A Sex-Positive Magazine by Professor Polyamory, Ph.D.
Our Decades of Open Marriage: Part 47
47 Yet Another Trip to Timberline The next weekend we made an unexpected trip back to Timberline Lodge because the couple we had shot in June, wanted more photos. We were all too happy to do so and take their money...again. As I usually find when I shoot a model a second time, things go smoother and the photos come out much better since everyone knows their roles. As before, the fact they were fit and very attractive made my job easier. They made a point to let me know that while driving down to the lodge, he'd put down the top of his BMW and both car and wife went topless for over an hour on the interstate. They both went on and on how fun it had been. I was particularly pleased with a scenario I set up in the lodge's clubhouse. Like the first time, I shot them they were late. This time, I had some bystanders help us to get some of the first nude portraits of Paula and I in several years. When they did arrive I had him wear his white dress shirt and tie, sitting at a table in the background, while I shot glamour photos of her as if he had just happened to catch my photo shoot. After she had stripped down to nothing, she went over to his table, seduced him, and gave him a blow job. Finally, he bent her over the club's cocktail table and fucked her. As I've said before, public sex is usually forbidden at the lodge, but I had obtained special permission to do this in the club. Of course, by the time we were done, we had good-sized audience watching as I shot photos and Paula worked the lights. Rather than go right back to the studio/playhouse, I decided to do a series of photos right in the lodge's main entryway, though I had not planned it to go that way, the glamour photos morphed into her giving him a blow job right in the doorway. The wife had bought more lingerie for the second shoot so we did a good deal of glamour stuff. As I'd noted last time, the wife was very expressive while they made love. I made a point when we were back in my "studio" to shoot a series of great shots of her faces of ecstasy while she rode him. Later I made it into a collage for them. The shoot was long and very tiring. By the time we were done, it was almost 1:00 and I was exhausted. Yes, I know you feel so sorry for me suffering through over three hours of shooting nudes and erotica, but really it is work. The highlight of my weekend was when a couple stopped me by the pool and said “You are the photographer aren’t you?” That was a normal question so I said yes I was, but they surprised me when they said “We read your Tumblr blog. That’s how we found out about this place”. I was tickled pink. Wow! I had never met someone who reads my little blog. It made my weekend. Paula and I had fun late in the day playing one-on-one naked volleyball in the swimming pool. We were really bad at it and the crowd around the pool got a good laugh, but a number of people told her how much they liked seeing her nice tits bounce up out of the water when she served. That made her feel good. At the Saturday night party, I had a great idea to get our friends together, and the new friends that read my blog, and have an orgy down in the play house. By then I had been going to Timberline Lodge for over a year and had yet to participate in a real orgy since going there. Our friends were game and I thought it would be fun. Unfortunately, at 11:00 PM Paula let me know that she was utterly exhausted and nixed the idea saying we were going to our room to sleep. Oh well. So it goes in the life of an open marriage. I did get two commitments for paid shoots later in the summer. So despite a lack of kinky sex, the weekend was successful.

47 Yet Another Trip to Timberline The next weekend we made an unexpected trip back to Timberline Lodge because the couple we had shot in...