Paula Fucks a Guys She Just Met...again.
I had gotten back from my May 2013 photo trip to the nudist resort on Saturday evening rather than Sunday as planned. I was surprised to find my lovely wife at home and not out with one of her guys as planned. She let me know her date, which was to meet a new guy, had been rescheduled for the next day.
On Sunday she left for her lunch date about 1:00. I had not heard from her by 5:00 she had not come home nor had I received a call from her. Since this date was with a guy she'd never met before and she had made it clear she was done with having sex with guys on a first date; I’d assumed she’d gone to her mother’s after lunch. I had not really been concerned, but thought I’d give her a call to see when she’d be home. Right off she told me she was still with the guy. I did not want her to think I was looking over her shoulder so I let her know I had expected to find her at her mother’s. With a giggle she told me “I’m having lots of fun” before she began laughing again.
So I casually asked “Oh, so are you guys fucking right now?”
She, continuing to giggle says “Well…..yea.”
It seems she broke her no sex on the first date rule that she had initiated the year before. She went on, evidently right in front of the man, to tell me how much she liked the way he had performed oral sex on her. Her exact words were “He’s really, really good.” Then she said she is having such a good time that it might be late tonight before she’s home. I told her I was happy she was having fun, and I was indeed happy for her. She closed with “Thanks for letting me do this” and, as always, “I love you.”
She made it home by about 8:30 PM, feeling quite happy with life in general, but ready for more sex. She practically dragged me to the bedroom where she, took off her pants and told me to go down on her. She'd learned to enjoy me eating her out after she'd had sex with other men almost as much as I did. The shiny film on her smooth labia told me what I would find, still I didn't hesitate to push my tongue up into her. As I suspected, the taste told me that they had not used condoms. She still had what she said were the remnants of him ejaculating in her no fewer than three times. They had checked into the hotel at just before 3:00 and had only really had a break from screwing when they got dinner at the Cracker Barrel near the hotel. Since his last orgasm had been the very last thing before she got dressed at just after 8:00, it had been about twenty minutes from then until I put my tongue in her. I found the taste of his semen was everywhere from her clit down to her anus, and all over her labial mound. It did not taste like I expected though. It was more bitter than any semen I'd tasted before. Although it didn’t taste good, it's pungency made it easier to detect inside her vagina and all over her vulva. I diligently kept working at it till I got it all. I chastised her about not using a condom; but that did not keep me from putting my fingers up into her to pull out the last of his sticky cum that was still deep in her after her drive home and my best efforts with my tongue.
The next day, I let her know that as much as I find it hot to eat her lover's semen out of her, I had to insist she return to carrying condoms in her purse all the time if she’s going to begin fucking on the first date again. “It is just too risky not to do so with casual sexual partners” I said. I was rather proud of my stand for safe sex, tepid as it was.
I don’t think she ever saw him again. But, she’d had a great day of sex with no shame and no remorse, and fortunately no STD's either.
Paula's sex on the first date was just a beginning. By the end of June of 2013, I realized that, without a doubt, Paula was as hot and wonton as she had been in years. So much was happening that my blog "updates" could not keep up. Only later I pulled together the updates I'd made on my blog from the first week of June for this narrative.
That week was rather typical of her pace that whole summer. Literally every day she talked and texted with no fewer than five different guys. One evening laying in bed, I heard her say into her phone “Yes, he knows, he’s right here with me.” In hearing her comment, I realized that three times in five days I had heard her say the same thing to different men. I had to remind myself while, for some reason, I am not jealous of my wife dating other men, the average guy would be offended and angry if his wife talked dirty to even one man on the phone, let alone a whole stable of them.
On Monday (Memorial Day) we went out on the lake with some friends. Paula asked me to shoot nude photos for her to send to her "boys". She had no shame in letting her friends know she was prepping five different guys to be potential lovers. Since it was a holiday, the lake was swarming with families and the Department of Natural Resources boats (i.e. the water police). So in the end all we did was a small set of topless photos. Sadly, I wasn't at my best and none of the pictures are much worth remembering.
Tuesday she met with her “regular” guy Mike and again they got each other off in the car as was their habit, but continued to play without having intercourse.
Wednesday she went out after work with one of the new guys. They just had dinner, but afterward he asked her to come to his place Friday to spend the night. She did not tell him yes or no. At home, she told me that she hadn’t yet decided if she wanted to have sex with him, but even as she talked I suspected she would.
She worked Thursday till dark and had to be at Victoria's Secret very early on Friday morning, so she did not go out that night.
She was home from work by 1:00 on Friday and let me know she had a dinner date. She left the house wearing a new mini-dress with no bra or panties underneath. She decided she wanted me to meet him before she said yes to sex, so the plan was that she and he would meet at his place and go out for some drinks before I met them for a late dinner.
However, the plan changed once she arrived at his place, an apartment near downtown. He showed her around his place but in the bedroom she surprised him when she pulled the dress over her head to show she wore nothing beneath it. As he described it later they “had a languid time together” making love. She said they kissed and talked, sucked and fucked in an unhurried manner for around ninety minutes before calling me to say where to meet them to eat.
Dinner was nice and he was very interesting. It was different meeting a new guy just after they had made love, not bad, just different. In a way it was less intense in that dinner was not foreplay but afterglow.
Paula was still in her mini-dress. Repeatedly she moved just so she would deliberately expose her smooth coochie to our young waiter and to several young couples as they passed by our table. I teased her she was being like Brittany or Lindsay Lohan showing off like that since that month both celebrities had been in the news after being photographed in short skirts and no panties.
After dinner we then went to a dive bar that doubles as a quazi-swinger hang out. Paula’s new friend told me he had dated a girl from this bar for a while and once had fucked her right on the dance floor with everyone watching. Unfortunately I don’t think he was comfortable with me being there though. He was right up front that he was new to the open-marriage scene and didn’t seem to know how he fit in with the two of us. Paula danced and I didn’t miss the opportunity to pull up her short skirt and show off her lack of undergarments. But, we didn’t stay late. He said he was going to call it a night and so Paula and I came home and had sex while she told me about all the details about what she had done with her new friend in bed.
Around noon the next day, Saturday, a couple of hours before she had to go to work, she came into my study and asked if I would shoot some pictures for her. I didn't even need to be told they were for one of her guys. I'd done this more than once. But, this was different. She wanted me to shoot photos of her masturbating using her Hitachi Magic Wand, her favorite vibrator. Right off she gets in the bed and starts to do her thing. Just looking I knew this was not going to be easy. I knew the quality of photos she expected, and this presented me quite a challenge.
I tried a few test shots using the flash. Not good. After some thought, I mounted my Nikon on my tripod and tried some with the overhead light on, I still didn't like it. All the while, Paula is buzzing away. I finally got the best images when I turned off the overhead light and used only the light from the window behind the bed.

Two problems remained, the garish pink Alice in Wonderland pillow case (it had been our daughters and I have no idea why it was in our bed) and our Caviler King Charles Spaniel who would not move from sitting on the pillow above Paula's head. I could have fixed either or both problems but it would mean disrupting my wife's fun. Paula had already cum once, and I dared not bother her. In the end I got a few nice photos and after she was done, she sent them to the guy who had requested it.

I'll close this chapter by noting that this narrative does not mention all the times she was with her "boys" that summer. It happened just too often for me to make notes of each event. Thus, now a couple of years later, I don't know how many men with whom she had sex, nor how many times she did them. I would ask her but I'm sure she doesn't know either. What I know for sure is that she hardly went a week without having sex with at least one of her many guys from late spring till fall when things settled down again.
Being a party to somebody else's masturbation is intimate and hot.
Paula, her Magic Wand and the dog in the two photos express the homely atmosphere of the intimate act of masturbation. The black and white photo with the focus on her breasts says that a mother can still pleasure herself without shame. An open marriage takes courage and compersion, especially when one partner has a higher libido than the other. You two worked it out perfectly and still love each other. Thank you for sharing.