A Weekend at Timberline Lodge as a Single
A few weeks after the 4th of July, 2012 weekend, I spent a Thursday through Saturday back at the wonderful environs of Timberline Lodge. The purpose of the trip was professional; to shoot photos, but what was different about this trip was that I was unaccompanied. My "girlfriend" Rachael had planned on joining me and acting as my photo assistant, but at the last minute her car got sick and there was no way for me to go get her. Paula was not able to come with me do to family
obligations. This change in my status from being a part of a couple to being a "single male" very much altered how I was perceived by the guests of the resort. To the staff and to the regular’s I was able to hide behind the mantle of being the “staff photographer”, but it was obvious that to most of the guests I was rapidly seen as a potentially predatory single male.
Timberline Lodge, unlike some swing clubs allows a few, select, unaccompanied males to stay at the resort; however, they are generally not seen in a very positive light by the escorted women or their men. Sadly, to a couple visiting the resort, I clearly fit the profile of the pathetic middle-aged single male who is overweight & under-attractive coming to a swinger friendly nudist resort under the impression that I could find an easy fuck. This was partially, but not completely, offset by trying to appear busy in my role of photographer.
A perfect example was a very nice (and nice looking) couple in their 50’s who were visiting a swinger friendly club for the very first time. I first met them on Friday night and it was clear from the first that the husband eyed me as if I were after his wife. I was surprised that on Saturday, he and his wife volunteered to be my photo assistants for my morning shoot. However, after the shoot, I stopped to talk to the wife who was walking their little dog who travels with them, only to have the husband swoop in and give me a polite but firm invitation to leave his wife alone. Was I hitting on her? No, I had just packed up my studio lights and was getting ready to head home; yet the simple fact that I was a man at the resort without a female escort clearly made me undesirable and vaguely threatening.
Over the weekend, I had three different paid photo shoots... two of which I shot both the wife alone and of the couple having sex.
One of the couples was in their late 30's and very fit. They were a joy to shoot. They were fun and clearly enjoyed the whole thing. I shot both studio photos and photos of them out on the grounds. For a photographer the ability to shoot nudes and even erotica anywhere I think it will make beautiful images is quite a treat. I did a whole set of them on a boulder in a pond.
They surprised me when they asked for S&M photos. In spending the day with them I would never have guessed this very loving couple would have been into bondage. I was hesitant in that with my background as a social worker I had always been leery of S&M as an excuse to legitimize abuse. Yet over the day I watched them, they had shown absolutely no signs that he dominated her in normal life. She was a successful professional and if anything was the power broker. Not wanting to offend them, I reluctantly agreed.
What I found was something totally different than I'd expected. While she played the submissive role, there was no question that the entire time she was fully in charge, even while he spanked her very hard with a leather paddle. I found the whole thing surprisingly erotic and even romantic.

It was a financially profitable trip, but sadly I was by myself which I didn't like much. That is not to say that the folks weren’t cordial, because they were, and I had a nice time and even some hot sex, but I just didn't like the whole singles thing.
As I mentioned in a prior chapter, the best thing about Timberline Lodge is that sex was completely normalized, instead of a giggly secret. As Friday and Saturday progressed, I watched pairs or small groups leave the pool or clubhouse to go down to the Playhouse (or into the lodge, or their RV) for sex, then return later and continue on as if nothing unusual had happened. At Timberline over the course of a full day, unlike swing clubs, as often as not the pairs are actual couples; however, around half of the time it is “her husband” going off with “his wife” as well as two couples going together. But still the coming (or cumming) and going back and forth goes on all day and evening. This changes the overall atmosphere.
Thursday night I spent the evening with a very nice couple from Canada. He wasn't a dancer so I danced with his wife for about an hour. Unlike the weekend parties, where people dress up, the attire of the evening was mostly a’naural so we were both nude the entire time. He and I had hit it off earlier in the day, with similar interests in medieval history and like me he is unthreatened by his wife finding sexual pleasure with another man. He told me that though they'd been married for over fifteen years; his wife had, with his full approval, taken her first lover just last year. Not surprisingly, this was their first visit to a place friendly to swingers. I enjoyed dancing with her and my penis stayed in varying states of erection much of the time as we rubbed our bodies together and kissed on the dance floor. It was rather fun on the faster dances when I found my semi-erect penis could be used to accentuate my hip movements as I danced. OK, perhaps I looked a bit silly, but it was fun. I also liked watching the interaction of other couples, especially a good looking couple who danced the night away together with her high heeled shoes being the only clothing between the two of them. They were beautiful to watch.
About an hour or so into the dancing a younger, buff and handsome man (who I’d watched hit on a number of women to no success) cut in on my dancing with the Canadian woman. Back to the bar I went alone, feeling very much like I was at a junior high school dance and I’d been outclassed by a football player. The woman’s husband leaned over to me and said “She’ll be back. She saw what he’s been doing.” However, to his surprise and mine, at the end of the next dance, the man led her out the club house door, past the swimming pool and down toward the Playhouse.
Now I really felt like I was back in junior high.
After about three quarters of an hour, her husband began to wonder what was taking so long. After all this was their first visit to a place where recreational sex was normalized. I suggested that he and I go down to the Playhouse to ensure she was OK. I knew that men were not allowed in the Playhouse unescorted, but we went anyway. Inside, there was no one in the main playroom (the one with five beds and the sitting area). This was not unusual given the fact it was on a Thursday night. However, from behind the closed door of the one and only private play room, we could hear his wife having vigorous and enjoyable sex. Since he, sensibly, didn’t want to bother his wife while she was enjoying herself, we went back to the poolside bar. Her husband asked if I was OK with "sloppy seconds”. This was the first time he explicitly suggested that he and I have sex with his wife. I told him that I’d love to join them when she’s done. Then I went on to tell him how I’ve always liked eating my wife out after she’s had sex with another man, even if he'd not worn a condom. That seemed to surprise him. He then told me that he has never given her oral sex after she'd had another man inside her; but, he would very much like to watch me eat her out after she finished fucking the good looking guy.
When his wife and the man did return, after over an hour, I could not miss that the man went back to his buddies and never said another word to her. I could not help thinking that was incredibly rude and his “fuck and then ignore” treatment must make her feel bad. What reservations I had about seeming like a lecher, evaporated as I knew I would never do such a thing and I knew I could make her feel wanted and special; not just used as a masturbation aid as the other man had done.
She and I went back to dancing. I whispered something like “I know he fucked you hard, I’d be happy to go down on you and make it feel all better.” OK, it was cheesy, but it was the best I could come up with. It must not have put her off because a few minutes later she and her husband and I were on the way to my room in the lodge.
I was determined to be caring and attentive. Of course we’d all been nude since well before the sun went down, so with no preliminaries, she and I kissed for a very long time while her husband just enjoyed watching. I caressed her whole body before going down on her. She had used a condom with the other guy, so there were no sloppy seconds to be had. Between the prior fucking and my warm up, she was ready and going when I went to work on her clit with my tongue and g-spot with my fingers. Her husband lay beside her kissing her while I took my time between her legs. We moved to sixty-nine and continued. After what I thought was a good long time, I moved on top of her, but my penis was not cooperating so rather than fuck her, I went back down for more oral sex. While moving and adjusting my grip on her legs, I grabbed her husband’s inner thigh. He didn't respond negatively, so I left it there and a few minutes later reached up the six inches from where my hand was to take his cock in my hand. It went from semi-hard to fully hard rapidly.
For about a quarter hour, I kept eating her while holding and gently jacking his dick. She had a big wet climax. Then I moved from between her legs to between his. I sucked his penis down deep and hard, but just for a few minutes to see what he would do before going back to her. When he reached over and gripped my dick I knew I was OK. He put my dick in his mouth for like twenty seconds, I guess that wasn't his thing, which was fine with me.
When they moved to fuck, I guided his dick into her and held the base of the shaft while she rode him ... that was very hot.... I could feel her juices dripping on my hand and I guess my hand felt good to her as she pressed down on it. She eventually said she wanted to suck my cock while her husband continued to screw her. Of course I gladly moved so she could do just that. They both wanted me to fuck her at the same time he did, but for some reason my dick just wasn't cooperative. It was very strange and annoying as I’ve never done a DP and wanted to do it; however, my dick was just not going to do what I wanted.
Perhaps it was because though I was really having fun helping them have sex, I wasn't all that turned on myself. So, for the next hour I just helped them have sex, mostly stimulating her but also giving him head to keep him fully “fluffed” as well. Finally, while she and I were doing 69 again, I realized I was just too exhausted to go on. I had to literally pull my dick from her mouth and say it was time for a break as I'd been active the whole time, while each of them had, at times rested as they lay back to either, just enjoy being orally pleasured by me or to watch me give oral sex to their spouse.
So we all went back to the party fully intending to do this all through the night after we got some drinks and a breather. However, circumstances got in the way. A nice looking, somewhat drunk young woman began dancing with the Canadian wife. Her husband told me that she has never had sex with a woman, and she was enjoying the female attention. He also said that he’d never been sexual with a man, and I told him that it wasn’t the plan, but just happened. He said he was OK, but was not sure what his wife thought of it.
While the two women danced, I went to relax in the hot tub. But the new woman kept drinking and was eventually a wreck. The Canadian couple felt responsible for the fact the woman had gone from pleasantly drunk to smashed by the time the pool-side bar closed at 2:00 AM.
They found out the woman was a student at University of Tennessee and her date had brought her to Timberline Lodge around 10:00 PM. For some unknown reason, he had left around midnight, leaving her drunk and stranded at Timberline. Now you must realize this place is way out in the country and she had no way back to Knoxville, over an hour away. To make matters more dire for her, she didn’t know what had become of her clothes.
So, the naked drunk woman agreed to go to the Canadian couple's room and sleep it off. The problem was that they had a double bed that was too small for three, while I had a king. That was why we'd played in my room. So just as I was drifting off to sleep, my door opened and in comes the husband with the naked drunk college student. So, as it ended up, I slept with, ....just slept with, this very hot very naked woman. I put a pillow between us so I wouldn't touch her accidently, naked and sexy though she was.
The next morning she was most confused when she awoke, but I assured her I had not touched her. After working with the Timberline Lodge staff, we were able to find the woman’s clothes and get her a ride home.
On Saturday morning before heading home I shot a photos session with Dianne, the owner of Timberline Lodge.
Permit me to take a detour to say something about one of the most extraordinary women I've ever known. When I knew her she was in her late 60's and a real fireball. She was a successful professional artist (painter) having made at least a part-time living, and for a number of years a full-time living, from her art for some thirty years. She was smart, articulate and fully in charge of her own sexuality. She'd been married to her high school sweet heart for almost fifty years and for none of those years had she been monogamous. Though I never really pried into the details, her open marriage was much like Paula's and mine. For many years she had sex outside marriage for her own fulfillment, but at other times she and her husband were swingers. They had bought Timberline Lodge, a historic traditional nudist resort after it had fallen on hard times and shut down completely.

She LOVED this photo and had me make a poster-sized enlargement for the club wall.
Dianne and her husband been in both the swinger and nudist communities for decades and realized that there was no financial future in old-time nudism. When they reopened Timberline they opened it as a "swinger friendly" nudist resort. Though they found the demands of running the resort put a real damper on their ability to "participate" with the swingers; they still had time to entertain old friends in their private apartment. As for nudity, she was all over. The only thing her husband had asked a few years after they bought the resort was that she stop dancing on the bar fully nude. He asked her to wear at least a thong, which she agreed to do. at least while she was up ON the bar.
She and I could talk and simply enjoy each other's company at length, and she loved posing nude for me. The prior visit we started working on photos for a calendar of her with photos representing the seasons and/or holidays.

Dianne's Christmas Themed Photo
I also began getting model releases signed from the Timberline staff women so that I could put the photos I’d taken onto my new photo business’ website. So it was a productive weekend, even if I didn’t like going alone.
As a man in his seventies and recently separated I realized why I haven't taken steps to enter the swingers lifestyle at either swingers club here in Portland, Oregon. Your description of how you were viewed, and you have mentioned this to me before, as a predator has been my greatest concern. Sure I would like to fuck a beautiful mature woman, but the idea that I am there only to steal someone away is a major turn-off. It is hard enough to find single older women to date, let alone to be intimate, that the swingers club idea has been off the table. I put up with my ex's jealousy, I do not want to deal with some guy's…
The twenty photos of Dianne are a nice complement to the story. A great character study!
Great memories with some great people. Thank you for sharing.