Woman uncovers texts showing incestuous relationship between her partner and his daughter | Stuff.co.nz While im not condoning this behaviour because in essense its a trust issue in a Monogomous relationship, i feel the partner in this has thrown two consenting adults under the bus so to speak and because they were jilted. A Man and his estranged 25 year old daughter are potentally going to jail because they had a sexual experance. Is that the best use of tax payers money?
Love to hear everyones thoughts on this one
good points in your articles
Pe mine m-a inițiat în tainele și arta sexului o mătușa, când aveam 16 ani ! Unchiul meu era de mulți ani impotent, iar ea era dornică și infometată după un organ sexual care să intre adânc în păsărici ei ! Mi-a plăcut foarte mult prima experiență sexuala pe care am avut-o cu ea !
I personally am a huge advocate for the legalization of consensual incest. The idea that people are still being persecuted for engaging in a behavior that is clearly natural for some families is beyond me.
This appears to be a case of genetic sexual attraction (GSA). The 'partner' that turned in the woman seem to act out of jealousy and wasn't thinking in terms of polyamory. There also seem to be plenty of authorities and media bringing their own form of exploitation of any story involving sex.
It's definitely one of those thought provoking topics. If "no means no" does "yes mean yes?" That is, if two adults enter into a consenting relationship can an outside party judge them?
One of my heroes suggested sex to another of my heroes, his daughter. Gregory Bateson and Mary Catherine Bateson had enjoyed a successful collaboration—hosting a cybernetics conference—and Gregory proposed to Cathy that they celebrate by making love. They continued to work together on two books, one—Where Angels Fear—completed by Mary Catherine after Gregory's death. In Angels Fear, she includes a series of conversations with Gregory's ghost in which they sound like a couple, Mary Catherine busting Gregory for laziness, violating his own rules, and sloppy syntax.
Romances between fathers and daughters are vanishingly rare, but even if they were common, they'd be nobody's business.