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Writer's pictureProfessor Polyamory

In Search of the Final Freedom: Chapter 69B

While Bonnie and Misty were with Grandma at Miss Sherry’s, Cooper was spending the evening with DeeDee.  As they had been doing most weeks, Cooper picked her up and they drove to Milledgeville for dinner. After he briefed her on his trip to St. Martin, they spent the rest of dinner, then close to an hour at her place talking about the conference, a week from Saturday, scheduled around Mary Lowe’s consecration as a Rahab.  One of the first things DeeDee did was to ask Cooper if he could spend Friday night, before the event, with her, Mary, and Brother Paul. “Those coming to the event are all staying at the hotel you and I stayed at in Macon. Mary would like you to join the three of us for the night. She’s already booked a room with two queen beds. She’s been waiting since that morning Anibelle walked in on you two for a chance for her husband to watch her having sex with another man. She doesn’t want the first time for him to see her penetrated to be at the service on Saturday. And she really wants the man with her to be you.”

Cooper didn’t hesitate, “I don’t think that should be a problem. Even if Bonnie is on the road, our kids will be fine on their own. So, tell her I would be honored to do that for her.”

DeeDee smiled, “Good, because I already told her that you would.”

Her confidence in him made Cooper smile.

She went on, “I’m really surprised how this thing has developed. It now looks like around a hundred people will be coming, and we are now calling it a conference. While there is an organizing committee, since he is the local guy, Brother Paul is coordinating everything.”

“Over a hundred?” Cooper asked, “I thought there were only like eight active Rahabs.”

“Yes, eight active consecrated Rahabs, but it seems we now have twice that many women who now are willing to identify as lay Rahabs. I think that the talk of the conference and ordination has convinced women to identify themselves as lay Rahabs in our on-line women’s group. It's not that they have changed what they have been doing for years, but rather they’ve embraced the title. And for most of the Rahabs, of both types, we will have spouses, unmarried partners (like you), or close friends who support what they do. In a few cases, the Rahabs will bring their adult children. If Bailey were allowed, she’d certainly be there. But for legal reasons, we are putting a minimum age of eighteen to attend. Because this event is meant to bring together all the friends and supporters of Rahabism, unless you see a reason not to, I’m going to invite Trish, Slosh, and Mike since both Trish and Slosh now identify as lay-Rahabs.”

“OH,” Cooper said, “How did that go today with Trish and Tom Dill.”

“It was good that Sherry had already laid the groundwork. He already understood that Trish and Bonnie believed that they could serve God by ministering to his sexual needs. She’d explained the format that he would have sex each Monday at 1:00 PM, alternating between them. And she’s even let him know that just as they were giving their bodies to God’s service, he was expected to render payment for that service through weekly gifts to the St. Thomas Youth Fund. So, all I had to do was to explain how for Trish and Bonnie to have sex with him was their Christian service.”

Cooper put in, “Sherry is a remarkable woman. She has such a depth of experience that has proven invaluable to all of us.”

“Oh, I agree. I’m so glad to have gotten to know her over the past half-year or so. She’s really helped me with my relationship with you. I didn’t even realize how stilted my view of men and relationships was until we’d had several long talks. I don’t know if I told you, but she was the one who suggested I talk directly to Bonnie when I came to the realization that I was in love with you.”

No, Cooper thought. She’d never mentioned that Sherry had suggested she talk to Bonnie. Yet, it really wasn’t a surprise. Sherry had filled the role of elder among the women of The Circle since the fall, so it would have been natural for DeeDee to go to her for advice.

DeeDee went on, “She first asked me about how Rahabism works back in January when Herb had a friend in need of those kinds of services. I considered taking on the case myself, but not long before that, Slosh had begun talking to me about sacred sexuality. Just like your wife, she feels some guilt that she’s had a lifetime of taking God’s gift and using it only for her own pleasure. So when I decided the case was appropriate for a Rahab’s intervention, I asked her if she would be interested in taking the case as a way to give back. Naturally, since he was a church elder, she’d known the man for decades. She told me that she had a deep respect for him and would very much like to serve God by ministering to his needs. Then it was just a matter of facilitating the connection between Sherry that man and Slosh.”

“So, Tom through both Sherry and his friend, who has had several sessions with Slosh already, had a solid idea of the nature of the arrangement before we sat down. Even so, I took the time to explain the concepts of sacred sexuality and sacred prostitution.  It was obvious to me that he had a hard time with the word prostitute. So I explained that in addition to Rahab herself, for much of human history, the role of priestess was often a synonym for temple prostitute, and such women were very highly regarded. In many ancient cultures, the act of sacred sex was seen as a way to touch the gods. I brought up how in I Corinthians, St. Paul told the Christians of Corinth not to go to sacred prostitutes at pagan temples. When I brought up the verse, he was not aware that the word translated as fornication, did not as is usually assumed, mean sex outside of marriage in general. Rather it specifically referred to sex with temple prostitutes. I then explained to Tom that St. Paul did not say to abstain because of the sex part, but because he said joining themselves physically, having sex with, temple prostitutes was joining themselves to the false god of the temple. He did more than just say having sex with the temple prostitute was worshiping the false god, but those who entered a temple prostitute through sex were spiritually making themselves one with the god of the temple. I told Tom that St. Paul clearly believed sacred sex was real and it had a supernatural component. Most everyone from that world believed as much. Rahabism is simply sacred prostitution where the sex is to join with the Christian god rather than a pagan god.”

Cooper asked, “How did he respond?”

“As I expected, he didn’t just buy into what I said, but he did seem open to at least considering it. I guess we talked along that line for about fifteen or twenty minutes. What I am sure that he believes is that Trish and Bonnie will be offering their bodies to him as an act of worship, and they expect him to take it as such. I told him to expect they would want to pray with him before, during, or after the act. It will be up to them when and how to do it. I recited the prayer of thanksgiving I give every time a man’s semen enters my body, telling him I usually do it while the man’s penis is still in me. That made him blanch that I was that graphic about what I did.”

Cooper nodded, “I understand why he struggled with all of that. It took me a while to wrap my head around the ideas you present, and that was several years after I concluded monogamy was not necessary for a Christian marriage.”

“And now?” DeeDee asked. “What do you think of the idea of sacred prostitution?”

“Well, when I speak at your conference, I will tell them that I am proud to be the paramour of a consecrated Rahab, a sacred prostitute.” He took her hand into his, “Please believe me, I am truly honored to have you in my life. I honor you because you are a woman who, as a consecrated Rahab, regularly gives her body to God’s service. Your sex is like a sacred temple to me and I enter it with the full knowledge it is not mine, but God’s. I think any man should be honored to have a paramour like that.”

DeeDee smiled, “Is that what we are? Paramours?

“I can’t find a better word. I wish I had a word that combined the idea of lover with that of co-laborer, but I don’t”

She gave him a quizzical look.

Cooper explained, “You and I are both lovers and co-laborers in a task larger than ourselves. We are in love, we make love and we are committed to the idea of sharing God’s love through our sexuality. I just don’t have a better word than paramour.”

DeeDee’s pleasure in hearing his words was obvious. “Paramour it is,” she said with certainty. “So, my paramour, after I laid out the idea of Rahabism to Tom, I told him I’ve been a Rahab for over twenty years, that I’ve been having sex with men, and now women, who need the comfort and healing of sexual love since I was a teenager.” She laughed, “You should have seen his eyes. Not surprisingly he had some questions, and when he asked if I got paid, I explained that it is important for my clients to know the nature of our relationship. Just as I’m paid for serving people as an RN, I also am paid for my services as a Rahab. Though I made a point to tell him that there is no fixed fee, my clients simply pay me based on what they can afford and what they think my service to God is worth. That was when Trish stepped in to say that she does not want him to give her money. She told him that is why she wants him to show gratitude to God in the form of donations to the St. Thomas Youth Group. She made it clear that neither she nor Bonnie want to know how much he gives, that is between him and God.”

Again, Cooper asked, “How did he take all that?”

“Well, I broke the tension by pointing out that with Trish’s plan, he may be the only man in America to be able to get a tax deduction for sexual services. After that, things lightened up. I was happy when a little while later he told Trish that he thought she’d find him a capable and caring lover. I thought his concern for her pleasure was a good sign and let him know that his girlfriend, Jo Lynn, had told Sherry as much. Trish responded by telling him that she was looking forward to spending time with him in no small part because of all he has done for her since her husband left her. Not long after that, he followed her home where they had their first session. While this time it lasted less than an hour including the time before and after, I expect they will get longer as they get accustomed to one another.”

”When I talked to her about 3:30, she said it went well and she feels really good about the whole thing. She had been a little worried that the prayer would feel forced or phony. She and I had worked up a version of the prayer for her that was designed to recite during the act. She liked that idea better than praying after he’d filled her with semen as I do. As planned, she started out on top of him and once she worked up an intense arousal, she stopped and said the prayer out loud. In it, she thanked God for the joy he gives through sexual union and for the gift of holy seed she would receive through Tom. She told me that she was surprised at how meaningful it felt as she said the words. Even more importantly, she said it gave the rest of their session a spiritual component that she’d never felt during sex before. While she’d not expected that, I’d hoped it would happen. As I’ve told you many times, I always feel the spiritual part of sex, even when I’ve been fucking for fun. She’s glad she agreed to take on the ministry of a Rahab.”

“I’m glad she felt that way,” Cooper replied. “The first time you said the prayer out loud, it seemed a little weird, but now it is a very important part of our time together. I guess as the first male Rahab in our group, I should work out a liturgy for myself when I minister to women.”

DeeDee responded, “It would be ideal if you could try it out with Mary next week. She’d be able to let you know if it feels appropriate and meaningful for the woman.”

“Well, I’m glad it all went well for Trish. I suspect she has already talked to Bonnie about it.”

“She told me that was her next call. So, do you think inviting Trish, Slosh, and Mike is a good idea?”

“Yes, I do,” Cooper answered. “It will be especially good for Trish to meet other women who are doing what she is. You said there are like thirty Rahabs of both types, how many do you think will actually show up?”

“With Trish and Marcy, it might be close to twenty-five, including both consecrated and lay Rahabs. Patty, I mean Rev. Miller, will have a session just for Rahabs on the practical aspects of serving God with their sexuality geared mostly to the lay Rahabs. She’s asked me to sort of be her co-presenter and help her with the Q&A session. At the same time she is talking to the Rahabs, her husband will speak on the joy of being the husband or partner of a woman whose body has been given to God’s service as a Rahab. As you said about being my paramour, he believes it is an honor to know his wife serves God in that way. If you recall, they’ve been married for over twenty-five years and she’s been a practicing Rahab the entire time.”

“Oh,” she said remembering, “We will also have a pair of elderly former Rahabs as well. One was an active Rahab from the 50s till the 90s. She’ll be speaking briefly at Mary’s ceremony.”

“From the 50s till the 90s?” Cooper asked, slightly incredulous.

“That is what I understand. She is the great-aunt of one of the pastors, John Baker. He has a church in Crossville, KY, just north of Knoxville. That church is the center of a node of two Rahabist churches and two Rahabist Bible study groups. They all have ties back to an area church back in the 1950s & 60s, which was pastored by John’s grandfather. He was the brother of the elderly Rahab who will be speaking. The two Rahabist study groups, both in Knoxville, are a lot like our church circle. They use Rahabist ideas as a foundation to support open sexual sharing among the members. As our online community has matured, it appears that the idea of sexual sharing with other believers is more a core part of Rahabism than we even realized a few months ago. I guess it’s taken time for people to open up that they and their friends practice free-love Christianity. You can understand why. Do you remember when I asked you to help me write up a full description of how our circle works for the Rahabist women’s online community?”

“Of course,” he replied, “that was only about six weeks ago. I was surprised by how complicated the relationship matrix that Lilly worked up was.”

He referred to a graph that showed how in the half year since the Arabian Nights party, there has developed a pattern of sexual relationships of different types and intensities among the group they now call The Circle. While his GA, Lilly, had used pseudonyms for all the people, the matrix was an accurate graphic representation of the sexual relationships in The Circle. She’d used different colored lines to represent occasional sexual partners, regular sexual partners, two colors for romantic relationships of different intensities, and another for marriage partners. It took a week of calling the members to code all the relationships.

When it was done, Cooper had lines from his name to ten women (and one man) in The Circle. The line between him and Bonnie had been black, indicating marriage. The line to DeeDee had been red, while the ones from him to Trish and Ashley were orange, and the ones to Ronda, Sherry, Slosh, Sue Ann, Beth Ann, Tabitha, and Butch had been white indicating they were friendships with sexual sharing. Even though he’d had more sexual encounters with Tabitha than anyone but Bonnie and DeeDee, her line was white because frequency did not equate to the kind of relationship.  Further, while he had ongoing sexual relationships with Heather, Amy, and Nell, none of them were included since they were not part of The Circle. Nor were his “Rahab ministry” encounters with Mary or Elisabeth. Similarly, while Bonnie had by far the most individual sexual partners over the last six months, only those partners who were part of the circle were included. While Cooper had more nodes than most, everyone in The Circle had multiple connections of different colors. Lilly had done an excellent job of visually showing the interlocking grid of sexual/social relationships within The Circle.

“Yes,” DeeDee said, “The graph was impressive. I hope you forwarded my thanks to her.”

He nodded to indicate he had.

“Well, you can let her know that her visuals really helped the women in the group. So much so, that it has prompted others to share. It turns out that among the Rahabist there are similar circles in nearly all of the churches and Bible study groups. Now only one seems to be as large and intricate as ours, most only involve six or eight people; but it was the article I wrote and the graph that prompted the revelation that nearly all of us had similar arrangements with our friends who are Rahabist allies. I guess it shouldn’t have been surprising that among those who support Rahabism, non-monogamy is the norm.  And that is why it looks like we will have a hundred people at the conference, perhaps even more than that. While we are calling it a Rahabist conference & consecration event, it really will be far more. That is why in addition to doing your talk on male Rahabism, Patty has asked me to ask you to make a full presentation on the ethics of Christian non-monogamy as well. It seems she’s read all your work on the FFF site and is impressed. Can you do that?”

“Sure, I can easily pull together a presentation like that.”

DeeDee went on, ”For my part, I’d like you to include something about the difference between self-interested swinging and Christian sexual sharing. In particular, I think it would be good to contrast our circle to that of a swinger’s group. I think it is important to spell out that we aren’t swingers and should avoid identification with that whole community. Not that I’m condemning swingers, but we have a higher purpose than simple sexual fun.”

“But I don’t know the first thing about the swinger scene,” Cooper objected.

She rejoined, “But I’m sure Bonnie does. She’s been to over a dozen swing clubs and a couple of swinger conventions. She had to have picked something up. And talk to Sherry, she has an encyclopedic knowledge of those kinds of things.”

He nodded and said he would. Cooper knew she was right about both Bonnie and Sherry. In fact, later this week Bonnie would be at a large swinger’s convention in Las Angeles.

“Oh, just so you know, the consecration is the last thing at the church on Saturday. Afterward, Mary, Patty, and I are sponsoring a Rahab’s Sharing Evening at Mary’s house.”

“What does Sharing Evening mean?” Cooper asked.

“Mary and Brother Paul will be opening up their home for the Rahabists who share online, to share in person. Well, some of them. They don’t have space for over a hundred people at their home. To make sure everyone has a place to socialize after the consecration, this week, two of the other consecrated Rahabs made a reservation for a large hospitality suite at the hotel as a gathering place after the conference as well. This is all being discussed openly in the women’s online group, and it’s a work in progress. While we don’t really know what will happen at those events, I plan to wear one of my Rahab uniforms at Mary’s house that night.”

Cooper cocked his head, “You mean one of the lingerie outfits Mr. Big has bought you: open-front bra, crotchless panties, stockings, and heels?”

“Yes, one of those outfits. I don’t just wear those for Mr. Big, but for all my clients, including Brother Paul. For the past five years or so, I rarely take those things off when performing my role as Rahab. To me, when I undress for my clients wearing lingerie, it expresses my identity as a sacred prostitute… it is my uniform. And for them, it never lets them forget I am a whore, not their girlfriend. For years I simply didn’t have the money to buy the kind of quality lingerie that fit my divinely ordained role, so I just wore the garter and stockings uniform when I serviced my men. Even when I was in high school, when I met with the adult men I ministered to, that was my Rahab uniform. For a long time I believed that those things had been gifts from Brother Paul, but much later I found out that his father had bought them and told Brother Paul to instruct me to wear the garter belt and stockings every time I went to a Rahab appointment. One of the reasons I now am sure that my mother knew I was a Rahab, was that I had several garter belts and stocking sets in my dresser drawer all through high school, but Mom pretended she didn’t see them.”

“It was Mr. Big’s generosity that has allowed me to build up a large wardrobe of beautiful outfits to wear while I perform my sacred service. That is why at the conference, I’ll wear one of my Rahab dresses over one of those lingerie outfits. Once we get to Mary’s house, I’ll change from the dress into a sheer robe. From first to last, that day I’m going to show myself to be a modern Rahab to everyone. Mary and Patty will be doing the same.”

She seemed to think for a moment, then added, “In case you are wondering, I’ve never worn my Rahab lingerie for you because with you it is different. You are the one man with whom I have sex who is not a client or a casual fuck… I mean in my entire life. Even my ex-husband and Bailey’s father were essentially casual fucks. Well, no that’s not true, when I’m with Mike and Slosh, he isn’t a client or casual fuck either. But my relationship with him and Slosh is also something new to me. But, with you, I don’t have to dress up, I bare myself to you in a way I don’t with my clients. That is why with you I always get totally nude… it is an outward expression of how my heart is bare to your view.”

Cooper had wondered why he’d never seen her in any of her lingerie but had never asked. She’d told him before that she wore what she called her Rahab dresses when they had their dates, i.e. super sexy dresses and skirt outfits. They’d discussed her deliberate approach to her attire before. She’d told him that she wore her Rahab dresses in public on their dates because that was who she thought she was to the world.  The scrubs she wore for her RN job was, to her, just a disguise, hiding who she really was. He had never thought to ask about lingerie since she’d never worn anything at all under her dresses when they went out, no matter how short her skirt was. He had been sure that going bare for him under her short Rahab dress meant something to her, he’d just not known what. Even if she didn’t know it, she had just answered a long-standing question he’d had. It was just like her to have meaning for both wearing lingerie and going without it.

She went on, “I think for that day I will wear my teal outfit with the impossibly high heels. Bailey says it is my color… and that the shoes hide that I’m so short.”

Cooper had to laugh. She was short.

“I have not decided which of my Rahab dresses to wear to the conference, but at Mary’s, I’ll change into my sheer embroidered kimono over the lingerie.  Don’t think me vain, but I think I look pretty good in that outfit.”

As she spoke she picked up her tablet and brought up a photo. Cooper recognized it as one of the ones Misty had taken of DeeDee at “Mr. Big’s” house last fall. Handing the tablet to Cooper she said, “Misty picked out most of the locations to shoot, but I wanted this one because he’s bent me over one of those railings at least a hundred times. This shot was taken on the middle of the three floors of his mother’s home. I meant for the picture to remind him of the fact he fucks me bent over that railing at least every other week, at least for a quick poke. I expected we’d be on that landing for five minutes so she could just shoot me bending over and offering myself to the camera. Sort of a quick and dirty picture of his personal whore.  But Misty would have none of that. She said while she understood what I wanted the photo to say, she didn’t want it to be so obvious as to be pornographic… which was exactly what I’d thought it would be. We were there close to half an hour as your daughter worked to get the pose and lighting just right. I think she did. It is so much better than I’d envisioned when I said I wanted a shot of me there. I appreciate her thoughtfulness. I think it is his favorite photo of me, and it might be mine too. I actually had a print made of it, but haven’t had the nerve to hang it on my wall.”

Cooper looked at the photo. Misty had done a good job of making an image of her bending over to offer herself to the viewer, while at the same time giving it a faux innocence. Knowing DeeDee was in crotchless panties, at her patron’s house, made this very much a ‘come fuck me’ photo even while not being too obvious about it. Yes, he could see why the mysterious Mr. Big loved it… and he could see why it appealed to DeeDee as an expression of her real self.

However, all he said was, “If you told Misty why you wanted a photo in that location, I can see her taking all the time she needed to get it right. And you do look great in that outfit. I’m sure when you wear this at Mary’s house, everyone’s eyes will be on you… mine certainly will. And if you tell me the size of the print, I’ll buy a frame for it and hang it for you. I’m proud of who you are and I know for a fact that your daughter is. I think you should have this image right here in your living room to tell everyone who steps through your door who you are.”

She smiled at him. “OK, I’ll do that,” and she gave him a kiss. “I’ll confess, that among my fellow Rahabs, I feel pressure to look good. I’ve posted several of Misty’s photos on the women’s group site. All the women love them.” She thought for a moment, then said, “I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before. If Misty would like, I can put her portfolio out at Mary’s house with her contact information. She might get some commissions.”

Cooper said, “I’m sure she’d appreciate that.”

“I will.” Then DeeDee continued, “Like I said, we don’t know exactly what will happen at Mary’s and in the hospitality suite after the conference, but I know there are already dates being set up for Rahabs and their partners to share their bodies with others that weekend. I will definitely be sharing with Patty and her husband at some point. They are both looking forward to it, and the truth is, I am too. Perhaps we will use the new Kama Sutra chaise lounge Mary has ordered and plans to set up in Brother Paul’s home study… oh and they will have the open-door rule that night since the idea is sharing with the group. You know I’m not a big fan of sex parties per se, but the open house is designed as an opportunity for those of us who live out sacred sexuality to share our lives with those like us. As we women have been discussing over the past few weeks, at both the hotel and at Mary’s, that weekend will be the start of our own free-love circle of Rahabists. The idea is that what we start next week will play out as ongoing, in-person, socializing. We think that is important as we want to build a real sense of community, and there is no better way to do that than by us Rahabs sharing ourselves and the sacred seed of our husbands and lovers with one another.”

He knew DeeDee was not a fan of sex parties, even the ones held by their church friends. She’d even declined his and Sherry’s invitations to Maggie’s soirees. He replied, “Well, if you are looking forward to it so am I.”

She squeezed his hand, “Oh, I’ve already sold you to the group. As the first male Rahab, I have no doubt you will be in demand… and I’ll enjoy looking in on you as you please my friends. Oh, and I’ve let them know you are equally comfortable sharing with both men and women. I hope that is OK.”

“Yes, if I can be of service to the group.”

“Oh, you will be. Not only do I know there is already interest among the women in spending time with you, but several of them would love to see you service their husbands who have never had a homoerotic experience.”

Cooper shook his head, “Like I said, “I’ll do my best.”

After that, they brainstormed ideas about both presentations Cooper would be giving until with time slipping away, they decided that if they were going to make love tonight, they needed to get at it. By the time Bailey arrived home (and walked in on them), they were done and Cooper was getting dressed. As DeeDee had promised Bonnie, Cooper left at 10:00. It was one of their shortest love-making sessions yet, but he reasoned that was the nature of their maturing relationship.  

For all of the family, Tuesday went much like Monday. They were trying to go through the normal routines but with the specter of the fallout from the party at Lake Sinclair hanging over them. From her FFF office, Bonnie made a call to Judith, not with any new information, but to just let her know she was welcome to come back to talk to her and Misty again if she wanted to. Judith let her know she thought she had the story and related what she’d learned. To Bonnie, it appeared that the case for blaming the Euro Club had utterly fallen apart.

Just after lunch, Heather called Bonnie. Right off Heather said, “Well, Mom and Allen are full-blown lovers now.  Mom went to Allen’s apartment every day while I was out of town for my Spring Break while Dad was at work and my brothers were in school. Then last week, Dad took a few days off work to take my brothers backpacking on the Appalachian Trail for three nights. Every one of those nights Mom and Allen slept in my bed… and she deliberately left over a dozen filled condoms in my trashcan just to goad me. And, just like she predicted, he is totally besotted with her now.”

“So,” Bonnie asked, “how did you handle the issue? Did you just tell him it was OK that he and your mom are lovers?”

“No. I’ve just evaded the issue. I never brought up catching them in my bed. I didn’t go back to Macon until Monday morning after Spring Break.  That afternoon, when he opened the door to his apartment, I didn’t give him a chance to talk, I jumped him and dragged him to the bed without giving him a chance to say anything. While we made love, I told him how much I missed him… which was true. Of course, I didn’t tell him how much sex I’d had over the prior week or with how many men. Nor did I tell him that I knew full well he’d fucked my mother repeatedly in that same bed. By the time we’d had two rounds before dinner and one after, I think he thought it was too late to bring up me finding him that day. On Tuesday I told him I had promised to spend time with my family, so I didn’t see him. Then last Wednesday I more or less repeated what I’d done on Monday to keep him from bringing up my mom. Because my dad and brothers were leaving town to go backpacking Thursday morning, Mom talked me into going to Atlanta a day early and just cutting class on Friday so she could be with Allen Thursday night. Since that gave me an out, I just texted him saying I needed to go to the LeMarco & LeMarco office and I’d see him Monday afternoon. So, I did just that and worked at the office Thursday evening and all-day Friday. By the time I saw him yesterday afternoon, he’d spent from Thursday to Sunday with Mom and it was just way too late for him to bring up the day I caught him with her. I’m sure he’s in love with her now. I think he’s decided I just want to pretend it never happened.”

Bonnie asked, “What did your mother tell Allen? I’m sure he asked her what happened after he left that day.”

Heather humped, “She lied. She said we had a big fight and she’d promised me they’d never do it again and told him he’d do best to wait until I bring it up to talk to me about it. Since I just never brought it up, I didn’t have to lie to him.”

“But you didn’t tell him the truth either.”

“No,” Heather said, “I didn’t. My mother wants it this way. I think she really likes him and she wants this to continue at least through the summer since I only have three weeks more of class before I move to Atlanta until fall semester starts.”

Gravely, Bonnie said, “You must know you’ve fatally damaged your relationship with Allen.”

“I know,” she said quietly. After a long pause, she said, “That was by intent. Other than when I was out on the San Dinero, I’ve been talking to Mom every day. From the things he’s said to her, I’m sure that he does not begin to understand why my dad looks the other way at Mom’s infidelity… not with Allen though. I don’t think Dad has a clue about that. Even though he knows I’m having sex with Brian every weekend, I’m now sure he would expect that to end once we started talking about marriage. So, it's actually more fair to him to poison our relationship now rather than letting it grow under false pretenses. I’m not giving up LeMarco world. That is just a fact.”

Bonnie didn’t know what to say. She didn’t like that Allen was being deceived, but she also saw Heather’s point.

Heather went on, “Allen just isn’t like Cooper and never will be. I can’t see me at forty years old coming home from work and Allen cheerfully asking me how was the sex with the client that afternoon.”

“Oh, I see your point. Do you think that is your future, having sex with clients when you are forty?”

“Yes, actually I do. I’m being trained to fill Francine Opel’s role at the firm when she retires in like six or seven years. I think I told you that she was going with us to Miami. Martin took her out with us on the San Dinero specifically to set her up to become involved with a client that would bring a contract for the firm that would last at least two years.  Well, actually he brought her and me both to dangle in front of him, but Martin was pretty sure she was what he would want. She’s been with the firm for over thirty-five years, so she’s not young. But she’s been in the LeMarco world all these years and in that time sex has just been a part of her career with the firm, just as it is mine. She doesn’t do it as often as she did years ago, or as often as I do now, but still it is part of her role. She and I talked at length over several days and she advised me not to marry until I found a man who could embrace that I wanted that lifestyle as a positive thing. She doesn’t have that and it has been a heartache for her all this time. Yes, sexual things have only been a small portion of her role with the firm for the past decade or two, but it is still part. Her husband simply pretends he doesn’t know what she has been doing in LeMarco world for thirty-five years. In part, it is because as the firm's comptroller, she makes way more than he does. But she knows she’s sacrificed a close relationship with her husband to continue the life that being in the LeMarco family affords her. Not that she’s paid to have sex, she’d be paid as comptroller even if she didn’t do this kind of thing, but it is the lifestyle perks that keep her in the game.”

“Like in this case, even in her late 50’s, the company will provide her wardrobe and paid time off to live it up with the client, even if it means being out of the office several days a month for two years and paying her for evenings and even overnight trips. Of course, she is very smart and does a great job as comptroller, but she is also very good-looking for a woman of her age and I’m sure she works hard to maintain it. And beyond that, I saw her in action on the San Dinero, she is a sexual dynamo. Martin was right, she was exactly the kind of woman the potential client wanted in his life, so the company will make sure she’s available should LeMarco and LeMarco be given the contract. Which I’m sure they will. For her, should this work out, for at least a couple of years she will be able to do things and go places all for the price of maintaining a sexual relationship with a man who is actually very nice and quite good-looking. She told me she is pretty sure this will be her last opportunity like this, so she’s not going to miss it.”

Heather and Bonnie had more or less had this conversation before, but this time Heather was explaining to herself as much as to Bonnie why she is sacrificing her relationship with Allen for her place in the LeMarco world… well that and giving her mother a chance to have a torrid affair with a hot young man.  All Bonnie could think to say was, “I’m sorry you had to make this kind of choice. It can’t be easy, no matter how rational you make it sound.”

There was a long pause. “That’s why I called. I was wondering if I could come up to see Cooper this week. I really could use some time with him to help sort out my feelings.”

Bonnie thought to herself that Heather could have just said that up front rather than take the long way around. “Could you drive up on Thursday? I’ll be out of town and Cooper will be alone that night. I normally try to arrange for him to have company, but things have just been crazy for us.”

“Yes, I can do that. It’s really no further to Middle Georgia State than Cooper drives to his school every morning. So, sure, I can do that. Thank you.”

“Can you make it for dinner, let's say at 6:30?”

“Yes. Tell Cooper I’m looking forward to seeing him.”

 Nell Boyd came into the FFF office after her classes, and once again Bonnie had to take time to give an overview of her trip. Unlike she had done in some other tellings, she spent time on the foursome with Misty and the two Canadian men. Nell who’d had sex with both Bonnie and Cooper several times and once (after she and her boyfriend had spent the night with Cooper) had a morning foursome with Misty & Caitlin, was intrigued. Finally, Bonnie said, “Misty and I have discussed it and we would like to get a room at a hotel here in Augusta one weeknight, perhaps in the next few weeks. Before dinner, we would like to invite Danial to join us for a threesome… with me and Misty. Then we’d take both of you guys out someplace nice before the four of us return to the hotel for the night. The reason for doing it that way is that Misty and I would like to try out sharing one man in bed. As I told you, we really liked sharing two men, but we think it would be a different experience with just one.  We thought of Daniel because we have both had sex with him before, and we both like him and find him attractive… and most of all, I trust him. Then we would like to experience the pair of us sharing a couple, and we’d like it to be you and Danial for the same reasons. What do you think about our proposal?”

Nell’s face lit up even before Bonnie finished her spiel, “I’d love that. We’d love that. When?”

Though she wasn’t surprised at all, Bonnie couldn’t help but be gratified by her enthusiasm. “Since I waited to talk to you first, we haven’t looked at an exact date yet. If you can talk to Daniel, we could look for a date that will work for all four of us.”

“Yes, Yes, Yes!” Nell exclaimed. “I know he’ll want to. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you how much we enjoyed our foursome with Misty and her friend. Daniel and I have talked about it many times and we’d love to do the whole thing again… spend the night with your husband then play with your daughter the next morning.”

“Well, I’ll look for a night I’m out of town for you to come back to my house, but in the meantime, I’ll put Misty on the task of finding us a hotel room. Is one king-sized bed OK with you?”


So one more thing on her “to-do” list was taken care of.

At Jefferson Davis High School, Hope and Iris were still nowhere to be seen. Jeanette, who’d also been scarce on Monday rejoined the group at lunch on Tuesday. By now Misty could say with certainty that other than Iris and Hope, she was the only other club girl who’d gone to the lake on Friday. Because of the lunch schedules this semester, Tyler did not share the same lunch period as his girlfriend; so, Jeannette had no support when she approached their table holding her tray.

Misty saw her and asked people to make room so Jeanette could sit beside her. When Jeannette began to apologize for going to the lake party, Misty stopped her. Speaking loud enough that others could hear she said, “You are not at fault. You had no idea what would be going on, and once you realized what was happening you left. Without you and Tyler, we’d know a lot less about what went down.”

Jeanette was visibly relieved.

Looking around the table, Misty went on, “We can’t undo what has happened, mostly because we didn’t do it in the first place. What we can do is push back on the lies being spread by those who oppose our message of bodily autonomy and sexual freedom. My parents are sure the attacks on us in the newspapers were planned well before the lake party. The people after us don’t care that the party was planned and put on by people from out of state because the truth doesn’t fit their narrative. They hate us because we are young women who claim ownership of our bodies. They see that as an attack on them and their values. Well, it is. They are the Christian Taliban and they claim the right to decide what women do with our bodies. They are no different than the religious leaders in Iran or Afghanistan and they are not moral people, they are controlling people. They aren’t interested in making a better, more moral Sparta. They are only interested in keeping everyone in Sparta under their thumb. That is the counter message we need to repeat and keep repeating.”

  Misty had not actually planned that little diatribe in advance, but once it was out of her mouth, she was sure that was the way to fight back. Attack their critics as immoral people who knowingly tell lies to advance their agenda of control. In her next class, she jotted down what she’d said and would put it on all of the club’s social media tonight.

All through the day, Lamar couldn’t get out of his head the plans for the evening. The very idea that one of his sister’s friends and her boyfriend had asked him to join them for sex was quite a big deal. Yes, he was also looking forward to spending time with Bethany, but that, by now, seemed much more normal. He and Bethany had been friends… well pretty much as long as he could remember, and if there was one thing he’d learned over the past school year, sex with old friends had a special kind of joy. He wasn’t exactly sure why it was different than sex with people he’d recently met, like Emily, or with girls he was in love with like Sarah and Gabby. When he’d imagined having sex, he never realized that there would be a difference like that. Each of those three kinds of relationships created a different experience for him in bed. But now, he would get a new one, Haley and Greg had asked for him to have sex with them. He was sure that would bring something new to the evening. 

And it did. He had an evening like nothing he’d ever experienced. When Bethany returned him back to his house, ten minutes before the 11:00 time his mother had set as his weekday curfew back in the fall, he was spent. He leaned over in the front seat of Bethany’s 1970’sToyota Landcruiser to give her a goodnight kiss. He liked her and he always had. A year ago… that seemed so long ago. He and Bethany were sitting together in Youth Group meetings… well he and Byron had been sitting with Bethany, Lauren and that group of girls with whom he’d been in Sunday School all their lives, and in Youth Group since they’d been in 7th grade. But he knew Bethany liked him and many people thought that they would become an item by the fall. But fate intervened and they both knew that.

She held his hand and said, “Thank you for coming over. That was fun, but Haley can be a little controlling.” She laughed, “A lot controlling. I think it would be nicer for both of us if next time… if there is a next time, not to invite her and Greg to join us so we can do what we want, not what my sister wants.”

Lamar didn’t have to think about it, she was right. It had been hot for sure, but all night Haley had been in total control. He and Bethany and even Greg were simply players that she moved how she wanted. While he didn’t regret any of what they did, he also agreed with what Bethany just said. He gave an honest reply, “Yes, I think you are right. It was fun being her sex toy tonight, but it's not a role I really want to play again.”

Bethany got a pained face, “I’m sorry. I should have seen this coming. I think you saw how she pretty much feels entitled to use anyone in her bed any way she wants. I told you earlier how long I’ve been playing that role, and in truth, I enjoy it. She’s my big sister and I’ll do just about anything to make her happy. As I told you on the drive, I’ve enjoyed doing those things for her since way before my body’s sex button switched on. But she’s not your sister. I didn’t foresee that she’d just naturally think that you would get the same joy out of servicing her that I do.”

Lamar corrected her, “It's not that I didn’t enjoy it. Because I did… a lot. You have to know that Sarah can be a little controlling in bed too.”

Bethany laughed, “Yea, I can see that.”

“But with her, I never feel like a living sex doll. We are a true partnership. We never do things unless we are totally sure the other wants it too. So, while it was hot that Haley wanted me to service her and Greg tonight like that, she sort of spoiled it because of her sense of entitlement.”

Bethany squeezed his hand. “If it's just us, you have to know I won’t do that to you. Or perhaps me you and Lauren again. I thought that worked really well for all three of us. She and I talked about our night with you before you went to the Caribbean. We both really liked it… a lot, much more than we’d imagined we would. We’ve talked about spending a night together with a guy lots of times, but that was our first time to actually do it. I mean, she knows I’ve had more threesomes than one-on-one sex over the last year, but she and I have never had any sort of threesome before. She was my first sex partner… well other than the things my sister and I do, but I already told you that with Haley I don’t think of those things as sex. But that night was the first time Lauran and I shared the bed with a guy, and we don’t see how it could have been better.”

She laughed, “That night, not just the time in your room, but the whole night was a first for a lot of things for me and Lauren both. Over the last week, she and I have talked about what all we did several times. Though we are not yet officially Euro Club girls, it was sort of our introduction to the club. That night, I more than doubled the number of guys who’d been in me, and so did Lauren. I know you saw me doing David Ricemiller, and I also had sex with Devin and Cody. But as you know, in that speed-sex game it wasn’t like regular sex. But with you, well we made love in your upstairs playroom before Lauren joined us in your bed later on. Both of those times were wonderful.  For me, it felt like it was the first time I’d had sex on my own with a guy I really wanted to be with, like just me and him.   With Cassidy, Howie, and Greg, I’m just a helper for their girlfriends. You probably don’t know that I’ve never had sex with either Cassity or Howie when their girlfriends aren’t in bed with us. While I have had sex with Greg without Haley there, he is still just my sister’s boyfriend. We are playmates and no more. We aren’t friends like you and I have been for… like forever.”

Lamar looking for something to say said, “Yea, I really liked our time together. And… I’ll confess, before Sarah and I became a thing, you were the girl I imagined what it would be like to have sex with more than anyone else. Like you said, we’ve been friends forever, and you are super pretty. I was just afraid to like ruin our friendship by trying to make it something more.”

She squeezed his hand, “I did too, both things. And by the time I was ready to act on it, you and Sarah were, like you said, a thing.”

Lamar was confused, “But, last Friday, you knew full well that Sarah was at the house. So why was it different than when you are with Howie or Cassidy?”

Bethany answered, “Everyone knows about you and Sarah’s relationship, it's not like Cassidy & Natalie’s or Ester & Howie’s. Certainly, everyone in the Youth Group and lots of people at school know how you guys are. You guys aren’t anything remotely like even semi-exclusive, which is what Natalie and Ester call themselves. I think she’s taken the title of sluttiest girl in school from both of our sisters, and she seems to work at it. I’m not criticizing her by saying that. I don’t think there is anything wrong with what she does. After all, I’ve been in my mom’s trailer loft looking down as my sister fucks random guys at rodeos since I was twelve and she was barely fourteen, and I think my sister is amazing. But, Sarah makes a point to build her slutty reputation. Not a week goes by that she’s not telling people at school and Youth Group about the guys she’s had sex with… guys plural. And she posts about it on the club website too. Nobody, not even the other club girls, do as much to publicize how much sex they have. Yes, she also says how much she loves you and what a great boyfriend you are for not minding at all how many guys she sucks and fucks, but you two don’t have a normal kind of relationship.”

Lamar couldn’t disagree. Their relationship wasn’t like other people's and he knew it.

“So, even though she was in the house, it wasn’t like I was a third wheel, or acting as her stand-in, like I feel I am with Greg. Last summer, when I was ready to pursue a different kind of relationship with you, I just assumed your relationship with Sarah would be more normal, so I just backed off. Then you and Gabby became a couple too and you seemed to have your plate full. But now…”

She seemed to be working up to something, “… but now things are different. I know you know that Gabby is seeing David Beesly…. I mean it's not a secret. You have to know they’ve been sitting together in Youth Group for a couple of weeks now.”

Lamar did know that Gabby had been going out with David for close to a month. She’d told him about each of her dates before he’d gone to St. Martin. And when Gabby and David had sex the first time two weeks ago, she’d called Lamar right after David had left her house. It had been the first time Gabby had sex in her own bed. Lamar had never even been to her house. And, yes, of course he’d seen her sitting with David in Youth Group. He nodded and said to Bethany, “Yes, I know all about their growing relationship and I am very happy for her. He goes to Baldwin Central with her, so she can see a lot more of him than she was ever able to see me. But, at least for now, she will be coming to my house this Thursday evening for our regular dinner with my family and then time in my bed. She’s told David as much and he’s OK with that.”

Bethany nodded, “Yea, I knew they were sleeping together, but I wasn’t going to say that because I didn’t know that you knew. But I guess I should have. And I’m not looking for a boyfriend, I was just wondering if you would like to start getting together from time to time. Well with Lauren and me, like we did before. She and I both want that. I know you are busy and so am I, but as we said, we are friends…”

Lamar cut her off, “… and sex is something that friends do, especially good friends like us. I think we both believe that.” Though the night he’d spent with Bethany and Lauren just before they left for St. Martin had been nice…really nice, he’d not realized they wanted to do it again. Once they made it into his bed, the three of them easily found a comfortable rhythm that made it feel like they’d been doing it together for months. But, the three of them were very old friends, and as such, the sex just felt comfortable. Nobody seemed to feel they had to perform or put on a show.

“Yes,” he said, “I’d like for the three of us to get together again. But, I’ll need to talk to Sarah before we make it a regular thing. I’m sure she will say it is fine, but it would not be respectful not to. And, Gabby and I will have a talk Thursday when she’s at my house. As I understand it, she and David spent like all day every day during Spring Break together. As I said, if they are in love, I will be happy for her. But, I will need to talk to her about this… whatever we are talking about with me, you, and Lauren goes any further. Gabby asked me if it would bother me before she had sex with David the first time, so I feel I owe it to her.”

Bethany smiled, “Oh, I’ve already talked to Sarah and Gabby both. I talked to Sarah the morning you left for the Caribbean, then I talked to her on the phone while she was still in Florida. She’s more than good with it, she encouraged me. And Gabby and I actually had lunch one day last week. That is why I knew she and David had become a couple. “

Lamar shook his head, “Why am I not surprised? And you didn’t even mention that earlier. Why didn’t you?”

“Because what we did this evening was my sister’s thing. If you recall, she was the one who asked you to have a foursome with us, not me. I wanted to wait until it was just me and you.”

“Then my answer is yes. I’d like for us to pursue some sort of relationship. We can give it a name later… or not. You can tell Lauren that as well.”

They had a second, longer goodbye kiss before he went inside. While his life was great, it was also confusing.

He found his parents in the living room watching a nature documentary on TV. He didn’t even take notice that his Mom was totally exposed in her see-through around-the-house wrap. That kind of thing had been her normal evening attire for nearly a year now so he just didn’t see it anymore. He went in and flopped on the couch. He knew they knew where he’d been so he gave a dramatic, “I’m half dead.”

His mother paused the TV and smiled. “Half dead? Was it that bad?”

Misty, who’d been in the study working on her photos, joined her brother on the sofa, right beside him, much closer than she would have sat a week ago. Even before she’d stopped moving she said, “We all know you are dying to tell us everything. So go on.” She was nearly as exposed as Mom, but Misty tended to wear a thong around the house in the evenings, while Mom went bare. Neither of them had adopted the home nudity habit the way Sarah and her mother had. What he didn’t expect was for his sister to sit so close to him that her bare thigh pressed on him. That surprise caused Lamar to lose his train of thought. Working to come up with the right words he said, “In a lot of ways it was really, really great. I liked what we did a lot. But….”

He paused so long that his mother turned off her show, moved her recliner into an upright position, and said, “There is a but? That doesn’t sound good.”

Slowly he said, “As I was starting to say, the sex was super hot, but doing it with Haley was a new experience. She’s so… so… “

Misty offered, “Domineering in bed.”

Lamar nodded.

“Yea,” Misty said. “She doesn’t do it with me, I won’t let her. But I’ve seen her do it with other people, especially guys. That is why I haven’t had sex with her in anything but group settings in quite a long time. Though I gotta say that I love how she works a strap-on. Nobody is better at that. But I should have warned you in advance. I’m sorry.”

Lamar gave a small smile, “Yea, just now Bethany said the same thing. I’m not sure I have the words for what I didn’t like yet. But it is so confusing. Even while we were doing things that felt amazing, and she is great at sex, it also somehow felt not great.” He paused. He knew his family was waiting for more so he said, “It was like with both Haley and Greg I wasn’t an equal, I was just a fuck toy and nothing more. I didn’t like that part.”

Sympathetically his mother said, “I’m sorry you didn’t have a good experience.”

He quickly came back, “No, I didn’t say that. I’m glad I went. The sex was great. I came four times in three hours.  Do you guys remember a few months ago, I went with Sarah to an older guy's house, one of Lindsey’s guy friends, and told you how much I loved him fucking me, both in the ass and in the mouth. And it was great again tonight with Gregg. One of the new experiences I’m glad I was able to try at least once was to have actual gay sex, not just fucking. I’ve never done it with a guy who wanted to do more than just have me suck him off and fuck my ass, well Byron likes sucking my cock almost as much as I like doing him, but Greg wanted to make out.”

Bonnie said, “Ohhh, I see. That was new.”

“Yea, it was new all right. Kissing a guy is different. Like his tongue was bigger than any girl's, that was weird. And we had sex from the front. He pushed my legs up so he could fuck me and kiss me at the same time.  Yes, I liked feeling his dick in me from that position, it was great, but, as much as I tried to get into making out with him, it just never grew on me.”

His mother asked, “Did you tell him you didn’t like the kissing part?”

“No. I wanted to see if I’d warm up to it. And I really liked feeling how hot he was for me. And he was hot for me for sure. I liked that part a lot. I could feel how he was  really into me by the way we had sex, and that was cool. With Byron and even Lindsey’s friend, when I’ve gotten it in the ass, it is always like they are working hard to cum. But with Greg, I could tell he really liked having sex with me in the same way I like having sex with a girl. Lots of times it was slow and he licked and kissed all over my body. That kind of kissing was not bad. He made love to me, not just fucked me. And that was new. I liked that part. Feeling how much he desired me was great. And when he did work up to cumming, it was amazing feeling his orgasm. I can say with certainty, it was the best sex I’ve ever had with a guy. So, if I could have everything but the kissing on the mouth, I’d be great with it.”

His dad finally spoke up, “I understand. When I was in New York, while your mother was with Gillian Moyers and a pair of men, I was with a gay couple. And the sex with them was amazing. With two of them doing me, I had dick in my ass nearly continually for over an hour. But the kissing didn’t bother me. Well, it did at first, but when I got turned on enough, I liked it… actually I really got into it. That was something I’d never experienced. And yes, when they climaxed, both in my ass and in my mouth, I felt their desire for me… all of me. If I had the chance I’d do it again with those guys in a heartbeat. It was like you say, they made love to me while like when Butch does me, he’s just fucking me. It's not the same.”

Bonnie gave her husband a grin and said, “But both Tabitha and I like watching him do it to you.”

Lamar nodded at his dad’s comment and ignored his mother's, “Yea, of the three hours I was at the Jackson’s, his dick was in my mouth or my ass half of the time. Several times when I was fucking Haley or Bethany, he was either fucking me as I did them or feeding me his cock. One time, while I was on top of Bethany, he was beside us, putting his cock between our mouths. When he spewed, he splattered all over both of our faces. That was a first too, but what was fun was for her and I to take the time to lick his splooge off of each other. He actually had great tasting stuff, and I got to eat it several times. In her car on the way home, she told me how much she liked all of the things we did together and she specifically mentioned sharing Gregg’s cum. I guess he likes cumming on her face, and she doesn’t hate it, but she liked having him do both of us together a lot more.”

His mom then asked, “It sounds like you had a lot of sex with Greg. What were Haley and Bethany doing while you guys went at it? I thought you’d gone over for a foursome and that Haley had been controlling.”

“Oh, she was. She and Bethany watched some, and as I said, other times while I was having sex with one of them, he was doing me in the ass. That’s not really new since Bailey likes to feel Byron fucking me when I’m inside of her. Or when I was sucking him one of them would join me. I’m used to foursomes, so the idea that one or two people take breaks while the others go at it is pretty normal to me. But sometimes while I was doing Greg… Haley and Bethany were making out…”

He looked around. He was not surprised at the looks on his parents and Misty’s faces. “And several times Bethany went down on her sister.  Once we took turns with me blowing Greg while she ate out Haley, then we switched. And yes, Haley made all of that happen.”

Misty said, “I suspected as much. Mom, you and I talked about this on the beach.   I told you how Haley talks about the threesomes she and Bethany have with Gregg, and how the only reason I even questioned that they were having sex with each other was because they are sisters. I’d never asked for her to confirm it, but for a good while, I’ve been pretty sure that Haley and Bethany have sex.”

Lamar shook his head. “No, it's not sex… well not to Bethany. We talked about it. While to me it looked like girls having sex, to her it is not the same thing.”

Their mom jumped in, “Misty, we’ve had this discussion several times. Many sexual things may or may not be sex depending on how the participants see it. I’d not thought of something like this, but I can see how that to Bethany, using her mouth to get her big sister off isn’t really sex. Do you remember way back when we were in Miami, Haley was telling us that in their home of just females, nothing she and her sister did together was considered sex, she said that it was just girl stuff. Even at the time I thought she meant stuff like what Lamar is saying. Understand, those two girls have been sleeping in the same bed, often in the nude, since Bethany was out of diapers.”

Misty cut in, “I know. I told you how, pretty much forever, that when I’ve been at Haley’s for sleepovers, Bethany is in the bed with us as often as not. When over our freshman year we started sleeping naked together, then started making out, and finally started getting off together, Bethany was right there and was just as bare as us. Though I never saw them kiss, they did hold hands and snuggle like it was something they do all the time. And when Haley and I started to have sex at her house, Bethany was often right there and didn’t seem to think a thing of seeing us going down on each other. I remember that at the time I thought it was sort of cool that her sister didn’t mind us doing that.”

Their mom nodded, “Yes, I remember you telling me some of that last week. But that kind of thing started way before that for them. They had the example of their mom openly masturbating to go to sleep every night for as long as they can remember. And it isn’t like you guys looking into my room every now and then while I use a vibrator. Until they moved here, they all slept in the same room with Ronda’s bed right beside the one the girls shared. Female genital stimulation was totally normalized to them from when they were very young. It seems only natural that the girls touched each other the way they saw Mom touching herself.”

Directly to Misty, Bonnie said, “Understand, the very idea that two teenage girls can have sex without the use of a penis is essentially a 20th-century concept. Yes, young women in same-sex environments (like girl’s schools or convents) have been going down on each other forever, but it was not widely seen as sex. Sure, it was considered shameful or even sinful, but sinful in the same way as masturbation. It was just not seen as equivalent to having sex with a boy. Similarly, prior to the modern era, nobody ever suggested that two women in their 40’s, 30’s, or even mid-20’s living together were anything but spinsters who could not find a husband. The Victorian view was explicit, sex requires a penis. So, what I think you see in Bethany is both the older view and the newer view of oral-genital stimulation among teenage girls in the same person. I remember clearly how when we were in Miami, Halely told us that when she was ten years old, a few months after she’d learned to bring herself to orgasm, she asked her mom what she did with her friends in the bedroom. Weeks or months before Ronda told little Haley about how she had intercourse with her male friends, she directly told her how her friends licked and kissed her kitty to bring her to orgasm.”

Misty said, “Yea, I remember that.”

Bonnie nodded and said, “All three of us moms thought that it was really forward-thinking for her to tell her girl about cunnilingus before penile penetration… and importantly, Haley said that her mother didn’t call that sex.”

Misty jumped in, “And I remember she said her mother told her that she would likely start doing that with friends when she was twelve or thirteen. After that talk, Haley just assumed that it would happen that way, and she said it did. Last summer, I thought that she was talking about her and Jeanette, because I think they started going down on each other when they were in seventh grade. I didn’t even consider that her sister would be the easiest person for Haley to try that out with. After all, they already slept naked in the bed together.”

Bonnie picked up. “Looking back, Haley was telling us the whole story last summer, but we just didn’t understand. According to Ronda, while Bethany didn’t start masturbating till she was a teenager, Haley has been getting herself off right in front of her mom and sister since she was ten. And you are right about what her mom said about going down on girls. Ronda told me directly that she told Haley that it is not only perfectly natural for girls to rub and lick each other’s kitties, but it was something that good friends do.  So, it would be no leap for Bethany to start helping her sister get orgasms when she was ten and Haley was twelve… especially if Haley asked her to, which I’m sure is what happened. That must be why Ronda made a comment to Sherry and me that it would be hard for other people to understand her daughters' relationship. I was sure that she meant the girls had been having sex, or at least Bethany had been helping Haley get off for years. But I didn’t ask her to clarify.”

Lamar nodded, “Yea, your assumption was exactly right. Bethany told me she’d been going down on Haley since well before she got off on doing it because she liked doing things for her sister. And their mom knows all about it. Tonight, they never shut Haley’s bedroom door. Their house is a lot smaller than ours. From what I could tell, it's hard to do much without passing that door. Several times I saw Mrs. Jackson looking in on us. One time I saw her openly watching while Bethany and I lay side by side with Gregg leaning over me grinding his cock into my ass while Haley fucked her sister with a dildo.”

Misty cut in, “Yea, like I said, nobody is as good with a strap-on as Haley.”

Lamar corrected her, “No, it wasn’t a strap-on, it was a dildo with two ends. I know the difference. I watched Haley put one end up into herself, all the way to the collar in the middle, then she used her hand to guide the other end into Bethany. Then she fucked her sister with it. But it wasn’t like a normal fucking, in-and-out, like she would do with a strap-on. I’ve seen Sarah using one on Bailey before. For a while she just moved it around while it was most of the way into Bethany, but not all the way in. I looked over several times and I could see the blue thing going from Haley into Bethany, but once Haley got warmed up, she sort of got on top of Bethany and ground their pussies together with both ends of the dildo completely inside of them. I thought maybe the point of the dildo was to keep their clits rubbing in the same place, but I don’t know. Maybe if I’d seen it from a different angle, I could tell you better what Haley was doing… but to me it was fucking. I’d never seen anything like that, even in porn. But to me, it was obvious that they both knew exactly how to use that thing together because they both came while they were doing it.”

“While they were right in the middle of it, as Gregg pumped his dick in me real slow, I saw some motion at the door. I moved my head so I could see between Gregg and Haley’s bodies. There was Mrs. Jackson just standing there watching both of us get fucked. She knew I saw her, but she didn’t move. I’m pretty sure she was there long enough to see both of her daughters climax.  By the time we switched so that Haley could fuck me while Gregg did Bethany, Mrs. Jackson was gone.”

“Blue?” Misty asked. “You said the dildo was blue?”

“Yea, electric blue with sparkles. I think it was made of silicone. It wasn’t completely straight like one big dick with two ends, more like it was two dicks with a slight angle between them, connected by a collar. I guess that was to make it easier to use. And it wasn’t like rigid, when Haley did me with it, I could feel it bending as she leaned forward to fuck me harder. And it wasn’t like huge, both of the dicks were about the same size as my hard-on… maybe a little smaller, that’s why it was able to completely disappear into them while Haley fucked her sister.”

Misty had a puzzeled look, “I thought I’d seen all of Haley’s toys. She has been bringing them to sleepovers since we were freshmen. But I’ve never seen anything like that.”

Their mother offered, “Maybe it is something they only use with each other.”

“Yes,” Lamar said, “Later Bethany said she was surprised that her sister used it on me since they’d never used it with anyone but the two of them. She said that she’s seen Haley fuck Gregg with her strap-on a lot, but never with the blue double dong.”

Bonnie nodded, “It all makes sense. If Haley used a strap-on, they might see that as them having sex, so they don’t do it. But a double-ended dildo is a cooperative toy. I’ve only used one once, at the swinger’s convention in Cancun. The other woman and I lay in opposite directions, connected with the dildo while the woman’s husband used a vibrator on both of us. It was interesting feeling the motion and vibrations moving between our two bodies, especially when she climaxed. I could certainly call that just playing around together, not having sex with the other woman. Perhaps that is why they reserve that toy for just the two of them.”

Lamar added, “On the way home Bethany told me that they’ve had it for a long time. I’m not sure if it was with that, but she said Haley broke her cherry with a dildo.”

Their mom asked, “Did she say when that was?”

Lamar thought for a moment, then said, “Not directly, but I gathered it was over a year ago, but I’m sure it was after Bethany became interested in sex which was about two years ago. So, I guess somewhere between one and two years back. But, understand that she corrected me when I said something about her sister fucking her. She did not see that as fucking the way I did, even though both of them came big time while Haley was mostly on top of her using it.”

Their mom said, “Well, I just hope Gregg cleaned his penis off after it had been in your rectum before putting it into her vagina.”

“Oh, he just took off his condom. He always had one on when he fucked me, but didn’t use one with Bethany. Oh, one of the things Haley said she wanted to see was me eating one of Gregg's loads of splooge from her sister’s pussy before the end of the night. But that didn’t happen until right at the end when Bethany sat on my face while Haley rode my dick one last time.”

Lamar saw the interest in what he was saying so he elaborated, “Even though it had been Gregg’s fourth load of the night, there was still a lot of it … but the goo smeared all over the outside of her pussy was likely what I’d put in her right before Gregg fucked her that last time. So, the last round of orgasms was right before I left. Bethany came on my face and Haley came on my dick just before I splooged the final time. We all had our orgasms within like a couple of minutes. It was an amazingly hot end of the night.”

Misty put in, “Yea, I guess it was. I would have loved to see that.” When she did, she squeezed his thigh which she’d had her hand on for some time. It was not sexual exactly, but it was intimate in a way they’d simply never been before last week. He also knew there was no way his parents missed how close they were sitting.

He went on, “But earlier, after Haley and Gregg took turns fucking me and Bethany, Haley had us take turns giving her and Gregg oral to get both of them off. We started out with me going down on Haley while Bethany sucked Gregg.  When we switched, Haley said she wanted to see me suck down her boyfriend’s cum… he’d already cum in my ass but not in my mouth. Both Gregg and I came four times over the night. So I was working to bring him off while Bethany was doing the same to her sister. Now while I was sucking Gregg’s cock, I couldn’t see the door, but Mrs. Jackson must have come right into the room to ask Haley if she wanted her to set up a snack when we took a break. By then we’d been going at it for a long time, way over an hour. We’d all had more than one orgasm each. I’d cum in both Gregg’s mouth and Bethany’s pussy by then. And before you ask, I began with a condom, but after we’d kept moving around I didn’t keep it up. After all, Gregg never uses one with either of them and Dad doesn’t use one with their mom.”

Bonnie nodded, “It’s OK. I understand. And you weren’t really in control. I’ll talk to Ronda about it and decide if you need to be tested, but I suspect we will let this pass.”

Lamar felt relieved, “Well… while I’m going full bore on Gregg’s dick and Bethany is working Haley’s clit with her tongue, Haley tells her mom that she and Gregg were both close and when they’d both cum, we’d take a break. And that was what happened. When Haley saw Gregg pumping his jizz into my mouth, she started to cum even before I’d swallowed the last of it. Though I couldn’t see their mom that second time, from her voice, it seemed nothing she saw bothered her.”

Their dad put in, “Well, way back last summer Bethany and Gregg had sex so close to me and Ronda that I could feel the heat radiating from them and we both could hear his erection slurping in and out of her. So, being near her kids while they have sex isn’t new to Ronda.”

Their mom added, “And from what Ronda said, it sounded like while at Rodeos the girls and Gregg have had threesomes in that trailer with Ronda looking down on them from her loft. So, no I’m not surprised she was comfortable being in the room with the four of you.”

Since he’d heard those things before, Lamar just nodded before continuing. “And sure enough, we all went to their kitchen, fully naked totally covered in sex sweat. Well actually, after Haley and Gregg left, Bethany and I made out for a couple of minutes, standing just inside Haley’s room. We were hot and sweaty and tasted like Haley and Gregg, but it was one of the nicest moments of the whole night. Just the two of us sharing the experience. Like I said, it all was so close to being amazing. If Haley had just asked us to get them off like that rather than telling us, it would have been totally different. And to be honest, Haley fucking me with that dildo was crazy hot. Not as much for how it felt, but just the point of it. Gregg’s dick mostly felt better in me, but watching that dildo going from her pussy into my ass was super hot. But while we started with me and Bethany still laying on our backs, Haley seemed to want to find the best way to fuck me with that double dildo. For a while, she pushed my hips way back, so I was nearly bent double so that her pussy was nearly right above my ass, sort of sitting on it. That was the best part to watch because even as I could see her fucking me, I also watched the sweat dripping off of her huge tits. But while it looked great, it wasn’t really working for either of us. She had me move into doggie, and again she sort of sat on my ass and rode the double dong.  But what seemed to work best was when I lay all the way on my stomach, so her pussy opening was almost right above my ass hole. In that position, she could actually fuck me hard in the same way she did when she was riding my dick.  By the time she was doing that, Bethany was on top of Gregg and she couldn’t take her eyes off of what her sister was doing to me. I don’t think any of us climaxed during that part, but I liked it a lot.  If Haley had just asked us if we wanted them to take turns fucking us it would have been so much better. I mean it was super cool for Bethany and I to take it from the older couple, but she didn’t ask, she directed. She just told us what to do and that spoiled what could have been one of the hottest moments ever.”

His mom nodded and said, “Yes, I understand.”

“In the kitchen, their mom had out some chips and drinks. She looked right at my hard-on that was still standing upright, but she didn’t say anything about it. Then she asked Haley and Bethany if it was going as well as they’d hoped. Haley said it was and told her mom about using the double-ended dildo on me. Apparently, their mom also knew that was a first. She said she’d walked by the door and looked in while Haley was using it on me and she’d never seen anything like what we were doing. Bethany said that the night was going better than she’d even fantasized about. Getting told what to do by Haley didn’t bother her the way it did me. But, I had no idea they’d been looking forward to our foursome as much as I had. Their mom said it looked like we were having fun. Then she said she hoped I didn’t mind that she’d looked in on us. I said I was used to it. I explained that at both Sarah’s and Byron’s, while we are having sex in the living room, their mothers often come right in and sit down to read or even to talk to us while we fuck. I told her that at both of their houses, as well as at ours, nobody thinks anything about being seen having sex.”

“She thanked me for letting me know her home wasn’t the only one where sex is done out in the open. But, I’m pretty sure she already knew in most of the homes of your group it is like that. I’m sure she was just being nice to thank me. But then she told me that for a long time, her girls had been waiting for a foursome that included a guy who was here for Bethany.  Mrs. Jackson said I’d been Bethany’s first choice from the start since not only was I the guy she most wanted to be with, but I could be trusted so that the girls could do all the things they really wanted to do in a foursome. I’m not sure if she meant the bi-guy stuff or the sex between Haley and Bethany. Maybe she meant both.”

Their Mom put in, “I can see why Bethany wanted a guy to be there for her, not just one of her sister’s friends. After being the plus-one in threesomes with Haley’s boyfriend for eight months, I can see Bethany wanting to have a guy that is her choice to be in bed with them. And I can also see their concern that it had to be a guy they could fully trust if they wanted to do all the things that happened tonight. You might be the only guy that fits the bill. As I understand it, she’s wanted to have sex with you for close to a year.”

Misty quipped, “From even before you got hot.”

Lamar smiled at his sister’s comment. Bethany had told him just that, well not the ‘before you got hot’ part, but that she’s wanted to have sex with him for a year. “When we got into Bethany’s Landcruiser to come home, I asked her about her having sex with Haley and she said pretty much what you said, Mom. She said she started using her hands and mouth to get her sister off years ago, long before she was interested in sex herself, but she knew Haley liked it… and she liked doing it for her sister. It made her feel good about herself years before she got turned on by doing it. And like I keep saying, she still doesn’t think of it as sex with Haley and never has, not even when they use a dildo. It is just stuff she and her sister do, and they tell their mom all about it. Even when Haley broke her cherry, they told their mom and it was like their mom had been wondering when that would happen. Bethany said that by the time she realized what she was doing was what other people would call girl-girl sex, she’d been doing it for years. From what she said, I think it was only about two years ago when she started to get turned on when she made out with Haley, even though they’ve been doing it way longer than that. But within a month of getting turned on from what they did, she was doing it to Lauren. From the first, she thought of going down on Lauren as sex, but doing the same thing with Haley still isn’t sex to her.”

Their mom asked, “So, are you saying that the other people they play with don’t know Bethany and Haley do each other?”

“She said that other than Greg, Connie, and Lauren, no one knows what she and her sister do in bed, and Connie and Lauren only know part of it. She said while Connie and Lauren have both seen her make out with Haley and have seen them get each other off with their hands and even use their dildo… like the way you said, sitting facing each other, connected by the dildo, but using their hands or a vibrator to get off. Only Gregg has seen them going down on each other or seen them using their dildo like I saw them, with Haley on top of her like they were fucking. But other than that, they’ve never done anything with each other in front of any of the other people who come to their house… neither Haley’s friends nor Bethany’s friends have seen what I saw tonight. She asked me not to tell anyone lest they think they are perverts.”

“After she told me all that, I thought I should tell her about what Misty and I did with Emily and that we will be having a threesome with Mimi after the Euro Club meeting on Friday. I explained our new rule that we can touch each other anywhere as long as my dick or fingers don’t go into her. I told her that the only reason she and I weren’t going to have actual sex, at least until I finish high school, is that it could cause our family problems. But I made it clear that we don’t think there would be anything morally wrong with it if we did it now, so we certainly don’t think what she and her sister do is wrong. That seemed to reassure her. I said that I’d keep the secret and she said she’d keep mine. I did ask her if I could tell you guys about her and Haley since you know what Misty and I have done… and plan to do. She said that was OK, that’s why I’m telling you.”

Both of his parents were listening intently by then. It was their dad who spoke first. “She is right. While we are very open about how we live, we need to be careful about who knows about your times with your sister, just like they are. Your mother and I have talked and we have decided that while we will not try to impose rules on how you two can share your bodies, we will make a rule that you must keep it upstairs.”

Their mother then added, “And when you tell us, for instance about your night with Mimi, you need to omit anything that might sound like you two are having sex. It's not that you will be hiding what you do, but until Lamar is a legal adult, it would be best we do not know what you do. Do you both understand that?”  

They both said they did.

Their mother quickly pivoted back to his night. “So, you learned that you don’t like being used as a sex object. And that while you like sex with guys, you are not romantically attracted to them, so you don’t like kissing on the mouth. Is that about it?”

Lamar nodded, “Yes, that’s about right. Like I told Bethany in the car just now. I don’t regret anything about what we did, and it was all really hot. And to be sure, just having sex with Haley was an experience. She’s nothing like any other girl I’ve been with. She’s like all female, but also like, very masculine. And I’ve never felt anything like how she squeezed my dick with her pussy. I mean when Sarah cums, she squeezes my dick, but Haley just does it whenever she wants and it is much tighter than Sarah ever is. I’m not a girl so I might be wrong, but I’m pretty sure that is why she was able to fuck us with that dildo without using a harness like yours, she could hold it tight inside of her.”

Misty laughed, “So, you felt the bear trap?”

Lamar turned to Misty with a quizzical look.

“I guess you don’t know,” Misty said, “Even before the Euro-Club became famous, Haley was already well-known among the jocks as Bear Trap because of that very thing. Well, that and she has collected sexual conquests the same way the hot jocks do, except she hunts down a star athlete from each of the football and basketball seasons and fucks them. She doesn’t let them fuck her, she fucks them and she doesn’t care that they nearly all have girlfriends… well she does care, it's part of the fun for her. She’s done it since she was a freshman, but while she only fucks one player each season one time, she makes sure it gets around that she did. That is how she got her slutty reputation even though she doesn’t do that many school guys. And that is why she is hated by the popular girls whose boyfriends she fucks at will. By last fall, helped by the great nude photo I took of her at Haulover and leaked…”

“Which one was that?” her mother asked.

“The one of her playing volleyball. Of course, it was staged.”

“Staged?” their mother asked, “I know I saw her playing with a group of people that last day.”

“Yea, she was playing with a group of people who looked to be in their twenties. But I shot the photos of Haley during a break in their game. It’s a great picture that shows off both her athleticism and her powerful sexuality. I can’t shoot glamour photos of her the same way I do other girls. I have to deliberately emphasize her athleticism, but doing so makes for super sexy photos. That picture isn’t just popular with the guys though. The female athletes love it too. Haley said she’s signed prints for three of the players on the Jeff Davis varsity and JB volleyball teams.”

Her mom nodded in understanding.

“Well…” Misty continued, “By last fall after photos and stories from our Miami trip began circulating, she was more famous than ever, and when she waited for Dwayne Shaw after football practice a few days before the homecoming game back in October, he knew what she was going to do when she asked him to come with her over to her pick-up. And so did the guys with him. Now, last school year when I was the school athletic photographer, several times during the football and basketball seasons, the team let me in the locker room to shoot even though it is against the rules, and they made sure I saw their junk. And that was before my nude photos came out on the web. One thing that I remember is that Dwayne’s tool is almost as big as Samual’s, but he’s way better built all around. With three of his buddies right there to watch her, she rode him in the bed of her pickup truck for half an hour, right in the school parking lot. Even though it was chilly, she got totally naked because she had an audience. While she was doing him, she let him know that she picked him as much because of his play on the field as how he stood up for Bailey against Kevin at the team party last 4th of July. She told me that Anthony West was there too and she offered to do him too as a thank you for supporting Bailey as well, but he declined.  I wasn’t there, but she’s shown me phone pics his teammates shot.  She’s quite proud of them. His really dark skin contrasts wonderfully with her tan body and in most of the pics she showed me, his big cock can be clearly seen. Since by then they were both eighteen, the pics are perfectly legal so they’ve been passed around ever since then. I’ve actually considered asking him if he would do it again with her so I can do a proper photoshoot of it. He might even do it because he’s not shy about how great that night was for him and everyone has already seen the pics, even though they technically aren’t that good. I know for a fact that lots of varsity players claim to have been ridden by Haley, but nearly all of them are lying. I know that since she only does it once each season and all of the other guys except Dwayne and LaJames Martin who she did just about a month ago, have graduated. So, little brother, you got something tonight that the studliest guys at school lie to say they’ve experienced,” and she laughed again.

That little addition got both of their parents shaking their heads.

It took a moment but finally, Lamar said, “Yea, it was quite the experience, both her riding me and her fucking me with that double-ended dildo. Like I said, I liked the things we did, if she’d not simply expected me to perform for her. I think it's a good thing that I now understand how girls can do things they like with a guy, yet come away feeling bad about the experience because they feel used or disrespected.”

They all sat quietly for a moment thinking about what he said. Lamar finished up by telling them about Gabby and her relationship with David Beesley, and that Bethany had met with Gabby last week about her picking up where she was leaving off. He then  asked his mom, “Am I shallow because I’m not all broken up that Gabby is moving on?”

“No,” his mother said. “At your age, this is quite normal. And the fact you are not resentful says a lot about you. I don’t think it’s a bad thing that Gabby is moving to a boy who goes to her school and is in her grade. I saw them sitting together Sunday night. They are a cute couple. And unlike Gabby or Sarah, Bethany is in your grade too which is helpful. I don’t think any of this is bad. I’m sorry I won’t be here Thursday night to talk to Gabby. Let her know that she is always welcome in our home, as is David. If they want to come over one evening together, as a couple, that would be great, and if she wants to talk to me one-on-one, I’ll do what I must to make time to meet with her.”

“Thanks, Mom, I’ll let Gabby know. And about Haley, it is possible, likely even, that at some point Bethany and I will ask her to join us again, but we will be calling the shots if we do. I know including her sister from time to time will be important to Bethany, so if we are going to become a couple, I’ll have to find a way to make that work.”

Misty said, “And I’ll talk to Haley. She’ll listen to me. I think if you guys do ask her to join again, she will not make the same mistake. She’s not bad, just aggressive when it comes to sex. Given the guys she usually screws, like cowboys and ball players, she has to be assertive or they will run over her.”

His mom added, “I agree. And I’ll talk to Ronda. She would not want Haley to make anyone feel used. I suspect she already knows you and Bethany are on the path to becoming a thing. Assuming Bethany is right now telling her mother all the things you have told us, we will have a lot to talk about. Sadly it will have to be over the phone since I’m leaving tomorrow morning and won't be back till the end of the week.”

Cooper seconded her opinion.

A few moments later as Lamar began to leave, his mother said, “Oh, I know this is not what we are talking about, but I want to let you know that Heather will be here for dinner on Thursday too. She will be spending the night with your father. I think Gabby will like meeting her.”

Lamar just nodded and headed out of the room.

A few minutes after he’d gone upstairs, Misty came into his room and said, “I really am sorry you came away feeling bad about tonight. Like I said, I’m going to talk to Haley. I’m sure she didn’t mean to make you feel used.”

“That’s OK. I don’t regret going. And I’m glad I learned about my limits with guys, and I think with my thing with Gabby playing out, it’s nice to look forward to something new with Bethany. I didn’t say so downstairs, but according to Bethany, Lauren wants to be part of what we are starting.”

Misty smiled, “Now that is interesting. From what I saw you three doing in here the night before we flew out, it seems you are well on your way to remaking your relationship with both of them into something new. Sarah said they both positively glowed the next morning when all of them were getting ready to leave.”

That was nice to hear.

Misty asked, “Was Mom right to assume Gabby is still coming over Thursday night?”

“Yes. That is the plan at least for this week.”

“What are you going to say to her?”

“I’ll tell her the truth. I love her, and because I love her, I want her to have all the things she needs. If David can do that better than I can because he lives near her and goes to school with her, and I know that is the case, then I’ll be happy for her.”

“Most guys wouldn’t be willing to say that. I’m impressed. But, I came in to ask about her coming over on Thursday. I was wondering if she could help you and me build up photo sets when she comes over on Thursday. She has a real eye for it.”

Lamar said that would be great, “She liked helping you before.”

“Thanks,” Misty replied. “And one more thing, I am sure you still have photos that were not on the set you gave me Sunday. Photos that you think Mom will make you erase. Now, I am not going to tell you to erase every copy of them, but, for their sake Mom and Dad can never even suspect you have them.”

He began to deny it, but he suspected she wasn’t as asleep on the plane as he thought.

Misty continued, “You took nude photos of me and Emily posing together in the Villa with her iPad. It was perfectly legal to do that in St. Martin and as far as I know, they are legal in England, but pics of me just standing and smiling where we are both naked in the house are illegal here. I know you downloaded the photos from her iPad. I don't fault you for wanting to have pictures of you and your friends having sex, really I don't. You know full well I did the same thing last summer. But you also know that Mom made me edit or erase them all. But Lamar, you have to know Mom and Dad are under a lot of heat right now. It looks like their enemies are now out to get them. It's way worse than it was last summer."

Her words gave him an out. "So you think I can keep some if I crop them like you did?"

"I don't know. I'd have to see them first. I know you are dying to show them off. So let me see."

He took the micro SD card from his desk drawer and put it into his tablet. He had code names for the different folders and he did not want her to know he had copies of the photos that she thought had been erased from last summer. However, he showed her Emily's photos he’d downloaded from Photobucket, the five nude photos of Chloé he'd taken in the villa with the little waterproof camera, and the ones of him and Chloé having sex in the ocean.

She agreed with Lamar’s first assessment that most of the photos simply were not very good, though she liked the ones he’d taken of her and Emily talking on the bed. Not because they were artistic, but because they captured an unscripted moment. She said that nearly all of the sex photos would have to go. In the set of Chloé in the villa, she said she could edit several of them so they could be kept. When they got to a selfie of him and Chloé in bed, laying on their stomachs looking at the camera she said "This one is not a problem because you can only see the tops of her boobs and your butts, and neither thing is illegal. See the issue is not that you were with them or had sex, but that you can't show certain body parts in pictures. Stuff like this is just fine."

When he’d given Misty the photos from the little camera’s memory cards, he’d not only excluded those shot in the villa, but also some of the ones Élise had taken of him and Chloé in the ocean. Misty asked directly "So, were you fucking her in these?"

He grinned and said he was, and admitted he and Chloé screwed in the surf far longer than he’d led their parents to believe. “I downplayed it because I’d not had on a condom. But, now that I’ve been checked and I’m clean, I guess I can revise my original story.”

“Revise?” Misty said skeptically. “Is that a nice way of saying you are going to tell the truth rather than lie about it?

Lamar just repeated, “Revise.”

"Well," she said, "The truth is that all someone can say for sure is she was holding on to you in the water. The fact you know you are having sex makes them special. So, not only can you keep them, I will definitely put one in our photobook. And when we show them to the club, you can tell them what was going on out of sight."

Lamar asked, “What about the swimming pool pics? I have topless pictures of the girl from Canada, April.” And he opened the April folder. There were a total of thirteen photos in it.

“Did you fuck her too?”

“No, we made out and I sucked her nipples and she played with my hard-on, but she didn’t let me into her bottoms. I guess that is just as well since she is only fourteen and has never had sex. I think she’d never touched a dick before mine.”

Misty glared at her brother. “I saw her and her mom out by the pool, they were the only other mother and daughter topless besides Mom and me. But I didn’t realize she was that young. So, yes, it is good you didn’t screw her. I’m just going to believe that since she’d never had sex, you wouldn’t have robbed her of the right kind of sexual debut even if she’d agreed.”

Lamar knew what his sister was saying. He’d like to say he would have resisted, but he didn’t know what he’d done if she’d indicated she wanted him to fuck her in the pool. At least he wanted to believe he didn’t know what he would have done. Pushing that thought aside, he opened up the first of four photos showing both April and her mother bare-breasted, sunning. Misty looked at the photos and then at her brother. “While it was apparent that the girl was posing for you in the other photos, I suspect her mother didn’t know you took these. While Mom and I don’t object to people taking our photo without permission, Mom would not be happy if she knew you took topless pics of them without asking.”

“I know,” he replied. “And I have a whole file of random topless and nude women on the beach that I didn’t give you before.”

Misty thought for a moment, then said, “Give me a copy of all of the photos that were taken at the beach or at the pool where you had permission to take pictures, even of the fourteen-year-old.  Those are all OK.  I will make a page in the photo book of miscellaneous people you hung out with in St. Martin. But the photos you took without asking, I’d keep to yourself.” Then she put on a scowl again before saying, “I heard about you showing off the pictures of the girls you had sex with. A couple of pics that I know you took with both Emily and Chloé are circulating at school. And it's not that the photos are bad because they show their breasts per se, it is why you sent them: to brag. Girls are not trophies to hang on your wall.”

She motioned to the large topless photo of Sarah from South Beach that hung above his dresser. “This is not a trophy because everyone who comes to our house knows Sarah walks around naked pretty much every time she’s here. It's not the content of the picture but the reason behind it. I know full well that Sarah is thrilled this photo hangs on your wall. But sending out pics of the girls you had sex with in St. Martin was not the same thing. You were showing off and you know it. By treating those sweet girls like conquests, you undermine all Mom and Dad teach about sex being loving and positive?”

He squirmed, “I didn’t mean it to look that way. I really liked those girls. I would have enjoyed being with them even without any sex. But, yea I guess I sent those pics to Byron, Sarah, and Bailey in part to let them know I got laid out there. And I knew at least Byron passed them on.”

Misty sympathized and lightened her tone, “I know, there is a lot to learn. I see why it’s easier just to say naked pictures are sinful. Just pray those pics don’t end up in the wrong hands because I doubt you erased the digital identifier for the files before you sent them. If they do, you might as well prepare yourself to get hammered by Mom.”

Then she smiled and said, “Oh well, live and learn.” She leaned down and gave him a lingering kiss on the lips, much like she’d done Sunday night, and an “I love you,” before she went to her room. This time he wasn’t even surprised when she licked his lips and their tongues briefly touched. He’d been tempted to reach up and put his hands on her quite visible breasts. While he suspected she wouldn’t have objected, he didn’t want to risk being rebuked.

Contrary to what Misty had told him to do, after he made the set of photos for her to put in the master set, he left unedited versions of his illegal photos on the micro-SD card. He put the tiny memory card, not in his desk, but inside his leather-bound copy of The Hobbit. He felt a little like a spy hiding the microfilm, but he was sure his secret stash was safe.

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Oct 28
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Anton Chekhov, the Russian playwright and short-story writer, once said that if an author shows a rifle on the mantlepiece it better go off by the end of the play. For the third time, Prof Poly has shown us Lamar keeping illegal photos, even after Misty warned him about the consequences for the Campbell family. Even though Lamar is a proficient and caring lover with a big dick, he is still a teenager at heart, thinking with said appendage. His consciousness is still underdeveloped and self-centered.

The dominant narrative style of Prof Poly is to have characters tell others about their sexual exploits, instead of showing the sex between characters.

The evening between Cooper and DeeDee was all about the…

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Sexuality as the source of religion is intriguing. I have a vague notion of arousal as a higher state of consciousness. Mostly. though, I've thought of religion as the way we've reminded ourselves that we're part of something larger than our own desires.

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