So while we are a pretty open and loving family, we do seem to have a disconnect when it comes to discussing sex. I have attempted to discuss relationships and sex with my children several times but I keep running in to road blocks in my head. The main one being how to have a honest discussion with out it backfiring on me. I grew up in a pretty liberal time. But choices around schooling and location have menymt that my children have grown to be a lot more restricted. Even the thought of doing the stuff we did as kids would have them tarnished as sex offenders and subjected to counciling and ridicule. Because of this I hold back on what I want to talk to them about. Lest someone take it the wrong way.
My question for this group is how do you move past that block. 🤔
Be clear in your own head as to what message or lesson you're trying to pass along. Also you and your spouse/partner should have a long honest talk as well before trying to explain whatever to your kids.
The I Ching often recommends "firm correctness," meaning that you have to be honest—with yourself, with others—when you do something difficult. That's a pretty tall order when dealing with sexuality, because we all have at least a little warped programming. I wish I could offer more than that. Pay attention, and be mindful.