A Sex-Positive Magazine by Professor Polyamory, Ph.D.
In Search of the Final Freedom: Chapter 14
In Search of the Final Freedom A Socio-Political Novel Book One: Unlikely Revolutionaries Chapter 14 Open Marriage and Motherhood Bonnie and Cooper had been back from their trip for two weeks. It now seemed like one long dream. Even as she and Cooper talked about it, it was hard to believe even half of the things she remembered actually happened. It was just too much; however, she knew she felt much better about herself than she had before the trip. She was just now finishing her initial sorting and assessing what she’d seen, heard and done. There were two main issues she and Cooper were both trying to resolve, oddly none of the things that bothered them had anything to do with what they had done. No, the sex with other people was simply a non-issue. They both unequivocally thought all those experiences were only wonderful in themselves, but had left them better people. They struggled with how to reassess their relationships with the LeMarco’s and with Heather Jones. Bonnie was sure there was a lot to admire in Judy LeMarco and in many things she set forth a path that Bonnie very much wanted to follow. Bonnie thought on how Judy was the master of her own body, no matter how powerful Martin might be at work, she was no helpless play thing or trophy wife. She considered how she had made a home for teenage Brian that was sexually open and positive, while never hiding who she was or what she had been in the past. On the other hand, Martin and Brian’s attitudes concerned her. She could not miss how, to them, sex was a commodity. She'd not forgotten that Judy all but told her that her husband brought clients home with the expectation she would fuck them. Martin never seemed to care what anyone (except Judy) wanted sexually. He and Brian were both sexual predators and she now had accepted that she and her husband had been little more than sexual toys to them both. Not just them but sadly so was Heather and even Mandy. The harsh reality was they had paid for this fabulous vacation by allowing themselves to be the sexual playthings of the LeMarco's. No, she was never coerced, but even the lack of overt coercion was a method of getting her sexual compliance. On the other hand, she was convinced that her husband had felt coerced from the very first. Would he have allowed Martin to fuck him like that if he'd felt free to say no? She was sure she did not want to emulate the attitudes of the LeMarco men. Yet, even in the things she knew she did not want her family to emulate, she had learned lessons that pointed the way forward as they incorporated the concept of unrestricted physical love into their lives. She knew that she didn’t yet see the whole picture of how these new things could be blended and sorted and merged into their lives. Unlike the LeMarco’s they were committed to their Christian values. Even if they rejected traditional sexual rules, the way Martin LeMarco used people was incompatible with their values. In times she was sure that she and Cooper could separate the wheat from the chaff. She considered how she and Cooper had been preparing their kids all their lives for a truly open sexual, yet thoroughly Christian, home environment; she just had not realized that fact until that very week. Now the hard part of how to create such an environment would be her mission. Her other challenge was also in a person. In this case it was a beautiful and spirited nineteen-year-old girl, who openly looked to her and to Cooper as her guiding lights and mentors; yet she also very much wanted to continue her sexual relationship with both of them. Less than three years older than their own daughter, Heather had been their lover during the trip. How was she to be both guide and lover to the young woman going forward? Even with the sex, from the very first she had known their relationship would be more that of a mentor not peer. Over the past two weeks that mentor role seems to have solidified. She and Heather had spoken on the phone nearly every day. The plan for her to spend the night with her and Cooper had not worked out yet. The offer to stay the Saturday after they came home was preempted when Mandy invited her to spend the weekend with her and Brian at their place. From what she said on the phone Heather would rather have come to see Bonnie, but did not feel comfortable telling Mandy no. Though it had only been two weeks, she felt like the situation might largely resolve itself in Bonnie and Cooper filling an odd role of mentors “with benefits” as it were. She was sure the fact they still planned to have her sleep with them in their bed would not undermine their other role in her life. Bonnie might not be sure as to how she would incorporate everything in front of her into their life and the life of her family; but she was sure she had a new resolve to make every day count. She only had a vague idea of what exactly she wanted to do with her life in the long term, but she was working on it. It seemed to her that she had, in previous years, been like a walking zombie, going through life in a colorless tasteless world with only occasional punctuations of heat and color. But now everything was different and she would like to bring that excitement to the everyday dull world in which she lived. She had also talked to Judy several times, mostly about how to arrange a sex positive environment in her home. She and Cooper had several discussions about that very topic and how the LeMarco’s had dealt with Brian as a teenager. The Campbell’s, after much discussion, agreed that a number of the things the LeMarco’s had done were beyond consideration. However, on many other things it seemed the LeMarco’s were just putting into practice things the two of them had talked about for many years, even if their kids had yet to reach an age at which those things would be fully implemented. In this they now saw how the change in their sexual lifestyle would impact the entire home environment. In some ways it wasn’t too much of a jump. So far, Bonnie had not been as flagrant as Judy in letting the kids know that she would provide a positive safe haven for the teens to explore their sexuality. But she knew she was going far beyond what her peers would think appropriate. Ever since they began mysteriously disappearing in the fall, she had ensured that the medicine cabinet in the kid’s bathroom was kept supplied with condoms. She had allowed Misty’s friends to engage in intimate behaviors right in the public areas of her home, not to mention full sexual contact in both Misty's room and the guest room. On top of all that she'd tanned nude in the presence of Misty's friends for months. The biggest difference in what she had done with her kids and what Judy had done with her step-son was a matter of intensity not content. So far, with the exception of the trip to Miami last year, Bonnie had largely been too embarrassed to be up front about her actions or to ask for clarifications about Misty’s activities with her friends. She had wanted to be more up front and felt sure that Misty would be more than glad to; but Mom had been sure that she was not ready for that; yet now she thought she was. From the first day they had gotten back the kids had been asking to hear about the trip. After they had picked the kids up at Nana Campbell’s, Lamar asked right off “Did you go naked?” Bonnie wanted to be shocked at such a question but knew it was appropriate given what he had seen during the summer. When neither parent answered, Misty pressed her brother’s question “Well?” Cooper looked at Bonnie. She thought for a moment then answered briskly, “Yes, we did, nearly the entire time, and so did everyone else. Is that what you wanted to know?” Her tone, more than anything else shut down any more questions on that vein, and so the questions shifted to inquire about the yacht and the places they had visited. The flash drive that Judy had given Bonnie as they exited the plan helped forestall other questions for a little while. There were over a hundred very nice photos, none of which showed any nudity or even alluded to the truth that the cruise had been almost 100% nude. The pictures of Bonnie in her bikini on the yacht, in the water, and from their ports of call did not fool Misty one bit. The underwater photos Martin had taken of the reef were impressive, yet Misty noted that there were no photos of people at the reef. Over the next days, Misty asked about what had “really” gone on during the trip. But each time it was a passing comment as they were off to some activity or another. And, each time Bonnie was increasingly ashamed of her lack of courage to own and be proud of her behavior. It was in this milieu of indecision that the email came from a yahoo account to Bonnie’s email. The tag line “winter cruise memories” got her attention and the address sandinero@yahoo.com ensured she opened the message as soon as it came up. Opening it she found it was an invitation to “The 7th Annual, Winter Cruise After Party” at the LeMarco’s, two weeks from Saturday. A smile spread across her face. Out loud she said “Well, I’d better shave good for that one.” There were a good number of large attachments so she went to Cooper’s study and opened the email to save all the attached .jpg files to the hard drive in the folder already named Caribbean Trip. Only after they were all downloaded, she opened the files to see what had been sent. There were about twenty photos, all first rate photography. The first few were just some group shots Mr. LeMarco had taken as the trip went along. One was from the dock before they left Miami and the rest from their ports of call. The real difference in this set and the photos that Judy had given her was that while there was no frontal nudity, there were photos of nudity taken from the rear. There were several photos of her tanning on her stomach beside different people, including Cooper. There were a couple from the luau, and a couple from her glamor shoots that just happened to be angled so that her nipples were not visible. There were also two really nice ones that she remembered Martin taking at the end of their mermaid shoot. He had the women stay in the water while he boarded San Dinero to shoot down on them. He had them swim around and then gather up to look up and wave. Both photos in the set were of her as she swam in the clear water. One was just her and it filled the frame while the was of all five women. On the big monitor, she thought both looked very good indeed. There was also a picture Martin had taken of her in the wet white linen dress. It was by far the most revealing since the dress was nearly transparent at the time. The photos, particularly the one in the wet dress, brought back waves of memories. The memories turned her libido on and without thinking about it she went to look for a toy, only to find that her two favorite dildos and several vibrators were now gone. She didn’t know how she’d missed it before, nearly her entire toy collection had disappeared. A little put out; she went up the stairs to Misty’s room. Sure enough there, right on the Princess Ann dresser, next to her stuffed pig was mom’s favorite vibrator. It was a Hitachi Magic Wand, big, but not at all phallic in shape, so grandmother would not have realized what it was. Her two battery operated vibrators, which were both quite visibly sex toys, and her two good dildos were not as plainly in site. They were not really hidden either, as she lifted up the dust ruffle she found not one but both of her good dildos. She only wanted the silicone one right now so she left the glass one and didn’t even look for her little egg vibrator. Being alone in the house and in an effort to push her sexuality physically out of the bedroom, she just kicked off her pants and flopped in the recliner nearest the electric plug in the living room. She leaned back and let the pleasure come as her Hitachi Magic wand did its magic. She reflected how her relationship with Jill had ended her long habit of an early afternoon masturbation session, and she’d never gotten back into that routine after Jill had moved. Perhaps that was one reason she’d been so dead after Jill moved away, she’d never gone back to it. After a while, she kicked off her panties and eased the silicone dildo up inside herself, so as to sandwich her sensitive parts between the big soft head of the vibrator outside her body, and the silicone inside her vagina. She could feel the intense wave of pleasure building. The Campbell’s home, having been built in stages was not laid out in a neat and orderly plan. Bonnie, enjoyed herself in what was referred to as the living room, being part of the original home it boasted beautiful hard wood floors and French doors that led to the back yard. The large comfortable couch and chairs made this the preferred sitting, talking and living place even though it was small by modern standards. Off this room was the kitchen and dining room, though in the Campbell’s home it was not so formal as in many older Southern homes. The original formal dining room had been converted into Cooper’s study. The 1960’s addition included what was now the front entryway which was behind Bonnie as she sat in her comfortable leather chair. To her left front was the open door leading to the master bedroom. The additional bedroom created in the 60’s addition was deconstructed in the late 70's and morphed into a wide entryway leading to that addition. This final part of the home was two stories, with the upper being three bedrooms (two were Misty's and Lamar's). Half of the addition's lower floor was referred to as the game room. It was dominated by a full sized slate pool table, left by Cooper’s late father. It also sported a complete wet-bar, and most important to the kids a big screen TV. As half of the addition went further back than the older home, from the game room, the patio, half the pool deck and one end of the pool was visible through the sliding glass doors. It was from that vantage point that Lamar had spent hours watching his sister’s friends last summer as they experimented with skinny-dipping. Lamar's room upstairs also had a view of the deck, but only a little slice of the pool, so the game room was his preferred place to spy. The only thing that the home sorely missed was a garage. With all the building projects over the years, no one had seen the need for one. For at least ten years Cooper had promised himself to get one built, but still it had not. All in all it was a great home for the busy family. Normally Bonnie could hear Misty’s beetle pulling into the drive, but today she was too engrossed in her own pleasurable activity. She did however hear the door slam shut and the dropping of book bags in the hall way. Momentarily she stopped, and, even in the fog of near climax, the idea of going to her bedroom crossed her mind. But she told herself, the kids would surely go to their rooms then to the game room. They did that every day. She, trying to sound relaxed, yelled “Hi”. A return “Hi Mom” answered then the sound of feet climbing the stairs. Having not been completely pulled out of the moment, Bonnie went back to working toward her orgasm. She had just reached the critical mass, her hips had begun to spasm, thrusting forward of their own accord. She gripped the impaled dildo and began to push it in as deep as she could stand it. The convulsions in her legs were in full swing, when an accusatory voice broke in “Mom, why were you digging in my room?” She opened her eyes to see Misty’s shape to her left, behind Cooper's big La-Z-Boy. Bonnie blinked speechless as her orgasm broke over her. Her hips and legs continued their involuntary jerks and her entire body shook. She began to understand what was happening, but by that time Misty’s scowl had become a broad grin. “Kelli will love this” Misty said with amusement. “My mom raids my room, takes my vibrator and dildo and does herself right in the living room. Kelli already thinks I have the horniest mom in the world.” Bonnie was gasping for breath. Her arms and legs felt like lead, but she finally grasped that her daughter had just stood two feet from her and watched her climax using a vibrator and dildo. Certainly, it wasn’t the first time her daughter had walked in on her masturbating over the years, but this time it felt different. Even still, that was why she did not do what most mothers would do and suddenly jump and run. She actually didn’t have to try all that hard to be casual about it; but still, she did have to consciously tell herself there was no reason to hide what she was doing from her sixteen-year-old daughter. She chose to seize the waiting second orgasm before it dissipated, knowing full well Misty was watching. She hoped this would push her into being more open about other things. She closed her eyes again and said “Wait a minute.” The smaller follow up orgasm took less than a minute to arrive. Only when it had passed, did Bonnie move the tennis ball sized head from her clit, and as gracefully as she could, she slid the wet dildo from her body, sat up and laid them both on the coffee table. It was well over five minutes since she had first heard Misty’s voice. Mom was back fully in control of her body and found words amid her hard breathing “Your vibrator?” Misty grinned “Well, yea, I, uh, borrowed it in December and you never asked for it back.” Bonnie stood and walked over to retrieve her pants. “That doesn’t make it yours. I’ve been using this for, well, since long before you knew why I had it.” “I know that, but why do you want it back now? It’s been in my room for months.” Misty asked as her mother pulled up her pants. “I went looking for my toys. It seems you have all of my good ones.” “But why now, it’s the middle of the day” Misty taunted her mother. Bonnie began to brush aside the question, as she had the others for the past few weeks, but stopped herself. If she wanted to have an open and sexually positive home, and she did, she must take positive action. And if there was ever going to be a time to be honest about sex, this was it. That meant, here and now, telling the truth. She gathered her courage and said “OK. If you are mature enough to ask why your mother is getting-off in the living room, you are mature enough for a truthful answer.” She took a deep breath. Misty looked right at her, clearly pleased her mom was finally going to be straight with her. Bonnie started talking very fast, “The LeMarco’s just emailed some more photos from our trip. It made me think of all the wild stuff we did while we were gone. That led me to go find my toys and get off. I didn't realize it had been so long since I used them. Does that answer the question?” “Very nicely, thank you for your honesty.” Her daughter said very formally “Now I want to see the photos” Misty said, just a bit too eagerly for Bonnie’s comfort. “There is nothing to see. They are just from our stops.” “Let me see” Misty insisted. “Go look for yourself, they are in the file folder named Caribbean Trip on the desktop” Bonnie said as she took the toys back to her room. Reentering the family room she hollered back to her daughter in the study “How long were you standing there?” From the other room Bonnie heard “Long enough. I waited until I knew you were to the point of no return before I said anything. I’m so bad.” “Yes, you are very bad!” Bonnie said entering the study and putting her arm around her daughter. “It’s funny” Misty told her mother. “I did almost the same thing to Caitlin when I spent the night last week, she got so mad. Oh, she’s coming over tonight to work on a group project for our history class” Misty said as she looked for the right file. Bonnie was a bit surprised and her face showed it. Misty looked up and said “Duhhh Mom, what do you think we do when we spend the night? Play with Barbie’s?” “No, I knew.” The study had been the dining room, but was now dominated by the large desk with two large monitors connected to the powerful desktop computer that sat on the floor. Two walls were lined with book shelves and one had a futon set up like a couch with a folding drafting table behind it. Misty went through the photos, which were not as innocuous as her mom had said. Misty asked her mother to tell about what was happening in each, then they headed back to the living room and Misty said “You of all people, I just assumed you would know we’ve been messing around together. I told you about me and Kelli. Though you pretend not to see, I know you’ve seen Haley and Connie do just about everything but go down on each other in the game room. Of course you know full well they do that in my room.” Misty said somewhat annoyed. “You’re so inconsistent, all that stuff, the trip to Miami and screwing the Banning's; but then they move away and you clam up like sex is a bad topic. I just don’t get you.” Bonnie knew full well she was right. All she could do was to agree. “Yea, Sweetheart, I know your right. It’s been hard for your dad and I to be as open as we’ve always said we wanted to be. We have talked a lot about it since we got back, and we decided that we will drop all the curtains. Or at least we will try to.” She paused “Why do you think I didn’t go to my bedroom to do that with the vibrator? It’s not that I expected you to see me, but I wanted to prove to myself I believed sex wasn’t something that had to be hidden away. You are right, I did good last summer, but you are also right that when fall came I clamed up. Since we’ve been back from the cruise, I’ve been struggling to fully own this new person I am becoming. I don’t want that person, to just be me when I’m away from Sparta on vacation, that is who I want to be…period.” Misty hugged her mom. “I think I understand, sort of. That’s the person I got to know and like as a friend in Miami.” They just held each other for a moment, “My friends and I have been going through kinda the same thing, but it’s just been since New Years that we really have begun to explore the new, sexual side of our lives.” “Who is we?” “The Euro Club crew; Kelli, Haley, Connie, Rebecca, Caitlin, Jeannette, Joanne, let me see who else, yea, Hope and Iris.” Bonnie thought for a moment “Yes, you are right, you had told me how you and Kelli had gotten hot and heavy before she kind of got wrapped up in her relationship with Cody. And I walked in on you and Caitlin cuddled up naked in your bed on New Year’s Eve. You were both asleep so you didn’t know I’d seen you. I didn’t mention it since you didn’t bring it up. I guess we just haven’t talked about any of this in a while. With your dad gone so much and all, I missed a lot of things during the fall. I’m sorry”. Misty smiled again “No prob Mom. I know Dad being gone was hard on you. I just want you to know that I’m not quite through needing a mom yet. But you really didn’t miss much. I made no secret that Kelli and I were doing it - before Cody showed up with his ever needy dick.” Bonnie couldn’t help but laugh “You will find that is true of all young men.” “I didn’t know you’d seen Caitlin and I, but it was the next night at Caitlin’s little New Year’s party we made the big leap forward. We all watched the ball drop and her mom let everyone have a tiny glass of champagne, but they drank more than they should have. For being a controlling Bible freak most of the time, her mom’s boyfriend sure has times when he forgets all about that stuff. After her mom and her boyfriend went to their room we could clearly hear them having sex, I don’t think the door was quite shut. We all talked about our parent’s sex lives. That’s when I opened my overnight bag and got out my …. OK, your, toys. Then while we listened to the supposed chaperones doing it in the next room, we watched each other get off on their living room floor.” Bonnie hadn’t expected quite this quick of a payoff for her effort to be honest with Misty about why she was masturbating. Misty continued “Then Hope surprised us when, right in the living room she pushed up Haley’s night shirt, pulled aside her panties and started eating her out. It was so hot watching them do it. Especially watching Haley have an orgasm right next to me. When we heard Caitlin’s mom and boyfriend quit doing it, we went to Caitlin’s bedroom; By the time I crashed, I had gone down on Jeanette, Caitlin and Rebecca. I’m not sure if I told you, but after Caitlin disappeared from my life, I Jeanette about the night Caitlin and I had made love and that we’d would have gone done on each other the next time she was over. So, she introduced me to oral sex to help me feel better. So, she was the first girl I’d done that with. And it wasn’t like we had an orgy or anything, but it was the first time I’d done it with Rebecca and the first time with people watching. OK, perhaps it was exactly like an orgy. That really changed the whole experience. It was really cool, but different than when I’d done it alone with Kelli or Caitlin. Anyway, we messed around on and off from like two till about six in the morning.” Misty took a deep breath like she was getting the courage to continue “I know you’ve told me that there is nothing to be embarrassed about in having fun with my friends, but, well, you are my mother.” “Yes” Bonnie said trying to control an instinctive reaction to run away. She already knew that there was some sexual activity in the group, but for her girl to tell her about group sex was just a bit much. She scrambled for words saying “but I am the mother who took you to a nude beach and gave you a visual lesson. You were just that close when you watched me do everything but have an orgasm, then just walk away leaving him hard.” They both laughed. Bonnie took the momentum to continue “And besides, I found out a lot about what it’s like having sex in front of other people on the LeMarco’s boat.” Misty got a grin of success. Bonnie expected a demand for details, but it didn’t come…yet. Her daughter just continued “I know I have no reason to be embarrassed, but I hope you’re OK with this last thing, while you were gone last week Grandma didn’t usually come over until like 9:00 each night. I told Kelli at school and she told her mom that I wanted her to keep me company, but three afternoons she and Cody came over and they did it here.” Bonnie said “That’s not new and you know I’ve said that is fine.” “Yea, but I let them use your king-sized bed to do it…. and the living room couch and the couch in the game room - well it’s like this. Lamar went home with Byron’s mom every day, and Kelli and Cody came here. The first day they just stayed in your room for like two hours. The next day he and Kelli started by just watching TV in the living room. After a while, they started making out on the couch with me still sitting in Dad's La-Z-Boy. She didn’t say anything when she pulled off her top but when she unbuckled his pants she told me Cody wants me to watch them do it and asked if I minded if they did it there.” “So what did you say?” “I said it was no big deal, I’d seen people have sex before, they could do it wherever they wanted. Of course that wasn't completely true. Yes, I've seen you and Dad do it, but the idea of a couple doing it just for me to watch, well that was a big deal. Just the question almost sent me out of my skin. The fact I had to watch without participating was hard, but I wasn’t even able to play with myself. But I contained, at least until he left and then I attacked Kelli. We just barely got dressed before Lamar walked in. Not that he would have minded seeing me getting Kelli off, which was what was happening when we heard Byron’s mom dropping him off.” “The next two days they didn’t come by but on Friday they came over again. This time they didn’t bother with the TV and started making out right off. I guess Kelli told Cody about what we did when he left, because after she had given him a hot blow job, he went to get a condom from our bathroom. She’s real good about insisting on condoms. While he was gone she said he wanted to watch her have sex with me, but was afraid to say it himself.” Bonnie added “Men just love to watch girls getting it on.” Paused, then added “I guess I do as well, and your dad and I got to see a lot of that on our trip too.” Once again Bonnie had left the door open for Misty to ask about their trip, but the question still didn’t come. Misty acted as if she didn’t even hear that last part and continued her own story. “I guess you can figure what I did. I had my clothes off and had already started kissing her before he got back. Even before either of us had cum, he wanted to join in. There was no way I was going to let him take over. And that is what it was, not that I was opposed to having a threesome with him, but I didn’t want him to take over. I reminded him I had to sit and watch them, so he had to just watch us.” “How long did that last?” Bonnie asked. “He asked to join three more times. I said no partly because I wanted her to myself, partly because I was afraid I couldn't say no to having sex with him if he were down on the rug with us, but mostly because I liked the idea of him watching us do it. I could see him slowly jacking his dick; but when she was eating me I closed my eyes and when I opened them after I came he was behind her, screwing her. She just kept eating me like nothing had changed, and before I came again he did. I guess watching her do me while he did her was just too much for him. He didn’t last five minutes. I think he would have suggested we keep going but I knew Lamar was due home, so that is all that happened.” “You were awfully close. What are you going to do when they ask to come over again?” Her mother asked. “I don’t know. Kelli has offered Cody to be my first. She says he is really good. But I don’t know.” she paused “Now, I’ve told you what I did while you were gone, you have to tell me every detail about your trip. You hinted you'd been watched doing it with a woman...or is it women? Either way that is a good way to start.” “Women” Her mother said. “At different times your father and others watched me doing it with his secretary Tina, Mr. LeMarco’s wife Judy, his daughter in-law Mandy and Brian LeMarco’s secretary Heather who is only two and a half years older than you.” “OH, you bad mommy” Misty said with a smile that filled her face. “This must be quite a story and I want to hear it all.” Bonnie began relating as much of the trip as she could remember. She had made it to the point of telling about dancing at club on Turks and Caicos when the doorbell rang. Misty jumped up and ran to the door. As expected, it was Caitlin. Bonnie planned to leave the girls alone, but Misty took Caitlin by the hand and pulled her to the family room. “Mom, finish the story” Misty said then looked to her friend and said “she is finally telling me what happened on their trip because I told her all about New Year’s.” Caitlin was clearly caught off guard. “You know, your mom and her boyfriend” Misty clarified. Caitlin’s eyes got big, but she had the composure to say “Oh yea, she is usually more discreet, at least since she has been with Bible Bob. I know you know that before him mom was like you and didn’t care if I saw her doing it. But even with Bob in our old trailer I could hear it every time. She thought I had no idea they were having sex until the day we moved in with him. She was so nervous when I came home from school and our stuff was all in boxes. Before that he'd spent the night in our trailer with mom lots of times but he was always gone when I woke up. At Bob's place they are usually pretty quiet. They have only been that loud a few times before, but they’d been hitting the champagne pretty good before they went off. I guess I should have shut their door, but everyone was so into listening.” Misty corrected “You were too.” “Yea. Not that I was into listening, but I liked watching you guys enjoy it. At first I was so embarrassed you could hear them, but when the others said they wanted to hear I didn't shut the door.” Misty then said “And I told her all the other stuff we did later.” “Misty!” Caitlin almost shouted. “I’ve told you, my mom’s cool with all that. We don’t have to hide that kind of stuff. That’s why I insisted she tell me about the wild things she did last week. What she has already told me is way more than what we did. And besides, though I didn’t know it, the morning after you and I first did it in my bed, she came upstairs and accidently walked in on us when we were still asleep. It was really obvious what we had done during the night. So she wasn’t surprised about what we did in your room.” Bonnie had no intention of talking about who she fucked in front of Caitlin, but she didn’t want her to feel bad. “Caitlin sweetie, don’t worry about it. My best friend and I did the same kind of stuff at your age. Well not the exact same. My mother didn’t have any sex toys to swipe, and we were younger than you.” The girls thought her comment was funny, then Bonnie said, “But, the honest truth is that I thought the two of you looked beautiful wrapped up in each other’s arms like that.” She didn’t point out that they were both nude so as not to sound salacious. She knew they knew that was what she would have seen. “Misty, I’ll tell you the rest of my trip later.” “Come on Mom, this is Caitlin. She is like part of the family” Misty went on. Then to box her in a corner she looked over to Caitlin and began to speak very quickly. “She said that as soon as Miami was out of sight the clothes came off and stayed off the whole time the boat was not in port and she told me about a luau where they had a real life orgy where everyone did everyone, including my mom and dad. She screwed my dad’s boss while watching my dad do his secretary.” Caitlin just looked stunned. Misty continued “Really! Not just that, mom did a threesome with the boss’s son and his eighteen-year-old-secretary right on the boat deck while dad and the others watched and she just glossed over other times she had sex on the boat with men and women like they were no big deal. And she was telling me about making out with two French guys at a club when you rang the doorbell." Misty looked back at her mother and asked "So what happened next?” Her Mother had moved to the door to the kitchen. Bonnie tried to get out of this gracefully. “First, Heather is nineteen, not eighteen. Second it took me at least an hour from Miami before I took off my top and more than an hour more before I was completely naked…. and third…. well third is that I have to start supper” she said. Misty wasn’t relenting “Mom, you can tell us the rest first.” Caitlin added “It’s all right Mrs. C. you can tell me. It’s not like I have been sheltered. Even though Bob pretends my mom was like all virginal before we moved into his place, we both know that isn’t even close to being true. She seems to think that just because she’s become Miss Churchy for Bible Bob, I am supposed to forget everything about our life from before he took over. She’s only been with him for two years and she seems to think I've just forgotten everything else that came before. They tell everyone, especially at church, they are married, but I know they are not. She keeps bugging him to make it legal but he just gives her this crap about they are married in God’s eyes. He’s certainly not the first man we’ve lived with, and beyond those guys, I don’t know how many times I heard her one-night-stands leaving late at night after going at it for an hour or more. It’s not like you can hide much in those singlewide trailers we lived in. The simple truth is that I’ve heard and seen more sex than you or Misty can imagine. At least now with Bob we have a nice doublewide and I don’t have to see or hear anything…well most of the time. Mrs. C I know Mom has told you everything about her. You know what her job was before Bob made her quit, so you know that there is no way you can have even begun to screw as many people as she has.” Bonnie felt a need to defend Gina “Your mother has done the best she can with what life has thrown at her.” “I know that” Caitlin said defensively. “I don’t condemn her for any of it. The thing that pisses me off is that she has not only changed her life to suit Bob, but mine too.” Bonnie said softly. “Before he cut her off, your mother and I had a lot of long talks. She was always torn between guilt about not providing for a better life for you and pride that she has provided you the kind of love and acceptance that she never had. I don’t think you will really understand those kinds of conflicted feelings until you are a parent yourself. Gina knew full well that Bob wanted to erase who she was and make her into something she is not. She knew it and let him, not because she changed her values, but she thought it was the best way to give you some stability. I can’t imagine she is happy now, but she is trying to do what she can at least until you finish high school.” Bonnie could see on her face that Caitlin knew what she’d said was true. At the same time, the point she’d made about her mother was a good one; for years Gina had told Bonnie lurid narratives about the men she’d had in the series of little trailers in which she and Caitlin had lived. Some of the stories had made them both cry; but for most of the stories she told, Bonnie could tell the memories of wild nights with hot men were fond ones for the young mother. The honest truth was more than once Bonnie had been jealous of Gina’s freedom. So Caitlin was right, she really had seen everything and there really was no reason not to let her hear. Beyond all that, Caitlin was indeed very much like part of the family and had even lived with them for a year. So if she was going to be open with Misty & Lamar that should also include Caitlin since she was, or had been, like one of her own children. And then there was the fact that after a two-year hiatus, Caitlin had only recently reappeared in the Campbell home. She did not want to seem to be pushing the girl away. With all that in her head Bonnie said. “You are right girl. Your mother not only wouldn’t mind me telling you everything, but she’d want to hear a play by play herself. She would be proud of me for acting on the things she and I had talked about for years; but: I do really need to start supper, so wait a minute.” As she got ground beef on the stove, she could hear Misty telling her friend how she had stood and watched as her mom used the vibrator and dildo to get off. She told how she had waited until just as her mom started to climax before letting on that she was watching. Bonnie could hear Caitlin said with a bit of laughter “You stood right behind her and watched your mom cum?” Misty came back with “Remember that last summer right in front of me, she slid down on the hot guy’s dick. Seeing her get off with a dildo is nothing compared to watching her ride that guy as he held her in the air so as to give me a direct view of it going into her. It didn’t embarrass her in the least I saw, so I knew I wasn’t violating her somehow by watching her today.” Bonnie felt she had to object. “Misty, enough gruesome details.” Misty looked over at her mother, “Oh, come on Mom. It’s not like Caitlin doesn’t know how for years you masturbated every single day like the entire time I was in elementary school. You laid in your bed every single day between 1:30 and 2:30, usually with the door only half closed and played with yourself for around a half an hour, sometimes longer. Caitlin lived with us for a year after all, and even when she wasn’t she was here most summers during the day. So she’s seen you doing it too.” Bonnie knew her jaw dropped, “You knew what I was doing? Like really knew?? And she’s seen me too?” “Mom, I must have walked right in the room dozens of times over the years with you laid out on your bed naked with your buzzy between your legs. I knew what you were doing but it wasn’t till I started masturbating myself, that I understood why you did it. When I was ten, I could have given a step-by-step description of the main way you get off, and the three alternate ways you do it. Why do you think it was me, back when Kelli, Caitlin and I were in 6th grade, who taught them how to masturbate when they slept over for my 12th birthday?” She looked over to Caitlin “You remember that, I showed you guys exactly what mom did, I’d even swiped one of her vibrators.” Caitlin nodded, a little red faced and a little amused, “She’s right Mrs. C. That night we tried for at least an hour trying to learn to make your vibrators work for us. We were pathetic.” Misty laughed too “Yea, I think I was the only one who could make myself cum, and I couldn’t figure out why you guys couldn’t get it. But now I realize, I’d been playing with myself regularly for a year before that, so I knew how to make it work, and you guys hadn’t.” Bonnie pulled the meat off the stove. “And I thought I knew what you were up to? Boy was I naïve.” The girls agreed but Misty softened it with “Don’t worry Mom, all adults seem to miss a lot that is right in front of them.” Misty gave Caitlin a more complete version of her mom’s story thus far while Bonnie cut up the vegetables. When she again attended to their conversation. Misty was saying. “Yea, right in front of everyone she said she liked them watching her, just like I told her I liked Cody watching me and Kelli doing it.” Caitlin was clearly intrigued “It’s like the same stuff gets both of you going. Too bad my mom won’t even admit she has a sex life now. I’d love to be able to talk to her like this.” She was surprised as she felt a little pang of embarrassment as she reentered the family room. Bonnie was quite sure Caitlin was the most attractive of Misty’s friends. Like most of her daughter’s friends, Bonnie had seen them transform from pig tailed children, through awkward adolescents into full-fledged young women. Caitlin’s transformation was probably the most astounding. She had been a shy, slightly pudgy red-head overwhelmed with freckles. Now she was taller than average, the pudginess had disappeared, replaced by beautifully proportioned hips and “34 DD” sized breasts. The freckles had faded as her face grew and she had a lovely cream-colored complexion with just a few freckles adding character. If her self-confidence had transformed in the same way she would have been the group’s leader, but it did not. She was still shy and often reclusive. For seven or eight years, when the girls were in elementary school and middle school, Caitlin had spent so much of her time at the Campbell’s, almost like a second daughter. By the nature of her job, Gina worked several nights a week so that in many ways she felt like a second daughter to Bonnie. For a year, she had been her foster-daughter when her mother had run into legal trouble due to the actions of her then boyfriend. Since Misty and Caitlin were inseparable and they both had long red hair, many people actually thought they were sisters and the often called each other such. However, with the arrival of Bob in Gina’s life that abruptly ended. Even still Bonnie was far closer to Caitlin than any of Misty’s other friends. Caitlin had spent a good many hours talking to her as she struggled through puberty. Caitlin looked up to her as an idealized role model. While Misty had not meant to be malicious in repeating what Bonnie had told her, she hoped she and not undermined the respect Caitlin had for her. Before Bonnie could ask what she thought, Caitlin said “And Mr. Campbell doesn’t mind?” “No.” Bonnie answered with a little hesitancy at getting further into that subject than she had expected. But she knew honesty was the way forward. “He has always supported me in my decisions. And besides he wasn’t exactly monogamous on the trip either.” Misty cut in “Come on, what happened when you left the dance club in...in...that little island.” “The country is Turks and Caicos. But we were on the island of Grand Turks. Let me say right up front that this is the one thing for which I am embarrassed and I never ever want you to emulate. I just didn't realize how strong the rum was and I was way not thinking straight. I had no business going off with those two French guys in the night in a foreign country. But on the other hand, the two guys were boyfriends. How was I to know they also liked women?" The girls could not help but laugh at that. Once they got hold of themselves again, Bonnie went on, "OK, that's not really true. I could tell right off they liked women too; it was only later I found out that Gaston, the younger hotter one, was the boy toy of Phillipe, the older still hot one. But the point is I did go with them and that was unwise and unsafe. We started just outside the club, making out and messing around.” Misty cut in “What does that mean? Messing around?” Bonnie knew she was just goading her, but she decided if her girl wanted details, she would give them. “Well let’s see. You remember the photo you saw when we were all dressed up and I was in that white linen dress. Well, I’m sure you noticed that it was cut up to the waist on both sides.” Misty cut in again “Yea, you looked super-hot in it. It’s the same dress that in another picture you are soaked after you have been in the rain.” Bonnie nodded “Yea, that one. Both pictures were taken that night, I was making out with Phillipe and Gaston as the rain started. We were just outside the club and I took turns kissing one and then the other; but the whole time I was kissing them they were playing with me. And these weren’t just high school boys. Phillipe knew what he was doing with two fingers in me and his thumb pressing on my clit…not rubbing it, just pressing down while his fingers rubbed me from the inside. My knees were sagging and I was close to cumming when the rain started. Is that enough detail for you?” Misty nodded “Oh, that will do for a start. Go on.” “When it started raining, it was not a little shower, but was coming down like in buckets. In a matter of a minute my white dress was stuck to me and was completely see-through, so I just pulled it off.” Bonnie went on to tell in graphic detail of her first double fuck. This took quite a while as both girls had questions both about anal sex and then about what it was like to do two men at once like that. “I won't lie, it was really great. It isn’t something I’m dying to do every day, but I will be doing it again for sure …well I actually did it a second time on the trip but that comes later in the story. Without a doubt it is something every woman ought to try at least once.” Bonnie then added “but not just yet girls.” Both of the teenagers laughed at that, and for the first of four times during the next twenty minutes Caitlin said “You are the coolest mom in the world.” Then to Misty she said “You are so lucky. My mom has been effectively stolen from me. It's so stupid that I couldn't tell her when I first went all the way with a guy. Before Bible Bob came into her life, she was never ashamed of her active sex life around me. She never even gave me a hint that I should be embarrassed when I heard her or saw her having sex. She didn’t rub it in my face, but at the same time she just made it normal stuff adults do. Grown-ups do all sorts of things that kids aren’t part of, and sex was just one of those things. But when I began to develop and became interested in my body, she didn’t try to hold me back either. After that sleep over on your birthday and our bungled attempts at using a vibrator, I told her all about it. She thought it was funny and let me have one of hers to keep and practice with. But now, I can’t tell her anything.” She looked at Misty “I couldn’t tell her about the wonderful night you and I first made love. I really wanted to, but I couldn’t.” She turned from Misty, to Bonnie and added “Mrs. C. you saw us and thought it was beautiful. If Bible Bob found out about it he'd go crazy and probably would try to send me to one of those camps to reprogram me.” “If it comes to that, you can hide out here” Bonnie said. “Thanks. Who knows I might need to? The authorities can be really unhelpful sometimes. When she went to jail, I was made to see several therapists. They told me I should be traumatized by my, quote, repeated exposure to sexuality at a young age, unquote. When I told them that I wasn’t having all sorts of problems caused by my exposure to sex, they tried to convince me I really was but didn’t know it. Mrs. C. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you so, but I’m so thankful you rescued me from that before they convinced me that she was a terrible mom.” “We were thankful to have you.” Bonnie said. Bonnie couldn’t miss that Caitlin was looking to her for the approval she couldn’t get from her mother.” Bonnie walked over and put her arms around her ‘other daughter.’ Have faith that your mother will free herself from this man. I am sure she will and then you can catch her up on everything she’s missed as his prisoner.” “Thanks Mrs. C. I will. Until then I have you.” Caitlin added “Well I have you back. You don’t know how terrible it was when I couldn’t talk to you or my mom for almost two years. More to herself than to the girls she said “I should have tried to do something.” Caitlin said “No, there really wasn’t anything you could have done. He flat forbid me to come over here when he forbid Mom to talk to you. It has taken this long for mom to start acting on her own again. She knows I’m coming over and she told me she was glad. She simply isn’t telling him I’m spending time here. I think that is a good sign.” Bonnie started to reply but Caitlin stopped her by asking her to go on with the story. So, Bonnie suggested they have a seat on the stools in the kitchen while she cooked. She found herself using more graphic descriptive language as she told the remainder of the story. She found herself actually enjoying retelling all the things that had happened: the group sex, the going from person to person without a break, the putting on a show for the others to watch and even telling them how much she enjoyed men cumming in her mouth as well as tasting it in women’s vagina’s. “That is something new for me. I’ve always been rather averse to semen, but now its like I can’t get enough goo.” The girls thought the way she said that was very funny. It was their laughter that set off a bell in her mind that she had said too much. To gauge what they thought she said “I’m sure you think I’ve become a raving sex freak?” They both assured her they did not and Misty in particular said how happy it made her that she would tell her those things. While she told almost all the details that she could remember; she left out the part of that story involving Cooper sucking Brian's dick and then receiving anal sex from Martin. Bonnie didn't think it was her place to share that part with the girls. They laughed with her when she told how after Ramón had cum he’d kept stroking until everything ‘down there’ was gooey. “Then without warning him, I sat on Cooper’s face to ‘talk’ to Heather who just happened to be riding him while I was getting it from Ramón. His whole face became a sticky mess.” When the laughter had ended, she added “That was just one more thing I learned about myself and about my husband that week.” She spent a good deal of time on how special had been the sexual times with Heather, both when she was having sex with the nineteen-year-old and how much she enjoyed watching Misty’s father with her. “I hope you guys don’t think I’m terrible, but we got closer than I’d expected. I have even gotten a little bit of a crush on her. It makes me feel silly, but that is what happened. We’d hoped to have her spend the night with us this weekend but it didn’t work out. So, do you guys now think I’m pervy for falling for someone not much older than you?” Misty said with a laugh “No. If you go hitting on my friends that would be different; but the way you describe it you two were kind of thrown together. She is an adult after all and I am looking forward to her staying over. I’d really like to meet her.” Bonnie said she was sure it would happen soon. Then added “Would you like for you and I to take her to dinner next week in Atlanta?” “Yes! That would be great.” Heather inquired “Did I understand you correctly when you said one night you and Heather just lay and kissed and touched for like an hour while you had Mr. C. do her from behind the whole time?” Bonnie smiled and nodded “Yep. It was actually really nice.” “But, why? I mean what was the point of that?” “Hmmm” Bonnie said. “Let me see if I can put it into words.” She thought for a moment and started “OK, I think what I got out of it and what she got out was not the same since we were coming from very different experiences. For me, it was knowing Cooper was part of the experience with Heather. You see, while I’ve had sex with three other people in the last year, I wasn’t in love with any of them. Or infatuated if you think love is too strong for someone I’d only known a few days.” She could tell the girls were confused. “See, from your vantagepoint love is all about those butterflies in the stomach and finding you can’t think straight for wanting to be with that person and when you are with them your heart races. And while you are not wrong, for someone at my stage of life, love is different. It is that steady focus on the welfare of someone else, someone for whom you would literally give your life. Those butterflies are nice, but you can’t sustain that for decades. In the case of Cooper and me we are, as the Bible says, two people who have become a single entity. I simply can’t imagine my life without him. Though on occasion I get those butterflies and I always miss him desperately when he is out of town. Even though I still sometimes burn with the desire to make love to him, it is not the same as those new love feelings. Does that make sense?” The girls both nodded.
“A second thing that perhaps you have not yet discovered is that, broadly speaking, there are two kinds of sex. There is the hot kind where it is all about arousal and orgasm. With that kind it is just as good, and sometimes better, with someone you do not know very well. That kind of sex expressly has the goal of creating the maximum amount of physical pleasure possible for you and your partner, not to make and emotional bond. For me, a session of sex that prolongs the pleasure for an hour or more is ideal; but it can still be great even if it is a quicky. Like when you and a guy have found a nook at a party, even if the sex only lasts a few minutes, it can be great. Then the pleasure goes on when you go back to the party with semen running down your leg and no one knows you just fucked the boyfriend of a girl who has been bitchy to you.” She gave a Cheshire cat grin and added “Not that I’ve done that of course…but that would be fun.” The girls laughed uproariously. Misty said “Mom, you are bad! When did you do that?” Bonnie started to act like she was going to deny it was her then said “Oh well, it was when I was in college. Leslie Gibbins was a bitch and her boyfriend had the hots for me.” She let them laugh more, then added “But seriously, having unprotected sex like that was not a good idea; no matter how great it felt to have his stuff on my legs when Leslie gave me one of her nasty comments.” The girls started laughing again. Misty turned to Caitlin “Have I ever told you her nickname in college was ‘Fuck on the First Date Bonnie?” Caitlin nodded to indicate she had. For her part Bonnie went on without acknowledging that last comment. “The other kind of sex is not about orgasms. It is about spiritual love and becoming one with your partner. Sure, orgasms are usually part, but that is not the goal. That was the kind of sex I had with Heather on the sun bed with the oil. My guess is that when you two made love in Misty’s bed that first time. From what I saw in the morning, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.” The two girls looked at each other. As if their looks confirmed their feelings, almost at the same time they both said “Yes.” Caitlin followed up with “That was exactly it. It was like all our love for each other we had felt for years just came out. I don’t think I’ve ever felt love so strongly as I did that night.” Misty stood from her stool and kissed Caitlin…a kiss that was more than brief. That was a first for Bonnie. For Misty to give that kind of kiss right in front of her assured her that she’d done the right thing in telling them the whole story. Releasing Caitlin, Misty said “I love you so very much. And yes, I’ve loved you since we were little.” Bonny let them look at each other for several moments. Only when Misty said “OK Mom, you can go on” did Bonnie start again. But before the first word came out Misty added “And thanks for giving us the words to express what we have been feeling.” The speed of that interaction left Bonnie a bit dizzy, but she did as her daughter asked. “So, Heather you asked, what did I get from having Cooper’s penis inside of Heather’s body while she and I talked and kissed and caressed each other? For me, what I got out of it was the ability to express my new love for Heather even while my soul-mate was and integral part of the experience. Understand it had been not much more than an hour since I was on the beach, in the rain, having sex with two guys at once. I had not yet recovered from that when Heather got into the bed with us. It just seemed totally right for the moment and I knew Cooper would be happy to do whatever I wanted. He knew I was falling for Heather and he wanted to give any support he could. So as I touched and kissed her, I could feel her body gently move each time Cooper eased his penis into her. We, me and Cooper, were making love to Heather, together. So I was able to bond with my husband in one way even while I was bonding with my new lover at the same time.” “For her part, according to Heather, sex with Cooper is not like with other people. She said with him it is intensely comforting and reassuring. It’s not that she doesn’t get off with him, she most certainly does; but with him she can totally relax and savor that special connection. I won’t go into it, but she feels she needs to be someone else for everyone; but for Cooper and I she can be her true self. So to lay face to face with me, but yet have the feeling of Cooper behind her and inside of her was a place of total acceptance and security. Even while we were all having sex, from what she said, to her it was more comforting than erotic. So, while we were having sex, it was not sex the way it is normally thought of. Does that answer your questions?” Caitlin nodded and said “Yes, though I’m not sure I fully understand. I get that sex does not need to be about orgasms, but perhaps I just need more life experience before I will really get it. Once everything was cooked, and she was sure Caitlin didn’t think her a whore, she felt much better. She suggested that while she wrapped up in the kitchen, Misty and Caitlin take a look at the photos she had downloaded of the outfit she wore to the club in Turks and Caicos, adding “If you like the dress you can borrow it anytime you like. I think you’d look amazing in it Caitlin.” It seemed all those long talks about personal things from before she was cut off had paid off. Caitlin seemed as comfortable now, as if there had not been a hiatus of two years. When Bonnie had pulled the food off the burners, she headed to the study to join the girls. She peered over their shoulders and was surprised to see an image she had not seen before, a group photo taken the day they sailed from Tortuga. She only vaguely remembered Martin telling everyone to gather in front of the main cabin for a group photo. With all that had happened over the week, that particular five minutes was not something that stood out. Judy had insisted that Ramón lose his beat-up old shorts so everyone was in the photo, fully nude. Martin had used a remote to get what Bonnie was sure was the only image of all nine of them. Looking at the screen, Bonnie was more than a little impressed that she did not look out of place with the younger girls or Judy whose appearance had been helped by the untold cost of high-end plastic surgery. Bonnie just couldn’t help but say “Your old mom fits right in there with those young girls.” “You look great Ms. C.” Caitlin put in. “If I look half that good when I have a teenage kid, I’ll go naked all the time. Who is the hunk?” As Bonnie told who each person was, the girls peppered her with questions about her sexual experiences with that person. Despite her quite detailed narrative, it was only after several explanations they fully understood that she had done all of them more than once. Finally Caitlin said “You must have been screwing all the time. It sounds like a year of sex crammed into a week.” Bonnie blushed and nodded and said, “You would think so, but when you are with a group like that 24/7, even three or four hours of sex per day leaves lots of time for other things.” Bonnie knew that was somewhat of an exaggeration of the amount of sex, so rather than clarifying, she shifted the subject “Misty, where did you get that photo?” “There was an email waiting that had these as an attachment.” With that Misty opened the next pic and it was of the whole crew (except Martin) at the Luau in their grass skirts, the next was a great photo of Bonnie and Heather snorkeling. It was shot from below them looking up at them swimming on the surface. Both girls said "How cool" almost in unison. Bonnie had to tell them she agreed, it was cool. In all there were twenty photos of different activities, but in the photos, the grass skirts were the only clothes shown. But, much to Bonnie’s relief, no sex pics, though she was sure Martin had taken hundreds, no more like thousands. After looking at the photos they all went back to the family room and the girls began asking even more questions. Bonnie did her best to answer honestly filling in more details of the experiences on the trip. Bonnie told all she remembered except, she again left out the part about Cooper having sex with Martin & Brian. She did however add the detail from the luau the "the goddess" ordered everyone, even the men, to taste the semen of two different men. Even though she hinted that at least one guy had licked the semen from a penis, the girls did not seem the slightest bit surprised when Bonnie told them that everyone had complied. When that did not get a negative reaction, she spelled out clearly how Cooper had gone down on her, more than once, right after one of the other men had ejaculated into her vagina. Evidently, when she had spoken of sitting on Cooper’s face all sticky with semen, they had not grasped that he had happily licked her clean, inside and out. That actually did get a response from the girls,\ but it was unabashedly positive. Misty very specifically said "I'm glad Dad isn't one of those guys with a double standard about thinking it is cool for girls to do things they would not do themselves." Bonnie wasn't sure how much they had read into what she said. Did they not have a clue Cooper had sucked dick or did they just assume he did. She had no way of knowing, but she just let it drop. Bonnie had not meant to bring up how several times over the week, she had felt as if she were a sexual goddess giving pleasure to all she touched. Given the issues that Heather had developed after she had made the goddess of sex into her entire public persona, she thought that might not be something to tell the girls. However, they were intrigued and she ended up trying to fully describe that feeling that she was gifting pleasure on all she touched. When she could tell that neither of the girls got that concept, it occurred to her that perhaps that was not something to which they needed to aspire. She also wove in part of the story of the open household in which Brian had grown up. She wanted to get the two girls' opinion of some of the things she and Cooper had discussed emulating. In particular she fished for their thoughts on how Brian's father had sex with Judy and other women right in the open in front of him, as well as Brian having the freedom to have sex in front of his parents or anyone else who happened to be at their house. Again, she got nothing but positive feedback. Caitlin even added "It was so strange when I found out that I was unusual in that I had seen my mom having sex. After all my best friend Misty saw her parents doing the same thing and didn’t think any more about it than I did. Why shouldn’t I have assumed that was how it is in everyone’s home. I mean I remember when I was little, and Misty and me walked in on you and Mr. C. doing it a few times. She didn’t think anything of it and neither did you or Mr. C. You acted just like my mother did when I’d walked in on her. She never acted like I wasn’t supposed to see her or her guy naked, let alone her blowing him or them screwing. The only difference was that here it was always you and Mr.C., but at my house it was different guys. How was I to know most people think seeing their parents have sex is gross?" Bonnie pointed out, “It is not surprising that to the best of your memory that your mother and I responded the same way. We became friends the week you started kindergarten and within a few months she and I talked about that very thing. In the end, she more or less adopted what Cooper and I had been doing. But your mother had the additional challenge of having men in the house that she did not know well. You don’t know how many guys she dumped because they did something creepy or just talked about you in a way that indicated they saw you as a possible participant in their sex. You didn’t get into trouble if you walked in on your mom having sex, but if the guy seemed to get off on it, he was in trouble and out the door.” “Really?” Caitlin asked. “I had no idea.” “That was the point. She didn’t want you to know. A guy who sexualized an eight-year-old just because she came in the room to tell her mother something is a creep. He is at fault not the little girl. Your mother did more to both protect your safety and to protect your innocence than you have yet to realize. It is a shame that now that you are ready to hear what she did for you that she can’t tell you. Misty added "Is that why I never stayed over at her place when she had men over?” Bonnie nodded, “Exactly. And it is why she spent so many nights here. If Gina had a date with a new guy, she did not want to bring him home when Caitlin was there. She wanted to know him better before that. So she stayed over here.” Directly to Caitlin she said, “Your mother kept you safe but also worked hard to raise you so that to you nudity and adult sex was normal. In truth, all her work was for you to be ready to be the age you are now. She wanted you, when you were ready for sex to be free from guilt and shame. It wasn’t that you saw your mom having sex because she didn’t care about you, it was because she did care and had a plan.” Caitlin quietly said “I didn’t know that.” Then in a more confident voice she said “Well it worked. I have not the slightest bit of shame or guilt about nudity or sex.” Bonnie had to agree, “Then she and I both succeeded with our girls.” Misty nodded and to Caitlin said “Do you remember when it first came up with the other girls, we were both like, you haven't ever seen your parents having sex? We thought that was weird." Bonnie was sure that growing up in an environment where sex was just a normal part of life had been good for both girls. She then asked directly, "What about now. Would you feel the same way if you went out to the pool and Cooper and I were getting it on?" Misty said "It wouldn't bother me. What about you?" she asked Caitlin. Her friend replied "I would think it's great that you are treating us like real people, not just kids." Bonnie nodded, she hadn't thought of it that way. For nearly an hour they sat in rapt attention. In case it was not clear before, she told them plainly she and Cooper had no intention of ever going back to monogamy, nor would they hide their new lifestyle of open marriage from the kids. She made a point to say that the one thing of which she was ashamed is that she set a bad example in that neither she nor Cooper once used a condom on the boat. The girls gave her a pass noting that she is not a teen and that it was a "closed group." Bonnie had actually thought of that on the trip, but she knew that was not really true. After all she'd had casual sex with someone not connected. But the guys had used condoms, even if she had not asked them to. Bonnie told the girls that was the case and though she'd said it before, she again pointed out that the two French men had both used condoms. Finally, Bonnie said "That's enough for now. Oh, one thing you need to know. Cooper had to sign a non-disclosure agreement saying he would not tell people about the trip. Even though I didn’t do that, I think you need to keep this between us.” Misty asked “What about Kelli?” “OK, you can tell her, but let her know it goes no further.” Bonnie then stood and said “You girls have homework to do. Misty gave her mom a hug and said "Thank you for being so honest with us. Your story is so amazing and I'm lucky to have a mom like you, even if you are a horny old cougar." Bonnie couldn’t help but laugh with them about that comment. One more time Caitlin declared how cool Bonnie was and this time added “and when I’m a mom, I hope I’m just like you, if that many good looking guys will have me.” Bonnie felt compelled to reply, "I predict this Bible Bob thing isn't going to be a permanent piece of your life. Just give her a chance to come back to herself. It is only a matter of time before she'll be skinny dipping in our pool...again. But the couple of times she and I did that Cooper wasn't home, next time he'll join us." Caitlin seemed surprised "Really, you guys went skinny dipping." Bonnie laughed, "Just a few times. And your mom is smok'n hot." Misty added,“ And Caitlin, you are just as beautiful and sexy as she is. I could give you a list of great looking guys who would give their three wishes to be with you. And besides, the Cuban guy was the only really hot guy mom's done it with.” With that she got up and put out her hand for Caitlin to come with her. Caitlin got up, then looked at Bonnie and in a serious tone said “Thanks Mrs. C. for letting me hear what you did. It’s nice to know there is someone who will talk to me like an adult. I’m glad I can talk to you about anything, the way it used to be.” She turned to follow Misty, then looked back and added “And she’s wrong, the Cuban guy isn’t the only hot guy in the pics, Mr. C. looked great, especially in the one with just the two of you. I’d do him if I had the chance.” Misty shot back with the exclamation “Gross!” In that particular picture she and Cooper were standing by the mainmast. In it his full erection was on display. Bonnie almost put in that was the last photo of a set where Judy had given Cooper a casual blow job while Bonnie watched. That was why his penis was at full staff, and she had to agree that he looked very fuckable in that image. But she was done telling stories for the day and refrained from telling them how that picture came to be. Misty motioned for Caitlin to follow her up the stairs. Bonnie asked slyly “And where are you two going? Don’t you usually do homework at the table in the game room?” Misty stopped and turned. It was obvious that she was looking for the right come back. After a pause, she put her hands on her hips and in an aggressive tone she said “If you really want to know, first we are going to my room and get naked. Then I’m going to put my face in her crotch and stick my tongue as far up her pussy as it will go. After my tongue gets tired I’ll get the glass dildo and fuck her with it while I play with her clit until she begs me to stop. Is that plain enough?” then as an afterthought she looked at Caitlin who was clearly embarrassed and added “Does that sound good to you?” Caitlin looked at the floor and said “Yea, sounds right” then glanced up to Bonnie. Her smiling face evidently put Caitlin at ease. The pretty girl smiled back and followed Misty toward the stairs. Before they got completely out of sight Bonnie yelled to them “Do you have enough lube?” Misty glared “You just gotta have the last word don’t’ you. But, yea, we could use some lube if you have some handy.” “Just a second” Bonnie said, then disappeared into her bedroom. It took a little looking to find the bottle of chocolate flavored oil and a bottle of Astroglide. When she returned to the family room the girls were gone but she could hear them in the study. As soon as she walked in the room she could tell that Misty was getting back at her for asking what they were going to do. On the screen was a picture of Jill laying on the floor with her face in Bonnie's crotch. She decided it was best to say nothing as they ran through the 175 or so pics in that directory. The photos were very explicit, including close ups of her going down on both Jill and her husband. Lots of photos of her fucking Vic. Some of them showed his head just barely inside her little lips and others he was balls deep. There were toy pics, pics with Jill using the harness on Bonnie, pics of both women going down on Vic, and pics of about every position possible with a threesome, limited only by the use of the camera’s auto timer. All in all, it was a feat to keep her composure as the two girls commented on the positions and occasionally asking Bonnie a question. “Mrs. C, how long did it take you to get her to orgasm that way? Or “Did that hurt?” or “Mrs. C, you have hair down there in these pictures, but not in the new ones. Why did you shave it off?” Though it seemed longer, it took less than fifteen minutes before the girls were heading up the stairs, lube in hand. Bonnie went to the kitchen and began dicing the tomatoes for their Mexican dinner. It wasn’t much later that Cooper made it home from work. Lamar heard him come in and came out from the game room to challenge him to an auto racing video game. “Hang on son; let me get in the door first.” He said as he headed into the family room. After giving his wife a perfunctory kiss he asked about dinner, before going to the bedroom to change. She followed him in and began to tell him about the email from the LeMarco’s and the party. Together they recalled what Tina had told them about the after cruise party. Cooper said “You can never predict what Judy will put together.” Bonnie agreed adding “The big difference is there will be more people, remember she said they invite the people who have gone with them on past cruises as well. It ought to be fun.” She went on to tell him about the pictures that came with the email, which Cooper could not wait to see. In passing he asked about the car out front. Bonnie said it was Caitlin’s." “Oh, Caitlin’s here? You know I haven’t seen her in what? Two years?” Cooper commented as he looked through the new pics on the computer. “She started coming occasionally last summer but you were never home when she was here. She just got her driver's license and her father bought her that car so that she could start driving to Milledgeville and work at his tire store part time. Now she's got transportation, my guess is we will be seeing a lot more of her. She’s grown up a lot since you’ve seen her. She’s a real looker now, just like her mom.” “I like this one” Cooper said as he opened the first nude group photo. As he continued through them he commented several times how good Bonnie looked. “Those young girls have nothing on you” he said as he grabbed her ass. “When is supper?” “It’s ready but I thought I’d give the girls a few more minutes to play before I interrupt them.” Bonnie said sitting down on the futon. Cooper was now opening his email and not really focused on what Bonnie was saying. After deleting several spam messages he said “What are they playing?”, not really caring, but just making conversation. “With each other” She said nonchalantly so as to see how long it took Cooper to follow. He was reading the message from the LeMarco’s and didn’t give very much attention to her answer. It was after he closed down the email program and swiveled around to Bonnie that he gave any thought to her answer. “What did you say they were doing?” Bonnie smiled broadly, “You weren’t listening to me were you?” “I was …sort of” he said bashfully. “I said they were playing with each other.” “Now what exactly do you mean by that?” he said in willful ignorance. “You know exactly what I mean. They are in her bed having sex.” “How would you know that?” Now annoyed Bonnie answered “Because they said that is what they were going to do.” Cooper thinking she was playing some sort of game with him was also getting put out. “Right, they just said ‘Mom, we are going upstairs to screw." Now she was more than a little put out. “She didn’t use those words. Her exact statement was that she was going to stick her tongue up Caitlin’s pussy as far as she could reach, then eat her out till her mouth got tired, then fuck her with my glass dildo till she waddled. So yes she did tell me they were going to have sex.” and then she went into the conversation that had been going on for the last few hours. She was glad to put him in his place. She wondered why sometimes he could be so annoying and at other times so great. Cooper was taking the deluge of information in and trying to predict what the right response would be. He knew there was one right response, or at least the response Bonnie wanted him to say, but he wasn’t sure what it was. It was very unnerving that his little girl was, at that very moment, having sex with Caitlin. He and Bonnie had discussed her sexual activities in the late summer when she and Kelli had begun having sex. But since Bonnie never brought it back up and Misty never talked about it around him, he could just pretend it wasn’t happening. But today she up front announced she is going to her room to go down on her oldest friend. On the other hand Cooper and she had decided that just like when Brian was a teenager, that their home should be open and unashamed about sex. Yes, he knew it was true since the kids were small they had made a point to treat sex as normal. So why should he be surprise that his sixteen year old daughter would act on what he and Bonnie had taught her. That was a good thing. Right? And Misty had waited until she was sixteen to become sexually active. And now she was close to turning seventeen and on top of that, there was no way she could get pregnant from having sex with a girl. That was also a positive. One problem was that his memory of Caitlin was of that grade school kid. “But Caitlin is just a little girl” Cooper said out loud as he pictured Caitlin as he’d last seen her. “Believe me, sweetie, I saw her swimming in the nude last summer. She has a more grown up body than I do.” “Really? It is odd how fast it all happens. Well I guess I need to spend more time around the house.” Cooper said closing the computer’s picture viewer. Bonnie slapped his arm, “I wouldn’t put it past you to spy on your daughter’s friends. Men, you are all the same.” Cooper didn’t even try to dodge that one. It wasn’t what he’d meant, but he was sure she knew that. “Let’s get the food on the table and call them when we are done.” While setting the table Bonnie brought up Kelli’s offer to let Misty join her and Cody in the bed. “I hate when I’ve boxed myself in” he said. “We have repeatedly told her that we would support her when she decides to become sexually active. I’m the one who told her that it is better to have her first sexual experiences with friends who she knows and trusts.” ”So what does that mean if she asks for your opinion?" “I’ll say to trust yourself and do what you will be proud of in the future; the same thing I always say.” Bonnie pushed the point “and if that means Kelli and Cody spends the night with Misty this weekend you’ll be OK with it?” ”I guess I’ll have to, won’t I?” Cooper said with an air of resignation. From what Bonnie had told him about what had happened while they were on their trip, it was pretty clear what would happen now. Ten minutes later, Bonnie stepped quietly as she approached her daughter’s door. She didn’t hear any telltale signs of sex through the door. She gently knocked on the door and said “Girls, supper is on the table.” Misty’s voice came clearly from the other side of the door “Come on in Mom.” Bonnie reached for the handle, it seemed apparent to her that the girls really had not done what they said they were going to do. Part of her was relieved, but another part was disappointed. When the door swung open and she looked in, it was more than obvious her initial judgment was wrong. The girls had indeed done what they said they were going to do. The bed covers were thrown off the side. Misty was propped up on the bed’s headboard her chest heaving from hard breathing. Caitlin lay between Misty’s outstretched legs, her head resting on Misty’s breasts. Both were covered with sweat, and completely naked. Caitlin’s skin glowed pink and her small nipples stood out erect, as did Misty’s two pencil-erasers. If Bonnie hadn’t spent a whole week in the presence of people having sex in front of her, this might have been too much visual information; but as it was, it was not off-putting. Sensual? Yes. Beautiful? Yes. Offensive? Not at all. Two things stood out when she looked at Caitlin. First was that her breasts were clearly larger than they had been during the summer, full ‘DD’ to be sure. They now, even at her age could not stand out erect but took on the teardrop shape of a woman with large natural breasts. In the summer Caitlin had been shaved smooth like Misty, but now she sported a neatly trimmed bright red strip. Bonnie could not help but to think how attractive the addition of the little bit of pubic hair looked, and the shocking red certainly drew attention to her pubis. The after-sex glow was radiating from both girls. Bonnie didn't know when her daughter had ever looked more beautiful. With an excited voice, if somewhat breathy Misty said, “We didn’t get to the dildo yet, but she kicked my butt with her tongue. She is great at that, and she's still new to giving a girl oral sex.” Bonnie truthfully replied “I’m glad you had a good time, but it’s time to eat….dinner I mean.” Misty and Caitlin both got the joke and laughed uproariously. Caitlin said, “Everything your mom says makes me love her more!”. “OK Mom” and Misty rolled over to stand. Bonnie’s response was to say “Caitlin, I love the pubic hair on you. You really should keep it.” Caitlin sat up and ran her fingers through the curly orange hairs. “I don’t know, its just so red. I can’t imagine hanging out nude this summer like this.” “Oh you really should” Bonnie said. “It is like a statement of pride in your Celtic heritage. Beyond that it is terribly sexy.” Misty agreed “She’s right. It is sexy and you really should show it off this summer.” Still standing in the doorway, Bonnie recalled Judy’s offer to Brian and his girlfriend to come to dinner nude when she‘d found them in bed naked the first time. As both a joke and a serious attempt to stake her ground she told Caitlin “You know you two are free to come to the table unclothed like that, but it’s a bit chilly down stairs.” Caitlin stood up, possibly a half a summer of swimming topless and the few weeks of swimming nude at the Campbell home helped her feel comfortable with her nudity. Or had nudity been common at her own home prior to the arrival of Bible Bill? Or was it, as Bonnie mused, the fact she felt safe and accepted here? “I think I’ll put my clothes back on, otherwise Misty and I will never get started on the history project” Caitlin said before she began to search under the fallen covers for her clothes. In the kitchen the taco makings were laid out buffet style on the island. Thus the nature of the dinner caused the dining table to be filled one by one. Cooper, who had been waiting for the food for some time, was eating by the time Bonnie and the girls got down. Bonnie told her husband “Sorry it took so long, Caitlin couldn’t find her panty’s. They'd been in such a hurry to get down to business that one of them had kicked them under the bed." Bonnie hoped that would let the girls know that it was OK to talk around Misty's father. Cooper saw that Bonnie hadn’t exaggerated the transformation in Caitlin. She had indeed grown up and looked so much like her mother. He rather wished his wife had not given that broad hint that she'd found the girls fully undressed. He didn’t like the thought that came to his head uninvited. It took him a moment to quash the question about what she had looked like naked just a little while ago. Once the girls were seated Bonnie again attempted to push the conversation. “Well Cooper, Caitlin thought your photos were hot. See, I told you Heather isn't the only young girl who thinks you look good.” Caitlin blushed and looked away. Once again Bonnie feared she had gone too far. Misty stepped in the breach as she set down her plate saying “Well Dad, sounds like you had a great time on your trip. What was your favorite part?” “Oh, I don’t know, I think just sailing on that great old yacht was a once in a life time experience” he answered. Misty wasn’t’ about to let him skate out of the question that easily. “So having sex with a great looking girl who is just about my age wasn’t memorable?” Cooper really was on the spot now, but he could not seem the hypocrite. “If you must know, that part was certainly nice” Cooper said between bites. “But, you shouldn’t confuse youth and beauty with being good as a lover. The first time with Tina was probably the single most exciting moment for me. She and I have been close for a long time and though I’d never given it any reign, there was years of sexual tenson there. If you’re asking about the best sex, it would have to be the ménage à trois with Heather and your mother on the sun bed.” He looked right at his daughter to see her response. It was subtle, but he was sure she was not expecting something so frank. Cooper, like Bonnie, was intentionally pushing himself way beyond his comfort level; however, like Bonnie had done, afterward he became concerned about how Caitlin would react. Bonnie stepped in to change the conversation yet again. “Misty,” Bonnie said, “I think we need to go on-line and either find a new set of toys for me or let you pick out some to be your own. It’s just a bit annoying that I have to go looking when I want them.” “Cool, like, could I order some color coordinated ones? But I would really like to keep the Magic Wand, unless we can find a new one” Misty answered. Caitlin leaned over to Misty and said something in a quiet voice. Misty then said aloud “We need to make sure you get one of the torpedo shaped vibrators that have the little clit extension, it’s her favorite” Caitlin blushed and looked at her food. Bonnie assured her “Oh yes, there is something about those. They are usually called a rabbit. Don't ask me why.” Caitlin looked up with appreciation for the affirmation and Bonnie continued “Maybe we can see that you get a late Christmas present as well. Can’t have you always needing to borrow a toy.” “What kind of toy?” Lamar said walking over to the dining room table, plate heaped with tacos and ear buds sill in his ears. “None of your business” Misty snapped at her brother. Cooper corrected her immediately, “Misty, that was not nice.” Then he looked at Lamar and said “Don’t worry, just girl stuff. You don't want to know.” With Lamar present the conversation shifted to more traditional matters for a good while. However, when Caitlin mentioned something about one of the outfits she had seen in the pictures from their trip; Lamar insisted on being told where the pictures had come from and where were they so he could see. Once he found out he gobbled down the rest of his food and raced to the study. But before he could get out of the kitchen Cooper stopped him. “Son, listen to me, this is very important. Those photos cannot - I repeat - cannot be sent to anyone. They are numerically watermarked and it has been made clear to me that if even one of those photos ends up on the web I will lose my job. Do you understand how serious that is?” Lamar’s face relayed he understood the gravity “OK Dad, I understand.” “Good, remember we let you look at photos most parents would not, do not abuse our trust” “OK Dad” and he scurried off to see the naked photos. Cooper looked over to Bonnie “I just hope he waits to get to his room before beating off.” That made everyone laugh. Caitlin said “Is this the normal dinner conversation? If so, I want to come over more often.” Bonnie answered “Not really, well at least in the past; but, who knows maybe it will become the norm. However, we don’t have sit down dinner more than once or twice per week, but you’ve known since you were eight that you are always welcome here.” "Now that I have a car, you might see more of me than you want." Bonnie could not resist saying, "Caitlin, I saw all of you just a few minutes ago and I can assure you that the more I see of you the better." Misty ignored her mother's comment and continued the prior conversation “I do remember for weeks after our trip to Miami sexy tidbits kept falling out at the table. I won't complain if that starts happening again." Bonnie nodded. "Yes Misty, I expect it will. So how's this for a start, have you decided what you are going to do about Kelli and Cody’s threesome offer?” “I don’t know, what do you guys think?” her daughter asked. To Bonnie the fact she was asking was quite a victory. Bonnie looked at her husband “Cooper?” And Cooper answered exactly as he said he would with the added caveat “Just be sure that this is what Kelli wants. I would not like to see your relationship ruined over this.” Caitlin added “Last night, Kelli, Rebecca and I had a group Skype and we talked about this for about an hour” ”So I’m the center of gossip?” Misty said in an annoyed tone “Will she or wont she?” “No that wasn’t the issue at all,” Caitlin replied. “We are all absolutely sure you will, the question was about Kelli. And after some talk she was sure that her relationship with you is stronger and more permanent to her than her relationship with Cody. She is more worried that her relationship with him will suffer. She doesn’t think it is quite OK with him that she plays with girls too, but she has no intention of quitting. In the end she said after last week there is no going back and this is probably the best way to maintain her relationship with Cody.” “So, you guys are that sure I will just jump on Cody’s dick?” Misty said plainly. “Yea! We are. We know you. Kelli told us she could see how much you wanted to do it last time.” “Mom! Can you believe this; they think they know me that well” Misty said with phony outrage. “I suspect they are right. Aren’t they?” her mother replied. “Well, yes. They’re right” she grinned. “But that’s not the point. I don’t think there was ever any question in my mind. I just wanted to look like I was deliberating” Misty said with a sheepish smile. “I am so excited. It’s like I said before, none of the guys who have been wanting to do me have made me die with anticipation, so I’ve said no. Now, I’m like way ready to do it.” “So with that settled” Bonnie said firmly before she laid out her plan, “Call Kelli and see if she can go out with us to the mall in Macon after school tomorrow. We can go to the Victoria's Secret store and get you two properly outfitted for a night of ménage à trois. Tomorrow is Thursday so we can get you set up for Kelli to spend the night Friday night. I’ll call Nana Campbell and see if Lamar can spend the night with her. That will give you guys the whole kids wing to yourselves.” Caitlin once again swore she wished her mother would go back to the way she used to be and act like Bonnie. They got no homework done on their project that evening, but they did use the glass dildo to good effect. Even before the girls had gone upstairs to “study” some more, Lamar was asking Mom to come tell him about the photos and the trip. Once in the study, she found there was a third batch of photos, again almost all nude, but still none showing sex. She found herself giving the same narrative she'd given his sister, but with far less detail. She and Lamar had always been close and she was not uncomfortable telling him about having sex with a total of nine different people in a week. Still it was different than with Misty. With Misty, she had told it as she would to someone her own age, where with Lamar she geared it down knowing he would have no frame of reference for much of what she had told the girls. Lamar’s questions revealed a much less sophisticated understanding of sex than his sister’s. That was to be expected, but she was concerned that some of his questions appeared to reflect a “porn reality” rather than how sex really works in the lives of real people. She was pleased that he clearly fixated on the photos of Heather. On one hand she was relatively near his age, since she was virtually a high school student; but, on the other hand she was the only one who was unrealistically beautiful. Not that she wasn’t a real person, but rather she is not likely to be the kind of girl he knows at school. She decided she and Cooper would have to talk to Lamar about what is real and not real in sex. After she made that realization, she found herself telling the story in more realistic detail. She also told Lamar what she had told Misty about Mom and Dad’s agreement to be relaxed about nudity and sex at home, the same way they had been at the beach last summer. He asked what kind of changes that would entail, and she said “Not all that much really, the fact I told you all I just did is what we are talking about.” Lamar looked puzzled. “So what’s new? You’ve always been that way.” She was amused that Lamar saw nothing new while she and Cooper seemed to be stressing over this. Once she was finished with Lamar, Bonnie made the call to Kelli’s house and ended up talking to Kelli’s mom for over an hour. Though they had known each other from church since shortly after Bonnie had moved to Sparta as a new mother, she and Margret had actually become good friends when they had been co-class moms for the girls 4th grade class. Bonnie guided their talk to how big the girls had gotten and even made passing reference to the fact that the main reason to go to the mall was to get Misty some new, larger, bra’s. “It is unnerving how she is looking like a grown woman. I’m just glad our girls are not the kind that would let boys take advantage of them” she said. Even as she was speaking, she secretly thought ‘yea, the real danger is of the girls taking advantage of the boys. After working out that Kelli would be home for her 10:30 AM riding lesson on Saturday, the women exchanged good byes and hung up. So, Bonnie was paving the way for her daughter’s sexual debut. Unlike Cooper, she had no qualms, only a determination to make this as good an experience for her daughter as possible.

In Search of the Final Freedom A Socio-Political Novel Book One: Unlikely Revolutionaries Chapter 14 Open Marriage and Motherhood Bonnie...