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Let's talk about glamour and erotic photograhpy. If you post a photo tells us what about it makes it a great image.
I love taking nude selfies, but due to my limited area and times I find they are getting so repetitive. A few times, when I had some alone time I was able to brake out the good camera (not just my phone on timer) and take more ambitious pictures, but the opportunities are rare. I think I just need to get my creative juices flowing again. The lack of ability to get outside for pictures is part of the limitation. No sure if this is a rant, or lament or just rambling...
being nude in Vermont. I knew that yet what about complete sex in the streets too.
If I were to make an erotic video, I would want to document a sexual encounter between an attractive couple in a beautiful outdoor setting. I am thinking of a man and a woman, but the method could—and should—be used for portraying sexual pleasure between same-sex couples, groups of lovers, or fetish play.
The man and woman would be an actual couple. They should be in the greedy, honeymoon stage of their relationship. Each should be sexually experienced, a sexual enthusiast, familiar with the other’s body and desires, but still discovering new things about the partner's body, desires, and responses.
I said the couple should be attractive, but they should, more importantly, be interesting looking. I would rather film character than idealized beauty. Makeup would be minimal. I’m thinking of a forest setting with contrasts between dark and light, vegetation and stone, water and earth, and with the strong sense of space that comes from enclosure. (In "A Pattern Language," #106 Positive Outdoor Space, Christopher Alexander says, "Give each (space) some degree of enclosure using trees, hedges, fences, arcades, and trellised walks, until it becomes an entity with a positive quality and does not spill out indefinitely around corners." Nature does this randomly, but the videographer should be alert to the phenomenon, and use it to stage the lovers' arousal and climax.) The video would lovingly study their naked bodies as they stroll and explore their Eden, and follow them to the place where they make love.
This space could be a clearing on a little hill, mossy and surrounded by mature oaks. There would be beautiful views and pools of sun and shade. There would be richly patterned fabrics and outsized pillows waiting.
The couple would know that they are contributing to a work of art, but they should be artless and spontaneous. Their pleasure should be the absolute goal.
To this end, they will be surrounded by hidden cameras and microphones, and there would be long-lensed, human-operated cameras on the opposite hills, and a drone overhead. The point would be to photograph the event of the couple’s lovemaking, as it unfolds. This would not be the finished product, but the skeleton of the film that is to be.
Afterwards, the lovers and the director would view and discuss what they have produced. They will come up with a plan for shooting supplemental video. Then all would return to the forest setting, and the couple would reenact their lovemaking, working with the camera to give detail to the story of their fuck, to flesh out the skeleton. Crew would work inside the space where the lovers fuck. Necessary video would include closeups, different angles, faces during orgasm, etc.
The rest of the project would happen in the editing studio, using the various videos to tell the story of a couple’s joining.
I guess you would like the artful movies of You also find some of them at
lovely photographs