not to use your phones to take photos of us skinny dipping at my house, but I know full well some of you did… and so does she. She deliberately did not catch you doing it, so don’t think you put one over on her.”

That got some laughs and blushes at finding out they were not as sly as they thought.

“So, if you can use encrypted email or jump drives to get the best of them to me, I’ll use Photoshop to edit out or pixelate the naughty parts so we can use them on the site. I will also write up something about my summer internship and how I learned to shoot glamour nudes. Tomorrow evening, Bailey, Caitlin and I will be at Sarah’s house since my parents are kicking me out for their adult-only party.”

Haley put in “What she means is they are having a sex party with their friends. My mom is so looking forward to it.”

A couple of guys hooted in delight.

Misty laughed before going on “The sooner you can get the first batch of stories and pics that you want to share to me, we can start editing them so that Megan and Amelia can start formatting for the website. Better to open up with a good bit of content right off then put out updates than to have a weak opening.”

Everyone liked the plan. Misty however did not fully trust the judgment of a few of the members, so she made it clear to Megan and Amelia that she would make final approval of all the photos and narratives that would be posted on the website. After that, the food arrived and the “official” part of the night was over.

Once they'd made a few good group photos, the Jeff Davis students carpooled for the forty-minute drive to Baldwin Central High. Lamar and Byron had no interest in going to the game now that neither of them was in the school band anymore, so Misty drove them to the Simms’ apartment (which was not far from the restaurant). She left her car there and rode with Sarah, Bailey, and Kelli in Cody’s Suburban.

When they arrived in Eatonton, it was not yet dark. Though it was already a bit too cool to be comfortable in just their tee shirts, they had the boys carry their jackets because they wanted people to notice their entrance. Just to push things a number of the girls had emulated Misty’s appearance by removing their bras during the drive. Jeff Davis High school rules explicitly stated girls must wear “appropriate undergarments” to school activities, but they weren’t going to be at Jeff Davis. The chill in the air ensured their nipples made “the point” they were braless. They were betting no one would challenge them about their attire before they put their jackets on.

As they’d hoped, their arrival made quite a splash, and like in the House of Pizza, phone cameras were quickly used to record their attire. Misty's plan to go to the game to get publicity for the Euro-Club worked better than she had hoped. This was the first time the club made a collective group appearance like this around the Jeff Davis student body. Even after the game began, the girls were asked by their “fans” to get selfies. Misty was surprised at how much attention even the new members received just because they were Euro-Club girls. Thankfully most of it was positive. However, No one could miss the glares from many of the adults, although that public disapproval only served to raise the club’s stature to their peers.

Misty hoped their arrival as a group in their provocative shirts would take some of the intense spotlight off of Bailey. However, as the game progressed, she got a number of comments. Some were nice but an unnerving number were crude or downright disgusting come-ons. The other club girls were quick to aggressively respond to inappropriate comments. This approach seemed quite effective in gaining the club support from most of the other girls in the stands and quite a few of the guys as well.

After staying long enough for people to see the whole group together, the three girls who went to Baldwin Central went to the other side of the stadium to the home school bleachers. Despite the fact they donned their jackets soon after the game started, at half-time, to take some group photos they all braved the chill and took them off again. After they took their group pics, they were literally mobbed by students who wanted to get selfies. Misty was surprised how many people from Baldwin Central wanted pictures as well. She kept expecting the whole group to get kicked out of the stadium, but it didn't happen. From the nasty looks that came from the cheerleaders, there was no question some people wished they would.

Misty wondered how much impact they were having on the school as a whole. Misty made a mental note to have those managing their social media post a thank you to their fellow students for the great reception they were given at the game.

The cool weather had made for a perfect night for the Jeff Davis fans even if they did lose badly. After the game, Cody asked if it would be all right if he let two of his friends from the Milledgeville Piggly Wiggly (where he was a bagboy) ride with them. It seems the person they rode with had disappeared sometime before the end of the game leaving the two of them stranded. Even with two more people, it was not overly crowded in the big SUV. Once in the Suburban, it soon became evident that despite the fact the two boys didn’t go to Jefferson Davis High; Cody’s friends were in awe of riding with three of the Euro-Club girls, including the famous Misty Campbell. They were however, completely unaware of the new photos being circulated. Kelli couldn’t help but remedy their ignorance by passing her phone back to the guys with one of the photos on the screen. They were impressed to say the very least.

Misty rapidly picked up on the fact these guys hoped that by riding home with three Club girls, they would get some action. It seems that Kelli also made the same appraisal of the situation and decided to give the two boys a hard time. Misty couldn’t help laughing to herself as even before they had gotten out of the stadium's parking lot traffic, Kelli started a rather dramatic show for Cody’s two friends. They were still in bumper-to-bumper traffic when Kelli started her sexual verbal commentary. From where she and Cody sat on the large bench seat of the 1989 Suburban, Kelli looked back to Misty and said “I’m so horny! I don’t know if I can wait till we drop off you guys to get some dick.”

Misty knew right off the words were for the benefit of Cody’s friends. So she said “Well you know I don’t mind if you go for it now. It won’t be like I’ve never seen you two do it before.”

Kelli replied, “And I know you love watching us.”

“But I like joining in better.”

The boys, who had been relegated to the very back seat, hung on every word. Since they were in the third row of seats, there was no way they could actually see what was happening up in the front bench seat.

“Oh, how did your belt get undone Sweetie?” Kelli said loud enough that the boys could hear. “Ohhh, your zipper has come undone too!”

Cody made an exaggerated shifting in his seat, as if to give his girlfriend easier access.

“Is this big popsicle for me?” she said clearly mocking the hungry boys in the back. Her head went down out of sight and after a few loud “mmmmfff”s she sat up and looked back to the boys “You don’t mind if I blow Cody do you? After all, we are hardly moving.”

The boys completely missed the sarcastic tone, they thought it was a real question and told her to go ahead.

They were just getting out onto State Hwy. 16 and the traffic was moving faster. Misty wondered if Kelli really would actually give Cody oral sex as they drove. She certainly wouldn’t put it past her. She’d seen Kelli play with Cody’s dick while he drove before, but never actually suck him off, but the noise she was making just didn’t seem right. She looked over the seat, and sure enough, Kelli’s head was just resting in her boyfriend’s lap. His pants weren’t even undone. Misty had to imagine how the boys would expect her to act had Kelli really been sucking Cody. She said "Kelli, you are so bad! Even I wouldn't do that with a car full of people" and sat back down shaking her head.

A few minutes later when they were well out of the traffic, Kelli’s tee shirt appeared draped over the seat back, then her bra (which she’d actually taken off on the way to the game) flew up over the seat and into Sarah’s lap. The boys in the back cheered. The fact that Misty knew it was a show and the boys had no clue amused her greatly.

With Kelli noisily “sucking her boyfriend’s dick” in the front, it was only natural the guys became more interested in Misty, Sara, and Bailey. How could they help it with Cody groaning as he drove? Kelli again popped her head up and looked back across the two rear bench seats. Though the entire top half of her breasts were briefly visible to the boys, they were disappointed they could not see more. She then said “Don’t worry he can drive safely while I do this. We do it all the time.” Then she again disappeared, assumably to go back down on Cody.

One of Cody’s friends looked to Misty in the seat in front of him and said “I saw your pics on the web, you’re hot.”

The other guy added, “All three of you are super-hot.”

Misty didn’t blush at all, but Sarah and Bailey did. They all said “Thanks.”

The second guy blurted out “Misty is it true you have sex with all your friends?”

Misty calmly said “All my friends? No, not all of them,” she said to tease him,” but quite a few for sure. It’s just sucking dick, eating pussy, and fucking we’re talking about. Right? That stuff is no big deal.”

The guys looked at each other with hope written all over their faces, “Cool!”

The second guy followed up by asking, “Cody told us that you have had a threesome with him and Kelli. Is that true?”

Misty waited for a minute thinking of just what to say, “Sure, I guess we’ve done that ten times or more. Does ten times sound about right to you Kelli?”

Once again Kelli popped up. This time she made a point to have her nipples clear the top of the seatback, “Yea, that sounds about right. Too bad I have to get home or we could go to your house and do it again tonight.” Then she disappeared.

Misty looked back and said “Cody is a great fuck,” looking the guy straight in the face “He really knows how to use that dick of his,” then she paused for a moment for effect “but Kelli is better at eating pussy.” She knew full well the effect her sex talk was having.

The guys looked at each other, clearly speechless, then the same guy asked “And what about her?” indicating Sarah.

Misty looked to Sarah who sat beside her, “Have we done a ménage-a-trios?

“Well” Sarah said with a smile “Does it count when we shared a guy in a group sex situation?”

“No, I don’t think so. That counts as an orgy” Misty answered innocently.

“Then, no we haven’t been in a real ménage-a-trios,” Sarah answered with confidence.

Misty was pleased they had left these guys completely dumbstruck, but pushed them further, “But then again does it count as a ménage-a-trios if it’s all girls? If it were possible, the guy’s eyes got wider with that comment.

Sarah again answered “I’m not sure. I think so, but you and I have never had one of those. You must be thinking about someone else. But I’d love to try it tonight.” With that Sara leaned to her right and began to kiss Misty. The kiss went on for some time with lots of visible tongue action, then she turned to Bailey on her left and did the same… though with Baily she put her hand up under her tee-shirt to play with her breasts. All the while Misty could not help wondering what the boys were thinking.

Finally, Cody pulled the Suburban to a stop in the apartment parking area where Misty had left her car. He put it in park but did not turn off the engine. Looking back to the passengers he said “Give me just a minute, I’m almost there”

One of the guys tapped Misty on the shoulder and said “John here” motioning to his friend, “wants to know if you’ll give him a blow job.”

Misty got up out of her seat and moved over as if she were going to do what he asked. She looked at the eager young man and smiled, “Not a bad suggestion” she paused, “but you should have asked sooner.” Then she blew him a kiss and turned to reach for the door handle. As she pulled the door open, Cody let out a grunt and announced “Here it comes” to the rapt attention of the guys in the Suburban. Cody continued “Oh yea, here it comes! Oh fuck yea Kelli suck that cum! Yea, suck it down!”

As she stepped out of the SUV, Misty could see Kelli over the front seat, trying to suppress her laughter.

After Cody’s last gasp, his buddies cheered his performance. Kelli sat up and made a show of wiping her lips. As she pulled her club tee shirt over her head, for just a second she sat up high enough for the entire profile of her breasts to be visible to the boys.

One of the guys said, “Fuck that was awesome!”

“No you morons,” Sarah said, “Kelli was sucking him, not fucking” before she exited the vehicle.

From outside the Suburban, Misty motioned Kelli to roll down the window and whispered “Does having a dick make guys stupid, or is it something else?”

Kelli began to laugh. “I know. I think they’ve seen too much porn and too little real sex. Too bad they will miss what we really do in this seat once we drop them off. I only wish my mom wasn’t already watching the clock.”

Misty nodded then reached up to kiss Kelli on the lips. That too got a reaction from the boys.


Bonnie had known scheduling one last outdoor party for her friends in late September was risky, even in Georgia; but, the last two years they had been able to sun and swim till the first weekend in October. This year it would not be so. The pool had an LP gas heater that could keep the water temperature over 95°, but it cost a fortune to keep it that way when the temperatures at night began to really fall.

Early on Saturday, Bonnie called Trish franticly “I need your help. Last week the weatherman had predicted temps in the mid-seventies and now it’s like fifty degrees outside. I had planned to just have the party out at the pool, a farewell to summer, but that’s not happening. I looked at the weather channel and it’s not warming up very much and it might even rain. Everyone is supposed to be here at 3:00 and now I’ve got to move the whole thing inside. Who all do you think will be here?”

“Well” Trish paused and thought “I will of course, so will Sherri and Herb, I talked to her last night, they are really looking forward to it. I also talked to Ronda, Beth Ann and Sue Ann. Calvin will be coming with Beth Ann after all. And the possible activities of this party are all Marcy wants to talk about, so she and Mike are for sures. Ashley and Chad won't be here, they are in Vermont looking at leaves or something like that. And Lois said her guys aren’t up to an event like this yet. So, including you guys that is ten.”

“And Tabitha and Butch” Bonnie added.

“And Brandy & Dwight,” Trish recalled.

“…and Amy. That makes sixteen and if Carlotta and her boyfriend come that will be eighteen. I don’t have seating for anywhere near that many in the living room.”

After a pause, Trish suggested, “How about we don’t use the chairs and sofa, but sit around on big pillows and stuff.”

Bonnie liked the idea but “I don’t have but two big pillows, and we’d need some small rugs so people won’t be sitting on the hardwood.”

“I have a few but we could run up to that big linen outlet store on the interstate. I was there a few months ago and they have these huge bins of big pillows for like $10.00 each. They would be perfect for the party. How is this, we can make it a theme party, like A Thousand and One Sex Tales in the Kasbah. I can call everyone and tell them to see if they can pull together costumes from old stuff they may have.”

“You’re thinking now woman,” Bonnie said. “OK. Let’s do it. I’ll call Amy, Tabitha, and Brandy if you can call the others. Tell them to see if they can put together outfits that they think would look right in a Moorish harem, or at least their fantasy of what one would look like. Remind them that I have plenty of body jewelry if they want to use it. And tell everyone 6:00 instead of 3:00 since it is now a different kind of event, and that will give us more time to get ready.”

With that, their last-minute plan was moving forward. Bonnie remembered how much fun the luau was on the cruise, the theme, not just the sex, made it memorable.

Cooper was still in bed while a newly energized Bonnie raced into the bedroom talking at full speed.

Cooper missed her whole explanation of what was happening before he stopped her. “Woe, slow down. I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, start over.”

With that, she again went through the problem and the solution. “So I need you to get up and help me move the furniture to see how much room we have.”

Though Cooper was secretly looking forward to what might prove to be quite a night, he pretended to be disinterested. It seemed better to him to let her take the lead and feel she was dragging him into this, rather than seeming too excited about a possible orgy with their friends. Still, there was a lot to do. He dragged Lamar and Misty out of their beds to help. He even drafted Sarah and Bailey who had spent the night in the guest bedroom/playroom. The family room was part of the original house and it wasn’t big by modern standards, but when the furniture was all moved, it gave the space a very open, but cozy, feeling.

“As I suspected, the rug isn’t big enough” Bonnie observed. With the furniture out of the way, it was clear the thick Persian rug that normally filled the conversation area was far too small to cover the hardwood floor on which the guests would be sitting. “I’ll see what they have at the outlet mall when we are buying pillows,” Bonnie told Misty and Sarah who was in the room with her. “We don’t need a big rug, several smaller rugs would be fine.”

Trish called back at about 10:00 just when they’d finished moving the furniture. “Well, I got everyone. This should be fun. Marcy said her friend Mia would be coming, but Mia would not bring her boyfriend. She just wasn’t sure how he would react. And when I talked to Marcy, she was already on her way to Atlanta to do some shopping and she said she could stop by a party shop and pick up some decorations to go with our theme. I told her that would be great so she’ll stop by and drop them off on her way home.”

“Wonderful, that will be great.”

An hour later Trish and Byron walked into the Campbell home without knocking, but rather saying “Knock, Knock, we’re here.”

“We’re back here” Cooper called from the kitchen.

Byron went to the game room to see Lamar while Trish followed Cooper’s voice.

In the kitchen, Cooper and Bonnie had a half dozen cookbooks opened. “We are trying to figure out what exactly would be Arab food” Bonnie said.

“I would think anything Mediterranean would do for this. You know over in Milledgeville there is a Greek restaurant that I bet you could get to make up some trays of the right kinds of finger foods.”

Cooper said “Good idea. I ate there about a year ago; some of it was unusual for our area, but it was good. I’ll give them a call.”

Bonnie shut a cookbook “Great, one less thing for me to do. Let me get my purse and we’ll be off.”

By 5:30 that night it looked as if they’d planned it for weeks. Marcy had come through in spades with Arab/Moorish-style decorations that created a perfect ambiance. There were two dozen big pillows and a half dozen small rugs, a good number of oriental-styled blankets & even draperies for the doors. A pair of huge vases, a hookah table as a centerpiece and a battery-powered Moorish light hung from the ceiling to make it all work. Sherry had suggested incense, and the air was already filling with exotic aromas. It was better than Bonnie had hoped. The space was just big enough that everyone would fit, yet people would have to sit or lay very close together… like a fantasy harem.

Misty was standing in the midst of the living room’s “harem” as her parents emerged from their room in their costumes. Seeing her daughter, Bonnie announced “We are a pair of Jin who will be bringing on the magic for the night. What do you think?”

Misty thought her Mom & Dad’s attire for the night was spot-on. They were basically wearing a pair of outfits they had put together for a costume party a couple of years ago. The big difference was her mom had removed the opaque inner layer of her costume leaving only the sheer outer layer.

“That is so hot,” Misty said to her mother. “I should be wearing that instead of you.”

“Sorry, but you’re leaving now” her mother replied.

“That’s so unfair. It’s not like I’ve never seen you and your friends get it on before. You should be flattered I like watching your old flabby ass get banged.”

“Old flabby ass?!” Bonnie protested “that’s it, you leave now!”

“I was just kidding, but it’s still not fair you get a cool party and I don’t.”

“Don’t worry we will keep the decorations and you can use them for your 18th birthday party if you want to. That isn’t all that far off.”

“Cool, I get a birthday orgy.”

“I didn’t say that” Bonnie protested.

“But that’s what you meant” Misty chided as she went toward the door.

“I publicly deny that insinuation, no matter what you think I meant,” Bonnie said as she headed to the kitchen to prepare the food.

As Misty went to collect her brother and Byron, she thought on how fortunate she was to have such a mom. With the boys in tow, she grabbed her overnight bag and headed out. Before picking up Caitlin, she dropped the boys off at the Simms’s apartment for the night.

For the evening, she, Caitlin, Bailey and Sarah would all be staying at the Marshal’s home with the stated goal of coordinating the club’s social media campaign. One thing their parents knew they could count on is the fact when they said “No boys” at the girl’s sleep-over, that the girls would comply and there would be no boys. However, that was not at all the same thing as saying there would be no sex.

It was of no surprise that Sarah greeted them at the door in the nude. She’d declared herself a nudist and had not had to work too hard to convince her mother to join her, at least when they were at home. However, Mr. Marshal had already let the women know that he would not keep the house warm enough for nudity once it got cold in the winter. However, it was not yet that cold, and Sarah swung the door wide to welcome them wearing not a stitch, without any evident concern she might be seen by her neighbors.

Misty had known that Sarah and her mother had only removed their patch of pubic hair while in Miami because of their micro bikinis; standing in the doorway, it was evident that in the six weeks since, Sarah’s patch above her vulva had grown back. Though she also knew that Mrs. Marshal had made good on her promise to take her and Bailey to get a Brazilian laser treatment. The week before, Sarah had told Misty how when Bailey’s mom was required to go with her daughter for the first treatment to sign the waivers, the solon owner had sold her on the same treatment. All three decided to keep some hair above as Misty noted when she’d been greeted at the door.

By the time they had been at work for half an hour, the two declared nudist, (Sarah and Caitlin) were fully bare while Misty and Bailey stayed clothed; yet nobody seemed to feel they must conform to the other’s dress choice. It was that kind of ‘do what works for you’ attitude she’d hoped to inculcate into their group’s culture. It was one of the things that Misty felt she’d done right with the club.

By 9:30, Misty, Caitlin, Sarah, and Bailey had been hard at work in the Marshal’s living room for hours. They had been primarily working to write up the events of their trip to Miami. As they did so, it already seemed too unreal to believe they had done all those things. They were actually working on three versions all at once: a full and complete version of everything for some vague later project, a shorter less explicit narrative to go on the new club website and a set of short blurbs to go with photos on social media. The shorter narrative left out things like Misty’s mother joining her in the shower while she had sex and how Misty walked in on the mother’s fivesome to shoot photos. In fact, while the public version toned down the teen sex, it excised the adult sex entirely. Each two-page "chapter" was a day. She decided it was best not to publish explicit descriptions of the sex by the club girls, but to write vague but leading statements. The goal was to make it clear they were not ashamed they had done it with multiple people at the beach, but at the same time never saying directly that they did so. Typical was the paragraph describing the first afternoon of public sex at the rental house:

In the afternoon, when Mrs. C., Sarah and Bailey went to Haulover Beach, Misty, Caitlin and Haley decided to relax at the rented house with some of their new friends. It was a pretty low-keyed afternoon. Some people played video games on our laptops, some watched TV, while some got to know our new friends better with both conversation and making out. When Mrs. S. went upstairs for a nap, Haley and one of the guys began a game of twister. Some of the people in the room watched, but most didn't seem to notice even when the game got them into a real knot. When Haley and her friend gave out, Misty and another one of the boys began. Pretty much all afternoon it went that way with one couple after another playing twister. While we all watched the couples playing on and off, mostly we did other things. Still just having couples unashamedly playing in front of the rest of us like that the whole time set a great atmosphere.

While to Sarah, Caitlin, and Bailey the use of the euphemism of the twister game seemed pretty transparent, Misty was pretty sure it would confound many. "Think about it” Misty said. "Who would actually believe we played twister all day while at the beach?" and she read the same paragraph but replaced the twister game with having sex. The other girls got her point. For most people, the real scenario was simply beyond believability. Misty chose a photo of herself and Red working on one of the laptops to add as an illustration. In it she wore a tank top and nothing else. The fact she was bottomless was not something that one noticed unless deliberately looking to see if she had on a swimsuit bottom (which she did not). Misty knew the photo wasn’t actually from the same day she was describing, but she used it anyway since it would not make a real difference and she couldn’t use photos where she was nude.

That picture wasn't the only fudge since she had to completely omit the part about the crew watching Franklin do Mrs. Simms right in the common room that day. Still, she was happy with how she handled it. The rest of the story of the day was more detailed and direct about the whole group going to South Beach and then some of them going to Haulover.

As she had requested, the other girls had sent her emails with write-ups of the end-of-school party, the miscellaneous summer activities and the Miami trip. Celia provided a 2,000-word discussion of her half-a-year in Italy. As Misty had asked her to do, she explored the casual attitude toward nudity and sex among her fellow students. She wrote in detail of her slow acceptance of showering where guys could see her, but she plainly said that after a month it seemed normal to use a coed shower. She even wrote about going to nude beaches with her friends and how normal it seemed to everyone. She was less candid about the sex. While she directly wrote about waking up to find her male roommate having sex with another guy in their room, but she was artfully vague about her own activities. There was more than enough room to interpret what she said about how much sex she had, but she explicitly stated that she’d had sex for the first time while there.

Rather than the dozens of photos from the summer's activities she’d expected to have in her in-box, she had hundreds. It seems that despite the fact the club girls were asked not to take any photos of nudity, every single one of them had used their phones to take pictures of all sorts of activities at the Campbell’s pool over the summer. True most did not show bare nipples or genitals, but a good many did. Celia included a dozen photos from her semester abroad, including two of her showering with a guy, one of her practicing her violin in the nude and two from a nude beach. She had a note saying Misty could use the photos any way she thought best: as they were, or pixelating out the parts she can’t show in the US. There was no question that Celia was all in. Misty was glad she emphasized encrypting the emails. It would not be good to have those photos easily hackable.

Misty had forgotten how revealing their summer swimwear had been, even before they had simply stopped wearing any. Even in many of the photos where the girls had on both tops and bottoms, the pics would be a violation of the rules for both Facebook and Instagram. The girls had laughed at how it was obvious that in the photos Iris sent that she had made a point to catch all of the guys sporting erections at least once.

Sarah said she had been appalled when she’d gone to update the club’s Facebook page that no one had bothered to keep up since July. She told Misty “We had over two-hundred friend requests pending.” While Misty & Caitlin had been writing, she and Bailey had been combining and summarizing the club members' stories. They used the same method of vague insinuation as Misty was doing for the Miami trip to cover the party and other summer doings. Then she attached a few PG or PG-13 photos to each in preparation for posting over the next few weeks. Since Misty had taught Caitlin to be as proficient at Photoshop as she was, Caitlin was given the task of cropping and/or pixelating photos that they wanted to use on social media. Even after editing the photos, it was decided not to post any pics that revealed the girls had gone topless or nude at their pool when boys were present. There was no purpose in causing Misty’s parents trouble.

The whole time they worked on this, Misty, Sarah, and Bailey carried on conversations with the other club members via text messages. It was Misty’s idea to use their Twitter account as their platform to expose the attacks on them. She knew full well how popular tweets about injustice become. Positioning themselves as an embattled protest group would be very much in their interests. They texted everyone to forward accounts of such things to Hillary and Rebecca, who had taken over the moderation of that platform.

At 10:30 they finally took a break. Naturally, they decided to soak in the Marshal's big new hot tub on the equally new deck. It was very nice and easily twice the size of the old one. Steam rose from the hot water into the cool night air. The four girls had been busy since the moment Misty had arrived and the break was nice.

Relaxing in the water, Sarah told Caitlin about the fake blow job from the night before. “Damn Bailey, I thought those guys were going to start whacking off right in the car when Kelli started pretending to blow Cody.”

“They were so into it” Bailey laughed.

“I'm sure that was her plan. Cody had told us those two didn’t believe him about some of the stuff she does, so she thought she'd show them. Or pretend to show them as it were.”

“She did that all right. And I guess I helped out his case by telling them how good Cody is in bed” Misty laughed.

The girls chatted and laughed for over an hour discussing school and boys and girls and the club and church and their lives in general.

“So Misty,” Sarah asked, “I saw you in the lunch room several times this week talking to Tommy Francis, are you two finally becoming an item?”

Bailey’s face spread into a broad smile “Well? Are you?”

“Well, what?” Misty said defensively, then looking at Sarah with a glare “You know full well what the issues are. And after last night I think a lot of people think you and I are a couple now.”

“Hey,” Sarah interrupted in a sharp tone “I don’t have a clue, what did I say to upset you? I thought we agreed we could tell people we are lovers. Sure, I’m pretty public about the fact that your brother is my boyfriend. Everyone at the Pizza House knew Lamar was there with me, even if he arrived with you and went home with Byron rather than going to the game with us."

Misty exhaled and pulled Sarah tighter in her arms, “You didn’t upset me. And yes, we agreed to be public with our relationship, just like Caitlin has asked me not to show affection to her at school, out of fear of reprisals at home. But last night, you and I got a lot of looks snuggling at the game?”

Sarah smiled “Yes, we did. But I didn’t kiss you, though I was tempted.”

Caitlin, who was sitting snuggling with Bailey said “I wish I could have been part of that, but to my mom’s boyfriend there is nothing worse than being a homosexual, male or female. To him, a girl who eats pussy is a lesbian and is going to hell. My fear is that if he even suspected the true nature of our relationship, he would pressure Mom to send me to one of those places to cure me of being gay.”

All evening it had been Misty with Sarah and Caitlin with Bailey. More than once, Misty had seen Caitlin and Bailey casually touching as they’d worked inside. In the hot tub, Bailey had been wrapped in Caitlin’s arms the entire time. Once Misty had even thought Baily was going to cum from Caitlin’s “casual” touches between her legs. It had seemed wonderful to watch the person she loved more than anyone in the world enjoying her time with cute little Bailey. There was no doubt in Misty’s mind what the sleeping arrangement would be tonight. She was happy for both of them. Bailey had made it clear she was besotted with Caitlin, even while she loved Sarah in the same deep abiding way Misty loved Caitlin.

To Caitlin Misty said. “If you want I can go tell your mother’s boyfriend that you’re not gay. I can assure him that you love dick as much as any girl I know.”

That got the girls laughing again.

Misty went on to say. “I think people at school have a hard enough time grasping the idea we enjoy sex with girls and with boys; but, I think it is even harder for them to get their heads around the idea we can have a loving relationship with more than one person at a time. Sarah, you told me how hard it is to explain even to your best friends that you have a relationship with Bailey, and with me and with my brother at the same time, it is the same problem for me trying to explain things to Tommy. People don’t understand that our relationship is not anything like an exclusive lesbian couple. The whole idea of being polyamorous and having more than one romantic love affair is just made more confusing to outsiders when one is a guy and one is a girl. I guess I’m faced with an issue of life choices and life is showing me that I can’t have everything I want. I can’t make other people see things the way I do.”

Seeing their puzzled faces Misty decided to give the three girls a rundown on what all was bothering her. “Tommy and I have been friends since I was a freshman. We are very compatible, but for the last two years, he had been dating Mary Mapes really seriously. But last spring they went their separate ways. When Kelli, Tommy, and I were named as the school publications editors it naturally meant we would see more of each other. At the end-of-school yearbook wrap party, we talked for a long time. It was then we knew a new kind of relationship was possible, but we also knew the time wasn’t right. That was just before the thing with me and the beach pics broke. Then there was the whole summer and lots of stuff happened. We kept texting and talking on the phone, but like once every week or two, not every day. But since school has started, we have begun spending more time together again, and we very much enjoy each other’s company. We both feel the pull.”

“So, are you on your way to being an item?” Sarah asked again.

“No, not quite on the way. For the last week, we have talked on the phone like every night. And we have talked about relationships and sex and stuff a couple of times. He is a traditionalist. He knows full well every guy in school has naked pictures of me on their computer. He says he can deal with that, he feels really proud of the fact he can be open-minded enough to not let that bother him. At school Friday I told him that I don't want to be monogamous, at least not now. I told him that I have slept with all nine of the club members and their boyfriends. Though I haven’t told him all of what I did in Miami. I tried to explain that this is how I want my life to be and I would like him to join me in the life I have chosen. But he just can’t understand why I do not want what he calls a regular relationship. He doesn’t get it that while I really do want a relationship with him, I have a committed philosophical belief that I can love other people with my spirit and body while he and I build our own unique thing together. The idea of loving more than one person at a time is just so foreign to him.”

“Later, after school, I talked to him on the phone. With Kelli's permission, I told him directly about my relationship with her and Cody. I told him that both of them agree that love is not a finite commodity and so the three of us can maintain a triad without damaging their relationship. I even told him that several times Cody has come over for sex without Keli, and that doesn’t bother her. He likes and respects Kelli, so I think that made him think. I didn’t say it but I could have also said the same about me and Sara & Lamar.” She turned to Caitlin “or about our very special relationship that is different than what I have with Keli or Sarah.” He seemed to understand that we can love multiple people, but he said it was the sex he couldn’t understand. I tried to explain to him that sex can be like any other activity that we do with our friends, even while it is also something very special we do with the people we care deeply about. When he didn’t seem to get it, I tried again and explained that sex can be deeply emotional, but it can also be fun. So far Tommy hasn’t quite grasped the idea that sex can just be fun, as well as intimate. Nor does he fully get the idea I can have loving sex with you two,” she indicated Caitlin and Sarah, “and with Kelli while having a different kind of loving relationship with him. But I think he is beginning to come around.”

“Have you guys done it yet?” Sarah asked.

“No. I said I think he’s beginning to come around, but he’s not there yet. He still can’t grasp the concept of having a relationship with me and yet having no expectation that I will have sex only with him.”

“So he does want a relationship?”

That pulled Misty back to the difficult talk she and Tommy had yesterday at school during the pep rally. She told them more about that conversation and said “Yea, he does want to be with me. But I’ve told him as much as I like him I can’t go back on who I am, and in his mind, if we get physical we are having a relationship.”

“So you’re not doing anything?” Bailey asked.

“Nope” Misty said sadly and they all just sat quietly.

After a few more minutes of sitting in the hot water, to break the silence, Misty declared “I’ve turned into a prune, let’s go in”

Sometime later, wrapped in towels, the girls sat on Sara’s living room floor, watching an episode of Supernatural on Netflix, while they looked at photos taken by Sarah and her mom using their little waterproof camera. It seems there was an entire memory card that had not been transferred to Misty’s laptop on the trip home from Miami. “Are these good enough to use?” Sarah asked.

“Well hang on, give me a minute,” Misty responded testily as she continued bringing up image after image from the tiny XD memory card. The card had photos that Sarah, her mother, and others had taken on the first two days of their trip, but Misty had never seen any of them before. Sarah explained that the card had been in the pocket of the camera case and had been completely forgotten.

Misty was copying all the photos. They were all candids from South Beach and shopping trips. She'd remembered seeing Sarah and others playing with the waterproof camera in the surf on those first days, but had just forgotten about it.

Baily pointed out to Misty, “A lot of these beach pictures are from the day you, Sarah, and Haley went to the nude beach while Caitlin and I went to South Beach with Mrs. Marshal. That is why you never looked for them.”

With that explanation, Misty knew she was right. But beyond the pics of their first three trips to South Beach, there were also photos of the girls on the streets and in shops. It appeared that Sarah’s mom had made a point to get several full framed individual photos of each of the girls. Of course, there were more of Sarah than anyone else, but Mrs. Marshal had not left out any of the other four girls. In fact, in this new set there were more true candid’s of Misty than in all the other photos combined. Overall, these “new” pictures filled in a good many holes in Misty’s photo collection from their trip. She was glad to add them to the set before she made up the photobooks.

Bailey then said “With all the cameras taking pics of us, I am actually surprised it took until this week before any of them were positively identified by someone at school. I knew it was going to happen but I’m worried about Monday.” She looked at Misty, “I hope it won’t be like when your pictures came out.”

Misty was taken off guard by the change in direction, then realized that this subject must be weighing on Bailey far more than she’d wanted to say. She looked at her and said “I hope not too. The sad truth is you would make a better target for Dr. Collins than I did. Have you talked to your mother again?"

Bailey said, "Yes. We had another talk this morning. We are afraid I could get called in on Monday. She’s concerned because she won’t be back from the airport until after school lets out."

Misty put her arm around Bailey. “I’m not sure about that. In fact, I don’t think so. Dr. Collins will be more careful this time and your mother wasn’t even there. No, you won’t be the target, Sarah’s mom will be.”

Bailey nodded, "Maybe you are right, but she is not going to wait for Dr. Collins to attack me. She is going up to school on Tuesday to throw a fit about the team party where I was abused. After all, that is what the text that Kevin sent out was all about. And she’s right, the school is at fault for tacitly sanctioning the athletes preying on young girls."

There was a moment of silence. Misty softly said "Knowing Dr. Collins, that will be more than enough to keep her off your back. Kevin might not be a student, but someone will find themselves in a good bit of trouble over all this. But I don’t even want to think about Kevin or his nasty friends tonight.”

Everyone seemed to agree with that sentiment. Sarah shifted the conversation and said to Misty, “You know that over the weekend people will go to the site that posted those two pics and see the other ten. By Monday the pics of Bailey and me will be on everyone’s cell phone. They might get more popular than yours.”

Misty gave an exaggerated look of horror “Oh, no! You bitch! You are taking my limelight!”

The others laughed then Sarah went on “And though she denies it, I know Bailey here is eating up the positive comments she has already gotten about her photos on that website." She looked over at Bailey. "I think you would agree that going with us to Miami has changed your life."

Bailey nodded. "But I knew that before this week. It's hard to put myself back in the shoes I was wearing at the beginning of the summer. I really am a different person. My mom sees that and has told your mother so. Even with the attacks, I am so much more confident now. I don’t know if it was standing up to Kevin or the trip to Miami, but I am becoming someone different, someone much stronger.”

Bailey got a round of support from her three friends.

She went on "The truth is I am completely ready for the photos that we talked about to come out as well as the whole story of our trip. I won't let anyone shame me for what I did.” After a moment, she added, “I think it’s time we decide what photos will get leaked."

Bailey was referring to the other reason the four of them were together.

Even before Bailey’s pics were circulated, Misty had been looking at the photos of them that were on the web, most were simply not very good. However, the club and their boyfriends had already found enough photos on the web that showed their faces to know they would all be ID’d. Now that Bailey’s topless pics were out, it would only be a matter of days. From the very beginning, they all agreed that they expected photos of them to get around school, their only concern was that they knew badly done photos might make them look bad. Sadly, other than the one that Kevin had used to out Bailey, all the photos they had seen online had nearly all been mediocre or just plain bad.

To Misty the solution was simple, somebody else needed to post good pics. She had already gone over her plan to get good photos that couldn’t be attributed to them out on the web. She already told the other four that she could send pics to a girl she knows from her internship this summer. That girl’s boyfriend has a blog where he posts nude photos of her as well as lots of pics of college girls. She and her boyfriend agreed that he would claim he had spent part of the summer in Miami and took pics of their group over several days. He had been all too eager to take credit for more photos like two sample pics Misty had already sent. He has like ten thousand followers and from there the photos they send him should spread all over the web. She’d capped up her explanation by saying “With help from a little bird who will be telling my brother’s friends where they can be found, it won’t take long for the photos that we want to be seen to get all over school.”

Since all five girls had already agreed to the plan, all that remained was to pick out photos from a couple of days that could have been taken by someone they had just casually met on the beach. Bailey made the point “Even I can pick out which photos Misty took with her camera. I can’t tell exactly how, but I can. We want good pics, but not too good. If you know what I mean?”

They all did.

After some discussion, they decided to only send photos taken with Sarah’s mother’s camera. Caitlin also noticed that lots of people used that little waterproof camera so all five of them would be in the pics, like someone else took them. Misty then suggested, “We shouldn’t exclude my mother from the photo set that gets leaked. Nobody will believe we were able to rent a house on our own and Mom is pretty hot, so a guy just shooting would get pics of her too.”

With those parameters, they went through the photos that had been shot on the Marshal’s camera. It proved harder than they’d expected to narrow the photos down to a few dozen even with those stipulations. They deliberately chose a good many of Misty with her camera in her hand to make the point that she hadn’t shot the photos.

It took some time, but they first decided on the day the police came to ask about Misty shooting pictures. It seems that day the camera Sarah’s mom had brought got passed around a lot, so there were a good many to choose from. When they came to a photo that Sarah said she’d taken when the police had come to ask Misty about her permit for doing a professional photoshoot she said “This one is a for sure. With all those people gathered around watching what was happening, anyone could have taken it.”

The others agreed. Misty, looking at the photo said “At the time I didn’t realize how totally exposed we were in those keyhole bottoms. I mean if we’d just been nude, our girl parts wouldn’t have been the center of attention like that. I can’t believe we didn’t get in trouble for that.”

The others laughed and agreed.

Caitlin added “You both look amazing though.

In the end, they chose fifteen photos each from two specific trips to South Beach where all five of them had been present. They made a real point to ensure there was one really good photo of each of them for each day while still giving the appearance of the photos having been taken by someone who they had just happened to meet and asked to take pics. After all, a great many people had done exactly that over the week.

Misty, with a flourish, hit the enter key on the keyboard to send a total of thirty photos to her contact. “Done!" she said with a grin.

Misty’s cell phone rang. “It’s Tommy. So shhhhh” she told them before she answered the call.

Sarah turned the TV down.

“Hi Tommy.”

The other three girls listened intently trying to hear Tommy’s voice.

“Oh nothing much,” Misty said on the phone. “Just watching Supernatural" she said with a wink. "I'm here with Caitlin, Sarah and Bailey Hildebrandt. I don't think you know Bailey, she is a friend of Sarah's.” She paused for him to respond. “Really, we are just watching Supernatural. Sam and Dean are both hot.” She then switched on the speaker phone.

“Hi Tommy” Sarah, Caitlin and Bailey all chimed in.

They heard the tinny voice come back over the speaker phone. “Hi girls. What ya do’n?”

“Just laying here watching TV” Caitlin said in that overly loud speaker phone voice.

“And we are naked!” Sarah added.

“No, we are not!” Misty retorted.

Up jumped Sarah leaving her towel on the floor “I am now” she yelled to the little phone. Then kneeling near it she went on, “Earlier, we were all naked in my hot tub.”

Misty clarified, “She is right we were naked but we aren’t now… well Sarah is.”

“I see” came the voice from the phone.

“You wish you could see” Sarah came back, “but you can’t, unless you come over.”

Misty picked up the phone and switched off the speaker “OK, enough Sarah for one night.”

“Awwww” Sarah groused.

“I’ll call you tomorrow. I’d better go before these three get out of hand” and she turned off the phone.

“So much for being open and bold” Caitlin sniggered.

“It’s just I didn’t want to embarrass him.”

No sooner had they begun to watch TV again, when Bailey whispered something in Caitlin’s ear.

Standing Caitlin said to Sarah, “If you don’t mind, Bailey and I will take your guest room.”

Sarah said she’d expected that would be the plan, then added with a grin “But leave the door open. We wouldn’t want anyone to accuse you of being up to anything you shouldn’t.”

Caitlin removed her towel, “We won’t do anything we shouldn’t, but we will be up for a while doing things we should” before pulling Bailey to her and giving her a deep passionate kiss.

Misty wasn’t sure how long Caitlin and Bailey went on. Even after she and Sarah had made love in her bed and settled down for the night, the other two were still going at it. The last thing she recalled was hearing Bailey’s voice from the guest room crying out “Oh Yes! Oh God YES!”

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